Chapter 912 Practice 1
Nalan Yue is depressed!
And all the bad friends who were around in front of me scattered, what kind of group was formed to collect the magic crystal coins, and they agreed to hug my sister's thighs, and when they heard that she would be promoted to a master alchemist, they all ran away!

In fact, once the entrance competition is over, the time for class is reduced, and more is for students to practice on their own, such as swiping magic crystal coins to enter the Linglong Tower to practice, or studying by themselves in the library.

At this time, the instructors are the most leisurely, and they only need to give them a little guidance. They don't know modern teaching, and feed them into the students' mouths bit by bit. Here they can only rely on their own consciousness!

Only in this way can they truly understand what kind of continent this is - tiger meat preys on the strong, and the strong are respected!
The people around were almost astigmatized, and Nalan Yue was not in the mood to stay in the classroom because of the task assigned by her master, and was about to go back to the villa to pack her things, so that she could enter Linglong Pagoda to practice tomorrow.

As soon as she was about to leave, she was dragged to the nearby cherry blossom forest by Murong Qing'er Fengchu and several other friends. The cherry blossoms in the sky did not wither due to the season, but bloomed just right.

There is a touch of white in the pink petals, flying down from the branches all over the sky, and the sky in the distance is as red as blood, reflecting the sky and the earth.

And Nalan Yue was dragged under the cherry blossom tree by several people. The cherry blossoms were pink and tender, but they couldn't compare to the alluring posture of the girl in the blue skirt. The romantic petals fell on her shoulders with the wind.

And Beihuangge gently blows the petals off her shoulders from behind her. The movement of the tower blowing slightly and the speed at which the petals fall seem to be pulled in slow motion, beautiful and harmonious.

The warm breath made Nalan Yue's ears itch, and the whole picture was like a painting, so beautiful that it was hard to break it.

When Nalan Yue was about to turn her head, the boy had already stepped up from behind her, standing with Murong Qing'er and the others.

Even with the presence of two beautiful men, Feng Chu and Meng Luo, his handsomeness would not be dimmed by an inch, and his demeanor was outstanding and cold, but when he looked at her, there was an imperceptible softness in his eyes.

She was slightly stunned, thinking of Beihuangge's actions just now, it was too ambiguous...

However, Nalan Yue stared at him closely, but found that the boy's eyes were terribly clean, and he didn't seem to notice any ambiguity in his actions just now.

Nalan Yue suddenly felt that she was thinking too much, too filthy, maybe she had obsessive-compulsive disorder and was upset that a petal fell on her shoulder!

If Beihuangge wanted to know that Nalanyue believed that his action of blowing flowers was obsessive-compulsive disorder, I wonder if he would spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot!
Ignoring Beihuangge, Nalan Yue looked at the few friends in front of her, folded her arms and squinted her eyes, "What are you going to do?"

"..." Why is there a sense of sight that they want to play hooligans!
Murong Qing'er and the others quickly ran away with unhealthy thoughts in their heads, looked at her, and waited to look at her seriously.

Nalan Yue's scalp felt numb just looking at it!

"If you have something to say!"

"Ahem, Boss, you must be promoted to Grandmaster Alchemist in three months, we are waiting for you!"

"Yeah, Yueyue, look at my poor little eyes!" Feng Chu acted cutely.

"Yueyue, don't forget, you are the one we want to hug!" Meng Luo held Lizi in his arms, showing sly eyes.

"Well, add me!" Beihuangge said coolly from the side, with a cold face and slightly curved lips.

(End of this chapter)

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