Chapter 889 His Confession 6
He immediately became vigilant, his eyes darkened for an instant, Nalan Yue saw it, and just smiled coldly.

She was just guessing, but Lan Xuan's tiny movements had already betrayed him.

It's just that she really has no evidence, otherwise, she will definitely let the world see the hideous face of the realm saint!

It's so disgusting, she pretends to be a white lotus flower, but in her heart she is a black-hearted lotus seed!

But she didn't have evidence, which doesn't mean that Ziyou didn't have one. His eyes narrowed slightly, and his deep purple eyes reflected a touch of coldness. He looked down at him in his hand, "You still don't admit it?"

"I didn't do anything, what do I have to admit!" Lan Xuan shouted, pulling his neck, looking like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water!
"Very good." Ziyou gave a half-praise.

His ruthless voice always makes people feel bad.

Even Nalan Yue felt the same way!

As if to correct their hearts, in the next second, Zi You flicked the complicated and overlapping cuffs lightly, and a jade slip-shaped thing fell to the ground, and it shattered on the ground with a "bang".

Everyone didn't understand what he meant, but after looking at it, they found that as the jade slip was broken, a person slowly appeared on the ground.

It seems to be a woman!

The reason why they said the word "like" was because they couldn't tell whether this person on the ground was a man or a woman, just because she was petite, she should be a woman!
For a moment, everyone present focused their attention on the trembling woman on the ground, wondering who it was.

On the ground, the woman's whole body was pitch-black, her flesh was writhing, her hair was disheveled, and she also gave off a disgusting burnt smell. It was extremely frightening. You didn't need to look carefully to know that she was burned like this by a fire!

The whole body is billowing and pitch black. It seems that it is very painful and has been curled up all the time, bending into a black shrimp, so no one can see any private parts.

However, judging from Nalan Yue's experience, even if he shows people positively, he probably won't be able to see anything glamorous. This person's genitals and lower body are burned most severely. If he is not treated in time, he may be disfigured body……

However, this person looks more and more familiar!
Nalan Yue stared at her for a long time, frowned, and it took her a long time to recognize who she was!
"Lan Xin'er!" Nalan Yue would never admit that she shouted so loudly on purpose!
That's right, haha, come, come, come, don't miss it if you pass by, today the saint of the realm plays self-immolation!Friends who have money will hold a money market, and those who have no money will hold a personal market!

"Fuck! The Saintess of the Realm?"

"how can that be!!"

The voices of the audience increased one by one, almost breaking the eardrums!

Nalan Yue watched the shocking effect with satisfaction, stared coldly at the painful Lan Xin'er, and couldn't help laughing out loud from the bottom of her heart.

Such a big fire can't kill you, can it?

That's good, why don't you die, just live your life like this, recognizing people as ghosts and not ghosts!

Nalan Yue showed a mischievous smile, looked at the audience who didn't quite believe it, and added fire again, "How could it not be her, you see, there is a red mole on her neck!"

When everyone was mentioned this way, they immediately stared at her face. Although it was said that her face was scorched black, the red mole was not affected at all. Instead, it became more and more flirtatious. It seemed to be a cinnabar mole!

In the past, Lan Xin'er was always proud of this mole, because it was the symbol of her becoming a saint. At that time, she wished that the whole mainland would know it. Well, now it has become a symbol that proves her!
(End of this chapter)

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