Chapter 886 His Confession 3
Not only Beihuangge, everyone present listened to their conversation just now, although they didn't understand what they were talking about, but everything revealed between the lines - the fact that he is Xiao Ziyu!
Mrs. Xiao and the Xiao family couldn't help but look at each other, and immediately stepped forward with concern, "Are you really Ziyu?"

Ziyou was annoyed by the question, so she gave a light "um" with an extremely indifferent expression.

To him, they were not his parents, at most Xiao Ziyu's parents, and he could only be polite.

What's more, they tried to kill Nalan Yue before, this is definitely not something she can bear!
"Oh my god, my son, how did you become like this!" Mrs. Xiao's eyes were slightly red, and she looked him over carefully. Seeing that he had changed slightly, but everything else was still the same, she couldn't help it. cry.

The Xiao family resident couldn't help asking, the corners of his slightly wrinkled eyes showed his love for him, "Ziyu, what have you been through!"

Ziyou frowned and looked at the second elder, and said casually, "It's just a madness, it's all right now."

Hearing that he was insane, Nalan Yue couldn't help squinting her eyes. It's okay to deceive others with this reason, but she can't!
She saw him being engulfed by the fire, and saw a man who was exactly like him in the ice coffin. All this made Nalan Yue think of a possibility—resurrecting the soul with a dead body!

You see, isn't she a living example!

"What! Bewitched! Let mother see if you're okay!" Mrs. Xiao screamed, her heart ached, and her hand was about to touch his pulse.

Ziyou dodged displeased, "Enough! I said it's fine!"

Mrs. Xiao had no choice but to let go of her hands in embarrassment.

"How can you talk to your mother like this, child..." The head of the Xiao family was originally full of joy for his lost son, but he couldn't help frowning when he saw his attitude.

"Don't talk about it, Ziyu must be too tired outside!" Mrs. Xiao looked at her son, her heart jumped for joy, she couldn't bear her husband to blame him, and said happily, "Son, go home with mother, we are here It's not rare! The Xiao family can't give you any cultivation resources you want!" Although Qinglong Academy is famous, she didn't approve of him coming here at the beginning.

"Young master, come back with us!"

"Young master, the Xiao family needs you..."

The members of the Xiao family also agreed, and no one knew if they were sincere or if they had any selfish intentions.

Ziyou's long eyes narrowed slightly, and she looked at the group of noisy people indifferently, "I don't need you to worry about me!"

He thought he was used to being free, so he didn't want to be restrained by this group of people, but... he turned his head and looked at Nalan Yue, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he might not be able to stay in Qinglong Academy.

Thinking of that person, Ziyou couldn't help frowning again and twisted a knot.

The Xiao family had a bad nose, Madam Xiao immediately stood in front of him again, showing a loving and soft smile, "Ziyu, go home with mother..."

Ziyou was silent, but her eyes glanced at Nalanyue, that cold girl standing under the golden sun.

All he could see was her existence, and everything else seemed to be just a ridiculous background board.

"Don't you want to let go of Nalanyue, the murderer who killed you?" Mrs. Xiao couldn't help raising her voice when she saw her son staring at her, and immediately drew out her sword to kill Nalanyue. You killed her!"

Just as she was about to make a move, Ziyou quickly raised her hand to stop her, "What are you going to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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