Chapter 959 Gentleness 2
Everything is ready, now it's just a matter of putting the medicinal materials into the medicine cauldron! !
Nalan Yue's eyes were calm, like an ancient well thousands of years old, her slender and fair fingers steadily put the medicinal herbs into the cauldron, started a fire, adjusted the fire degree, fusion degree, added medicinal materials... a series of actions, hundreds of kinds The medicinal materials are almost the same, she has to distinguish the difference between them carefully before putting them into the medicinal cauldron!

The dazzling herbs can be easily distinguished in her hands. The first is because of her relatively strong mental power, and the second is because she has super healing light elements!
Time passed by little by little, although there was no distinction between day and night inside the space, but the outside had already revealed a layer of blue from the original day, and soon night fell quietly.

And Nalan Yue was still immersed in refining medicine.

Ye Jin was also still standing here.

Looking from behind, Ye Jin's tall body completely blocked Nalan Yue, making them look almost one.

The medicinal herbs are growing vigorously in the space, the little god tree and the little phoenix, they have returned to the space to sleep since they came out of the Linglong Tower! !

It seems that what this group of guys do most now is to sleep, even sometimes when Nalan Yue calls them, they are lazy and unwilling to move, and then they raise their eyelids to give her a response, just Asleep again!
The surroundings are quiet and beautiful, and there are faint spots of happiness swimming around.

Ye Jin stared closely at Nalan Yue, her gaze was burning hot, as if she wanted to melt her into her pupils, and never forget her...

I don't feel tired after watching it for a long time, but I feel more and more that every part of her is exquisite, from the upright and beautiful facial features to the delicate and flawless skin, every part is beautiful.

The man's lips couldn't help pursing slightly, and his long eyebrows couldn't help frowning when he thought of a bigger battle to come.

He really hated this girl...

Nalan Yue was immersed in refining medicine. In order to refine the master-level medicine, she swallowed a lot of medicine to supplement the spiritual energy.

Now she finally understands why grandmaster-level pills can only be refined when the strength reaches Wuzong—because without that strength, not only cannot subdue the medicine spirit produced by grandmaster-level pills, but more importantly, there is not enough source of spiritual energy If you continue to support, you will soon be exhausted and collapse!

Even though Na Lanyue reached the level of Wu Zong, she still swallowed several pills to replenish spiritual energy. There was no other reason, but her level of Wu Zong was too low, only one star!
If it is Wu Zong with five stars or above, then refining pills doesn't have to be as hard as her!
But no matter how you say it, up to now, Nalan Moon is going smoothly!

Nalan Yue breathed a sigh of relief when she finally felt the sound of the subtle fusion of medicinal materials, so it seems that her chance of successfully refining is at least half!
As for the remaining half... to see if it will give birth to the medicine spirit, if there is, then it is a success, if not, it is a failure!

When the medicinal materials were almost fused, Nalan Yue adjusted the divine fire to a suitable size, and then began to move the bright elements in the body, and the colorless element light spots fell into the invincible medicine cauldron!
The moment the bright element entered the medicine cauldron, the medicinal materials in it immediately surrounded the bright element like chicken blood, and Nalan Yue immediately used his mental power to condense the gathered potion!

(End of this chapter)

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