Chapter 882 He Didn't Die 6
"You should care about your last grade!" Nalan Yue stared at her arrogantly, and walked past her coldly.

You can't save face for this kind of slut, you have to use both dirty tricks and positive tricks together to make a bitch!
Sure enough, Leng Xi'er was so choked that she couldn't speak, trembling with anger, staring at Nalan Yue's back, wishing she could poke two holes out.

On the stage, the Great Elder looked at the astonished faces of the crowd, and couldn't help butting his beard and smiling. Wasn't he the same before, "Okay, the medicine refining competition is over here, is there any problem?"

Everyone looked at each other and simply shook their heads. They couldn't believe what else they could have.

Seeing that everyone had no doubts, the First Elder smiled with satisfaction, and just about to speak, he heard a nice male voice, and he couldn't help frowning.

"I want to know the difference between me and Nalan Yue."

Beihuangge strolled over with an elegant and dignified posture, and the huge and shining sun behind him was not as aura as the young man in front of him.

The Great Elder who was originally frowning frowned the moment he saw him, and became kind, "You really want to know?"


Beihuangge nodded, her eyes were clear and cold, the reason why she wanted to know the difference between her and Nalanyue was not because of jealousy, but because she wanted to find out her own shortcomings.

He is a student brought up by the Great Elder, and the Great Elder naturally understood his thoughts, so he asked him to come up, "This is Nalan Yue's test paper and the refined medicine, you will understand the gap between you when you look at it .”

Bei Huangge nodded and came up, and then the elder called Nalan Yue up, and gave her his test paper and elixir.

"If you two learn from each other, your progress will be even greater in the future!" the Great Elder said with a smile.

Nalan Yue took the paper and lowered her eyes. The handwriting on the paper was sharp and sharp, as if carved on it with a knife, which was very similar to his person.

Beihuangge made no mistakes in the previous questions, but he made a little mistake in the latter two questions about the fusion between herbs.

As long as he writes one more medicinal material, the mistake can be resolved, and his elixir...

Nalan Yue picked it up and smelled it, and observed it with her fingertips. The color was full and bright, and the smell was strong, but the mistakes she made were still the same as those on the test paper. He was not proficient enough in the fusion of herbs.

Other than that, he is exceptional!
And Beihuangge looked at the pills in his hands that were made by Nalanyue in amazement, thinking of the pills she used before, Beihuangge suddenly realized!
The reason why my elixir is not as good as hers is that I didn't take a fused neutral medicinal material!
And look at her who is three years younger than him... Beihuangge blushed!

"Nalanyue, please help me a lot in the future!" Beihuangge suddenly stepped forward, looking at her sincerely, fists still in hand.

"What are you doing!" Nalan Yue shrugged helplessly, and put down the test paper, besides, her medicine refining skills are not perfect, "We are half the same!"

"Then you promised me?"

"Do I have a choice..."

"Obviously, no!"


Nalan Yue couldn't help but roll her eyes, the cold and beautiful man is also acting like a rascal, sweat!
The medicine refining competition was over, the members of the Xiao family couldn't sit still, they stood up from their seats one after another, staring at Nalan Yue with cold faces.

Nalan Yue couldn't help suppressing the smile on her face, and looked back at them coldly.

 Xiaoyu: Power outage, typing in the dark...

(End of this chapter)

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