Chapter 939 The Final Result 7
The fake also felt a strange power here, but she didn't put it on her body, because she was too confident, confident that Nalan Yue would not be able to get out of her flurry of branches and leaves, so she just regarded it as a branch Absorbed Nalan Yue's blood to enhance the attack power!
Until Nalan Yue suddenly shouted loudly, "The branches and leaves are dancing——"

Hearing that she actually said the name of her exercise, the fake woke up like a dream, quickly dropped the book, and looked up at Nalan Yue who was hanging in mid-air. Root noodles to hang!
Telling you to be so confident, telling you to want to watch cats and mice, telling you not to kill the grass from the beginning, now it's all right, Nalan Yue has turned over, and even secretly learned her tricks!

The fake immediately felt that a bolt from the blue was coming!

At this time, Nalan Yue was like a phoenix, shouting "Flying branches and leaves!", and then the vine that was about to pierce into her skin changed its direction and hit the fake.

"Damn it, it makes you smell like blood thorns often, let's see if it smells like a big tree..." Nalan Yue, who finally breathed a sigh of relief, immediately spoke venomously.

The counterfeit is not in the mood to argue with Nalan Yue, so he quickly raises his sword to resist, and the branches of "Shuashuashua" are cut to pieces!
Seeing this, Nalan Yue added some spiritual power, and the rattan's attack power suddenly increased!
The fake was forced to retreat steadily by the thorny blood vines, she wanted to summon the vines to use for herself again, but found strangely that no matter how many times she recited the mantra, those barbed vines still only listened to Nalan Yue command.

This discovery almost made the fake spit out old blood.

It's obvious that Nalan Yue stole her big tricks, but why doesn't she even recognize their real owners!

In fact, it is very simple. Although those rattans are spiritual, they are not the things of their own contracts after all. Naturally, they cannot recognize their owners. Anyone who masters the formula to control them can control them, but it is a coincidence that Nalan Yue directly Simply and rudely changed the formula into a more advanced one!

So, fakes have become low-level formulas, how can they be controlled!

Don't ask Nalan Yue how she did it, firstly, she draws inferences from one instance, and secondly, she has a strong ability to control wood elements in the sky!
In this way, those thorny blood vines will obey the control of fakes!

The fake product obviously hasn't recovered from this blow, and it can be said that she got into a dead end!

But Nalan Yue wouldn't give her any time to dig into the corner, she whispered the spell to control the blood vine again, "Blood vine, kill her—"

Nalanyue is not like her, she has to play with the enemy before killing her. Nalanyue only likes quick battles, wasting time for scum, that is a shameful behavior, huh, of course sometimes To satisfy one's YY psychology, of course it definitely does not mean the present!
The thorny blood vine faintly emits a strange red light, and it is about to stab the fake's body, and it will immediately suck up the fake's body...

This move was originally the biggest life-saving move of wood-type fakes, but it was learned by Nalan Yue, and it was upgraded. She couldn't resist at all. There was no way. Her skill!
Who told her that this is the second floor of Linglong Tower!

(End of this chapter)

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