Chapter 878 He Didn't Die 2
Seeing the bottles presented one by one in front of the examiner and Ye Wuzun, Nalan Yue clenched her fingers slightly, but then loosened them again. This is the elixir she risked her life to refine and she has confidence in herself!

And in the final level, she advanced in one fell swoop, breaking through to the master alchemist!
The invigilators, composed of elders and tutors on the stage, are whispering and whispering to each other, and sometimes they even quarrel.

Among so many identical bottles, Nalan Yue caught sight of her own at a glance - now her elixir is in the place of the first examiner, he looked at and sniffed at the same time, frowning and relaxing, finally seemed to think of it Something let out a long sigh.

The several mentors next to him were all attracted by his sigh, and took the elixir in his hand in confusion, and showed the same expression as him after taking it.

Several mentors and elders kept passing this bottle of elixir, their eyes were not surprised, but terrified, and in the end they really couldn't make up their minds, so they handed it over to Ye Wuzun!
The people below couldn't help being stunned when they saw that the elixir was handed over to Ye Wuzun. As we all know, only particularly good elixir is qualified to be judged by Ye Wuzun.

Is it...

"This elixir is either Beihuangge or Lan Xiner's!"

"I think so too... After all, it's not a genius-level pill, so why bother Venerable Ye Wu to judge it!"

"Oh my God, the Alchemy Branch is so insane! All the geniuses out there!"

Hearing the discussions around her, Nalan Yue couldn't help squinting her eyes, and stood quietly on the spot.

Leng Xi'er smiled arrogantly, as if the medicine in Ye Wuzun's hand belonged to her, but she also had this confidence, before the medicine was almost destroyed because of her nervousness, but she spent her whole life What I learned saved this tripod medicine!

"Guess, whose elixir is that!" Nalan Yue was staring at the bottle of elixir in Master's hand, when Beihuangge's voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

The man's voice was cold and full of coolness, but at this moment, he held back a hint of playfulness. He was very close to her, so close that Nalan Yue could smell the faint scent of herbs on his body.

Clean and crisp.

Nalan Yue pushed away without a trace, turned her head to look at his half-smile eyes, and said in a low voice, "Who do you think it belongs to, then it belongs to him!"

Don't think that she can't see that this man already knows who it is, but he just came to find a topic again.

Listening to what she said, Beihuangge smiled suddenly, that kind of smile was caught off guard and made people's eyes shine, "You are too smart, be careful no one will want you!"

"You are too cold, but you can also joke?"

Beihuangge's smile froze for an instant, and the corners of her mouth twitched, returning to her original coldness again.

Nalan Yue couldn't help shaking her head, but she couldn't deny that the man's smile was very attractive, like flowers blooming from the ice edge, cold but amazing!
"Hmph, that pill must belong to you, Big Brother Beihuang!" Leng Xi'er couldn't understand the two of them talking and laughing, so she immediately moved over and gave her a sweet smile.

Spit, this sound is so disgusting, I don't know how Beihuangge endured it!
Nalan Yue glanced at Beihuangge coldly, then silently turned her head away.

Beihuangge received her contemptuous gaze, and couldn't help trembling on her stern face, then frowned and looked at the fly in front of her with displeasure, "Get out! How many times have you said that the prince's surname is Bei!" Your uncle Beihuang !

Pfft——Nalan Yue couldn't help laughing at his serious look, and waited for me to look at the scolded Leng Xi'er with great interest.

(End of this chapter)

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