Chapter 884 His Confession 1
Nalan Yue was startled, staring blankly at the faint purple light, the corners of her eyes couldn't help getting moist.

This, isn't this Xiao Ziyu's most accustomed trick?

Is it...

Nalan Yue seemed to have suddenly thought of something and immediately looked up to the sky, but what caught her eyes was a faint purple light, which almost covered the entire sky, and there seemed to be a figure standing in it.

From a distance, it was blurry, but if you look carefully, you can really see that he is somewhat similar to Xiao Ziyu!
Could it be him?Nalan Yue hesitated.

At the same time, this purple light completely protected Nalan Yue, resolved the crisis, and at the same time chopped off the sword in Mrs. Xiao's hand to the ground.

"Who!" Mrs. Xiao was furious, and turned her head to stare at the cloud of purple smoke.

The people present were no exception, staring at the slowly dissipating smoke in mid-air, only to see the purple smoke fade away, revealing a tall figure.

Soon, as the purple smoke finally dissipated, his face was revealed, and everyone couldn't help but gasp.

Just because the man in midair is so beautiful!
The facial features are enchanting, exuding an aura of evil charm, especially the enchanting Bana flower at the corner of his eyes, the flower will shake as soon as he blinks, as if it is blooming.

She is so beautiful that she looks like a seductive goblin, but without a hint of femininity, her dark purple eyes are slightly shining like gems, her nose is straight, her thin lips are graceful, and her long eyelashes are slightly drooping.

When he raised his eyes to look at the crowd, the light that flashed in his pupils could actually sparkle their eyes.


These facial features are so similar to Xiao Ziyu's!

Everyone made amazing voices, but couldn't help being curious.

"Ziyu...?" When Mrs. Xiao saw the man's face clearly, these two words slipped out of her mouth, but then she seemed to think of something, and immediately shook her head, "Impossible! You are not him!"

Her son has always been as gentle as jade, how could he become a monster all of a sudden!

Ziyou has already walked from the air, as if the steps under her feet are not air, but steps, her gorgeous purple robe is slightly raised, and she walks step by step, as if purple flowers have bloomed.

Nalan Yue watched him walking towards her without blinking her eyes, the astonishment in her heart was no less than anyone else's!

Everyone in the world thinks that he is very similar to Xiao Ziyu, it's him and it's not him!
But Nalan Yue knew him, he was clearly... the man in the ice coffin!
On the stage, Ye Wuzun frowned and couldn't help shaking his head. Everything is inevitable after all. Is it going to repeat itself like before?
As he got closer and closer, Nalan Yue could see more clearly, there was a touch of flirtatious Bianhua in the corner of his eyes than before, but this Bianhua can also be tattooed or painted, can't it?
Except for this point, everything else is exactly the same as the man in the ice coffin!

But he is obviously dead... Otherwise, why would he be sealed in an ice coffin!

But now...

Nalan Yue frowned, this completely overturned her medical cognition, oh no, she can travel through time, so what's so magical about dying and resurrecting!
She suddenly felt relieved, and smiled wryly, anyway, she no longer believed in so-called science when she came here!
Murong Qing'er next to her couldn't help but tugged at her, and said in a low voice, "Isn't this the man in the ice coffin!!"

Although she asked, she had already affirmed it!
"It's him..." As soon as Nalan Yue finished speaking these two words, she raised her eyes and saw him standing in front of her eyes.

With such a close distance, the surroundings seemed to become quiet at that moment, Nalan Yue could no longer hear any sound, and could only look closely at him.

And he looked at her too.

Four eyes met, speechless for a long time.

"You..." Nalan Yue frowned again, suddenly had a bold guess in her heart, wanted to ask but didn't know how to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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