Chapter 942 The Miko Clan Appears 2
At the same time, Green Bamboo Garden.

There is a large black screen on one wall, and Nalan Yue's figure is appearing, playing her situation in Linglong Tower like a movie!

And there is a figure standing behind the screen, his tranquil posture is like an ancient statue, only his long and narrow eyes are slightly narrowed, and a glimmer of dark light occasionally passes by.

Suddenly, he raised his arms slightly, and slowly wiped the girl's face across the screen. It was obviously just a layer of cold screen, but Ye Wuzun gently rubbed it with his fingertips, his expression was extremely soft, as if he was touching her face. It's not the screen, but Nalan Yue himself!
Who knows how long Nalan Yue has been in Linglong Pagoda, and how long Ye Wuzun has been standing here!

How many times before he saw her in danger and hurt, he wanted to destroy the entire Linglong Tower, but there was always a voice in his mind telling him... If he is kind to her now, he will harm her in the future !
At the same time, it also harmed the entire continent!

No matter what the reason is, Ye Wuzun told himself, not to be soft-hearted, not to be soft-hearted!

You must not soften your heart towards Nalan Yue...

Even if there is hatred in Nalan Yue's heart!
Nalan Yue didn't know that her master was always behind her along the way.

Now she has reached the top of the snow mountain, where the oxygen is thin and the wind is biting, it feels like a layer of skin has been peeled off her face. Nalan Yue is standing at the top, although the wind and snow are cold, she still laughs.

A snowflake mischievously floated onto her delicate lips, and instantly turned into water mist, only to hear Nalan Yue whisper, "It feels better to stand on a high place..."

Although the height is extremely cold, you can look down on everything, and you don't need to intrigue, and then we will slap you in the face if you disagree!
Hmm, her ideal is so noble!

Not much nonsense, Nalan Yue sat on the spot with her legs crossed, the snow was cold, but she didn't even wrinkle a single eyebrow.

You have to understand that almost all the strong people have come this way along the way, where is the fragrance of plum blossoms without suffering, except for those crooked cultivators of course!
Daxue Mountain contains rich ice elements. At this time, Nalan Yue is using these ice elements for herself. Countless silver ice elements surround her. From a distance, she looks like she is blooming on the top of the mountain. A Bingling flower, holy and noble!

It almost merges with the entire snow mountain!
I don't know how long it has been, but Nalan Yue still remains surrounded by ice elements, motionless.


Another figure appeared on the snow-capped mountain.

To be precise, it is not a human being!
It should be some kind of heterogeneous, or undeveloped individual!

She is petite and lovely, never more than fifty centimeters tall, wearing a pointed purple hat, and even her clothes are purple, full of mysterious feeling.

Dress up like the legendary little witch!

The purple pointed hat is unusually large. Wearing it on the head of such a dwarf, it seems to be covered with a huge mushroom umbrella, which perfectly covers her face. No one knows what she looks like.

In the icy and snowy wind and snow, the dwarf walked very easily, leaving no footprints on the flat snow.

It seems that they are walking towards Nalan Yue!

When Ye Wuzun saw the figure of the little witch, his beautiful pupils shrank instantly, and veins popped out of his firm and smooth forehead, and then he immediately called the doorman, "Go and bring the elder here! Hurry up!! "

(End of this chapter)

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