Chapter 12

Bai Li sat under the shade of a tree, with her head poised, her eyes staring straight ahead.

Last night, the master asked her to go to the sulfur spring alone, and the words he said are still in my ears... That's all!Anyway, it doesn't matter if I return to modern times after completing the task, as long as it lasts until she completes the task!
With the help of Xiao Li Dao, Ah Xuan's limbs and hamstrings are slowly recovering, and his skills have also become extraordinary. Bai Li can vaguely see Ah Xuan's palm style.

"What? You want to learn too?"

Bai Li shook her head lightly, but she was a little happy to see Ah Xuan alive and well.As for wielding knives and swords, she always likes to be quiet, and she is only suitable for holding a scalpel on the operating table.

"Master, is Ah Xuan one of your disciples?"

Smiling and shaking his head, "The old man is just looking at your face, girl, he is your wife after all!"

Bai Li thought to herself, her master really cares about face, he already knew that she and Ah Xuan are not husband and wife.

Ah Xuan seems to have heard Xiao Lidao's words, and half-kneeled respectfully in front of Xiao Lidao, "Senior, it doesn't matter if you don't accept me, but you saved my life, and I have the grace of rebuilding with you, and I will remember it in my heart." , will always regard you as a reborn parent."

"Hmph! If you can have no evil thoughts in your heart, just take good care of Ali!"

Bai Li looked at Ah Xuan silently.

The master said that if a person has hatred in his heart, if he lets it go, he will become a Buddha immediately, and if he can't let it go, he will destroy the world.

The master said that hatred will destroy a person, and the people around him, even the world, will suffer.

The master said, Ah Xuan has hatred.

However, the doctor's parental heart, can she let her watch Ah Xuan's deathly silence?

she can't!
She promised him that she would save him.

He tacitly promised her that she would live.

--I do not regret--

I stayed in the mountains for three months, midsummer has entered autumn, the flowers have faded, and the leaves have turned yellow. What remains the same is the flowers and plants that have not yet sprouted in front of the wooden house.

"Little ancestor, you are really tall!"

Xiao Lidao only has three things to do every day, eating, sleeping and planting flowers.But the flowers and plants are still unwilling to germinate.

Bai Li reads medical books every day and cultivates herbs. In ancient times, she really likes Chinese medicine more and more. Compared with Western medicine, Chinese medicine is magical, broad and profound, which fascinates her even more.

"If it doesn't grow in winter, I'm going to fail again this year!" Lidao smiled decadently.

"Master! Don't worry, if it doesn't grow this year, there will be next year!"

The knife in the smile smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid I can't wait that long."

"How come? The master wants to live until he becomes a master."

"Chengjing! Haha!" "Ah Li, it's been three months in a blink of an eye, and you've learned a lot."

"En." Bai Li gently closed the scroll, she knew that there is no banquet in the world that never ends.

"Girl, pack up now and let's go."

"In such a hurry?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, it's autumn in the mountains, it's dark and maybe it will rain soon! The rain on the mountain lasts for more than half a month at a time, and it will be too late for you to leave by then."

What he said with a smile was natural, but it sounded so far-fetched to Bai Li's ears.

"Now the world is in chaos, and the people at the foot of the mountain are displaced. After you learn to go down the mountain, you will save lives and heal the wounded."

"I will, master."

"Okay, master has to go and see if my hundred flowers have sprouted."

Bai Li sorted out the messy medical books, which she had memorized in her mind, so she didn't need to take them away. There were also some bottles and jars, which were the medicines she had prepared, which might be useful on the way.The only thing she wanted to take away was the six-faced Linglong, which contained the Qingling Pill, which was the only one left by the master.

Ah Xuan just stood quietly at the door, didn't speak, quietly waiting for Bai Li to pack her things. To him, Bai Li's packing was nothing more than reviewing everything.

After an unknown amount of time, Bai Li said, "Let's go."

Bai Li looked around, but there was no shadow of the knife in Xiao Li.I thought to myself, it’s okay if I don’t see it, parting makes people sad.

The backs of Ah Xuan and Bai Li gradually moved away, and a silent figure came out from the dense forest.

"Girl, don't be afraid that it will be hard to see each other today. It's been 30 years, and you can't avoid it."

Baili didn't know Lu Baili who was going down the mountain, and they all followed A Xuan.

As he got closer to the top of the mountain, Bai Li felt more flustered. "Ah Xuan, do you think Master will be okay?"

"will not."

"Why don't we turn back and have a look!" After saying that, Bai Li wanted to turn back, but Ah Xuan grabbed her arm.

"Senior wants us to leave, there must be his reasons, but if we don't find a place where we can shelter from the rain, we will be the ones who suffer."

Bai Li closed her breath and calmed her eyes, maybe it was because of her heart, her master never played cards according to the rules.Looking up at the sky, a small drop of rain fell on the tip of the nose, and the clouds were densely covered, forming a large black area.

"Master is right, it's going to rain!"

The two immediately quickened their pace. As soon as they entered the cave, the drizzle began to fall. It seems that they will spend the night in this cave tonight. The most important thing is that they have no dry firewood, which means they have to live in the dark spend the night in a cave.

The sky is getting darker and darker, the rain outside is ticking, and it doesn't mean to stop at all, it's a little cold and a little sleepy.

"Ah Xuan?" Bai Li tried to call out.


"I thought you were gone."

"I'm here."

"I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep, will you be here all the time?" Bai Li spoke in a very soft voice.

"Yes, I will always be here."

--I will always be here--

(End of this chapter)

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