Chapter 892: Someone from the Territory 1
"Such a student is really a big failure of my Qinglong Academy, alas!"

"Isn't it? At the beginning, she knew how many good resources she had robbed by relying on the love of the third child, but you look at this time of refining medicine, heh, the result is actually the bottom!"

"I don't know if the third elder will climb up from the ground angrily if he finds out!"

"I think it's possible!"

Several elders chatted gossip, but no one mentioned the matter of saving Leng Xi'er.

How could Leng Xi'er not know the cold temperament of these elders, so she could only focus her hopes on Ye Wuzun, hoping that he would give her a word, as long as he said a word, she would be able to live!
"Master Ye Wu..."

Ye Wuzun looked at her with a begging face, without a trace of fluctuation in his eyes, that calm posture seemed to be that Leng Xi'er would die in front of him immediately, and he wouldn't even blink!
Mingming and Nalanyue are two kinds of treatment!
"My, save me...I am also...Qinglong, a...student of...the academy!" Leng Xi'er was strangled by Ziyou's neck, her face was flushed, and it was hard to breathe, she said for a long time over.

"You're not." Ye Wuzun spat out, his eyes were ruthless, but Leng Xi'er was terrified.

Looking at him in puzzlement, breathing hard, almost dying, "My lord, you, you, what... mean!"

"When you slandered Nalan Yue and the entire Qinglong Academy to the Xiao family, you should understand that you are no longer a student of Qinglong Academy." Ye Wuzun explained indifferently, his calm eyes were like the windless sea, silent Deep and terrible.

"No—" Leng Xi'er struggled in pain and let out a terrifying roar.

The people around her didn't have any sympathy for her, because she and Lan Xuan reported to Xiao's family, which clearly meant that the academy was protecting Nalanyue, which not only harmed Nalanyue, but also dragged Qinglong Academy into the water!

Especially the stubborn old fellows of the elders group, who value the reputation of the academy more than anything else, otherwise they wouldn't have kept saying that they wanted to drive Nalanyue away!

"The last words are finished? Then you should go on your way..." Ziyou smiled coldly, glanced at her, then glanced at the two brothers and sisters Lan Xuan, and immediately gathered the three of them together, ready to kill them together!
To save them from staying and harming Yue'er.

The purple light appeared in the palm of his hand, vaguely reflecting his coquettish face, the flowers on the other side in the corners of his eyes were blooming thickly, who knew that before he could make a move, the sky above his head was suddenly dark!

This came suddenly, without warning, and people couldn't help wiping off their sweat and looking up at the sky.

Even big figures like Ye Wuzun who were present at the scene looked at the sky with complicated expressions.

Different from the others, Ye Wuzun silently glanced at Nalan Yue, his eyes fixed on her gentle and charming face, this face...

No one saw that a small golden ladybug-like thing flew towards the back of Nalan Yue's neck, paused there for half a second, and then flew back to Ye Wuzun's cuff.

His thin lips curled up slightly, and he watched with satisfaction that Nalan Yue's face had changed. The originally beautiful face turned into an incomparably ordinary one, and there were even a few small freckles at the corners of her eyes.

The appearance is not too ugly, but compared with her stunning beauty before, it looks ugly.

So, there are no ugly people in this world, just because there are beautiful people for comparison!

Because the sky suddenly darkened, all the attention was here, so no one noticed the change of Nalan Yue, not even Nalan Yue himself!
 Author's words

(End of this chapter)

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