Chapter 950 Successfully Promoted 5
"Master calm down, may I ask Master if it's the witch who messed up the matter?" Wei Ning knelt on the ground, carefully considering each word, for fear that if he said a wrong word, the master would bring his anger to himself.

"What are you talking about! Useless things..." The female voice inside was full of anger at first, but then she slowly sneered, and the faint sneer couldn't help but make people's scalp tingle, "Well, it's fun if you can't kill him, hehe...yes By the way, you said earlier that this woman named Nalan Yue may also be your enemy?"

Wei Ning didn't expect Master to care about her, so she was surprised and immediately replied, "Return to Master, although I'm not sure, but it's almost her!"

"That's really a coincidence. The woman I'm looking for has the same characteristics as your enemy, but they are just different in appearance... Maybe they are the same person!" The voice of the woman who claimed to be this seat was cold, but always There is a hint of ridicule.

Regardless of whether you are Nalan Yue or Qing Yue, you will definitely die!
Wei Ning lowered her long eyelashes, echoing Master's words, "Yes."

Ever since she transmigrated into this world a year ago, it was Master who saved her, and that's why she worshiped her as her teacher.The master taught her many things, and made her the young master of the witch clan, but the only request was to help her find someone——

Find a woman!
A stunning woman with a purple bracelet and a blue demon flower.

Master only mentioned women, these two characteristics!
It just so happened that she was also looking for a woman wearing a purple bracelet. In her previous life, she was her boss, the killer queen of the entire mercenary world, and the sister who was killed by her own hands!

Heh... I didn't expect that the woman Master was looking for had the same characteristics as the woman she was looking for!

The reason why she was sure that Nalan Yue would be on this continent was because of Venerable Ye Wu!Ye Wuzun is Nalan Yue's master, and he loves her extremely, Wei Ning doesn't know how clear this is.

From childhood to adulthood, he has satisfied all of Nalan Yue's demands, but as for her, he will not give her anything she wants, knowing that she likes him, but still ruthlessly rejects her.

Wei Ning couldn't help clenching her fists when she thought of the embarrassment of being rejected by her sweetheart when she confessed her love at the beginning.

It was because she failed to confess to Ye Wuzun, and then she inadvertently knew that Ye Wu liked Nalan Yue, you must know that they were master-student relationship at that time!

Hehe, is it forbidden love? How could she be willing to bear the infamy of him, so she can only kill Nalan Yue!Killed the elder sister who carried her out of the snow in the winter with his own hands, and killed the boss who was unwilling to get his hands stained with blood donation!
But, for the sake of love, what's the point of killing someone!

To this day, she still feels that she has done nothing wrong...

It's just that he didn't expect that after killing Nalan Yue, he was bumped into by the dead girl Qing'er, the second child, and ignited the newly developed bomb, dragging her to die together!

Thinking of the entanglement of grievances and resentments in the previous life, Wei Ning's eyes could not help but glow with hatred.

So when she met Ye Wuzun by chance, she knew that Nalan Yue must have lived on this continent, because Nalan Yue was someone Ye Wuzun liked, so how could he be willing to let her die? Woolen cloth!
It was also from then on that she secretly observed Ye Wuzun's every move, until she heard that Ye Wuzun had accepted an apprentice, she felt that that person was likely to be the boss of the ghost hand in the previous life! !
The sister who was killed by himself!

(End of this chapter)

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