Chapter 944 The Miko Clan Appears 4
Then if she can use this golden light for her own use, maybe she can be one step closer to becoming a Grandmaster Alchemist!
In this way, she can't easily let go of the golden light. God knows when she will catch the golden light next time!
Because of this idea, Nalan Yue couldn't withdraw from cultivation.

On the outside, Ye Wuzun didn't know her thoughts, but he still couldn't help hiding his selfishness.

Even if Nalan Yue is not promoted, she must be safe...

It's a pity that he shouldn't and can't stop all this!


But this little little witch has already "swish" to Nalan Yue's side at this moment. Although the wide pointed hat firmly blocks her face, she can still feel that her small face is wrinkled, as if she is hesitating What.

Her low body walked around Nalan Yue twice, and finally she just lay down on the snow, dragging her chin with her hands as if she was thinking about something, and couldn't move her hands any more.

As for Nalan Yue, she couldn't even feel that the enemy was in front of her!

But she knew what the golden light in her body was, and it was the legendary element of light!
A bright element with super healing power!

The element of light, an element that only appears in legends, is actually on her body!Nalan Yue was so surprised that she almost fainted.

Fuck, every alchemist with the light element in the legend will be a god-level alchemist in the future!

If it can be turned into her own element, Nalan Yue can imagine how smooth her road to refining medicine will be in the future, but don't be ridiculous... This bright element is so arrogant and ruthless, it won't give it to her at all. Give Nalan Yue a chance to subdue him!
Nalan Yue only cared about going around in circles with the light element, but after a moment of hesitation, the little witch in front of her immediately pulled out an extremely small dagger!
Although the dagger is only the size of a human finger, but looking at the gloomy light of the knife, you know that this dagger is definitely not a joke!

With a cold face, the little witch walked towards Nalan Yue step by step, holding a dagger in her young palm.

The girl she wants to kill wears a purple bracelet, is the apprentice of Ye Wuzun, and has the scent of the blue demon flower on her body. It is almost the same as what the master described, but this appearance...

But there are some deviations from what the master said, which is why she hesitated just now!

Forget it, I would rather kill a thousand than spare a single person!

The little witch made up her mind to kill Nalan Yue!

Poor thing, Xiaoyue'er still didn't realize that the danger was coming soon, she was still dealing with the light element in her body, no matter what tricks she used, even the five-element array couldn't trap the light element.

Afterwards, she really had no other choice. When she was sweating profusely, she actually felt the surrounding barriers protecting her make violent noises!
Immediately after she heard a scream, Nalan Yue immediately became vigilant, knowing that there must be something attacking her, that's why the current situation happened!
She quickly withdrew from the cultivation state, but failed to break free from the barrier set by the light element several times.

Oh shit, Nalanyue couldn't help swearing, you said, if you want to subdue you, you won't give it up, but now this girl is going to go, and you still don't let me go!
what are you doing!
Nalan Yue didn't believe in evil, and wanted to break through the barrier again, but the barrier didn't move at all, even her hands were numb, but she still couldn't get out!

Also, she couldn't see what was going on outside, all she could see was a vast white world!
(End of this chapter)

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