Chapter 928 The Most Powerful Fake 1
Her eyes were flushed, and she held her head with her hands, "Shut up, don't say any more!"

"Why didn't you say..." Nalan Yue curled her lips with a cold expression.

No one knows better than herself, how deep the impact of this incident will be!

"You will regret it!" The fake raised his head coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes, and threw out the whip in his hand, "Go to hell!!"

This incident was like a scar, but now Nalan Yue tore it bloody, the fake was naturally affected.

And Nalan Yue's mood was not very good, she once thought that she had already buried these things in that world, but when it was brought up again, she found that her hatred had not diminished at all!
Such a discovery is very bad for Nalan Yue, very bad!

In front of the counterfeit has rushed up.

Nalan Yue narrowed her eyes slightly to resist her attack, and the two fought together again, fighting indiscriminately. The two identical faces were extremely stunning, and their eyes were equally icy.

The whip crackled and waved in mid-air, and from time to time there were low shouts of two people fighting.

Killing intent filled the sky, the sky was blood-colored, and the volcano in the distance immediately became turbulent after that muffled sound, making more violent noises.

The whole volcano was trembling slightly, like an old man at the end of the day at first, but then there was a loud "rumbling" noise, and the fiery red magma became irritable.

The surrounding temperature rises again!
During the battle, Nalan Yue took the time to glance behind her, and saw bright red magma shooting out of the top of the volcano, straight into the sky.

More and more and hotter, the magma exploded at the top of the volcano, just like the moment when fireworks exploded, all the rocks on the surface were swallowed up.

All this and this scene all illustrate the fact that the volcano has awakened!
The volcano wakes up—

Nalan Yue frowned, there were no exits around, not even a living one, only this fake who looked exactly like her was left in front of her eyes!

The biggest possibility is to kill the fake, and she can go out!
But even though the fakes are fake, their combat power is not fake, and every move is especially ruthless.

Moreover, the two of them were at the foot of the volcano, and it only took a few minutes for the magma to rush over, and they would all be reduced to ashes.

Although this is the Linglong Pagoda, Nalan Yue also knew that if she died, she would really die in it!
She doesn't have the ability to turn the world upside down, and she can't let the volcano continue to sleep, so she can only kill the fake in these few minutes.

As for whether she can really go out after killing the fake, Nalan Yue has no time to think about these anymore!
Only a few minutes left!
Nalan Yue's eyes sank, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, she stared at the fake, "Your younger sister, whom I brought up with one hand, killed you, don't you feel heartache?"

How could there be no pain, but more hatred.

Nalan Yue couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

When the counterfeit heard her mention "third child" again, he immediately raised his head, his eyes were extremely fierce like a hungry wolf eating people.

It seems that this is the reverse scale of the fake, and it will kill you if you touch it!
"I'm going to kill you!!" The fake lost control and rushed forward like a madman.

This time, her moves didn't have any fancy moves, she even threw away the whip in her hand, and hit her with her bare hands.

Fist, leg raising, bending down, every movement is full of strong aura, making a simple set of military fists sharp and fierce by her.

(End of this chapter)

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