Chapter 937 The Final Result 5
"..." Ask again, but no one pays any attention to her!
Go crazy, go crazy... Hearing her growl, Nalan Yue hastily said from the bottom of her heart with malicious intentions.

But this fake didn't go crazy like he thought, but calmed down instead.

She looked around with the same clear eyes as Nalan Yue, and took out her trump card, "Don't you want to see your male god? If you want to, then come out. I'll take you to find him..."

"If you don't come out again, I will leave!" Gritting his teeth, the fake spit out threatening words.

She thought that Nalan Yue would definitely not be able to resist such a threat, but she was disappointed. Her words seemed to sink into the sea, without any response.

Just when she was about to catch Nalan back in person, suddenly, the wind speed behind her suddenly became faster, blowing a chill on her back, the fake turned her head immediately, and shouted violently, "Is that you, Nalanyue, get out of here!" come out!

The last word was stuck in the throat abruptly by the fake.


Nalan Yue had already held her throat with a sharp long sword, and she flew up directly from the ground, but her body was not stained with dust, her eyes narrowed with a half-smile, "My girl, get out, can you take it again?" How am I?"

Nalan Yue blew on the long sword playfully, her expression was extremely cold.

The fake snorted coldly, but also understood that Nalan Yue didn't have her way at all, "I know I can't lie to you, but you are too young to kill me!"

"Really?" Nalan Yue raised the corners of her lips coolly, and the long sword was already stabbing forward, seeing that the long sword was about to pierce her throat, but the fake moved one step faster, "The branches and leaves are dancing..."

With a loud shout in her mouth, the quiet ancient trees around suddenly moved, and the dark green branches frantically shook, just like men and women shaking their heads frantically in the bar, the slender branches moved towards Nalan Yue in a disorderly manner. When the call came, the long sword in her hand fell to the ground with a "smooth".

Not to mention stabbing fakes to death!

The surrounding branches surged up like crazy, and even every branch began to mutate, and the blood-red ones grew here, which was extremely terrifying. Once a person's skin was pierced, he would suck his blood until the person was sucked to death !
Nalan Yue has profound medical knowledge, how can she not know the viciousness of this mutated plant inside.

Damn, she just said it, this shows that the fake who looks quiet and fairy-like is actually full of bad water inside!

More and more branches surrounded Nalanyue, like entangled kelp, swarming around Nalanyue, Nalanyue gritted her teeth, waved her long sword, and flew into the air, the long sword in her hand didn't stop for a moment. don't come down!

But the counterfeit stood aside and watched the show, crossing her arms, seeing Nalan Yue surrounded by countless branches, her mood improved inexplicably, "This is the end of betrayal, Nalan Yue, you still have a chance, As long as you give in, I can let you go and even help you find Ye Jin!"

She would naturally look for Ye Jin, um, look for it by herself!In fact, her purpose is no different from other fakes, it is nothing more than to replace Nalan Yue!This is the rule set by the system, and no one can change it!
"Betrayal?" Nalan Yue, who was chopping the vines above, suddenly sneered, and the movements of his subordinates became more and more violent, "Fuck you, betrayal, when did this girl have sex with you!"

In other words, this fake is really interesting, and I wasn't on the same side as her, so why talk about betrayal, it's sick!And it's not light!
(End of this chapter)

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