prosperous medical woman

Chapter 35 We Are One Family

Chapter 35 We Are One Family
Bai Li was sitting on the cart, being pulled by a horse, watching the sky turn from blue to yellow, she fell asleep unconsciously, and when she opened her eyes again, she found that she was already in a strange house.

The strange house, the simple bed, the dilapidated wooden windows reveal the scenery outside the house, and the dark blue sky is gradually extending to the intersection point of the sky and the earth.

"It's dawn so soon." Bai Li looked outside, the twilight light of dawn slightly illuminated the whole world, the mountains in the sky had no edges, the cliffs that were cut like knives and axes stood between the sky and the earth, high mountains and majestic mountains Towering, straight into the sky, this is the uncanny workmanship of nature for thousands of years.

This should be Daliang Mountain.

Pushing open the door, outside the house, there are many wooden houses, large and small, and there are bonfires that are extinguished on the ground.Bai Li shivered, the autumn morning was a bit chilly.

"Ding - ding - ding -" There was a faint sound of metal collisions in the air, with a sense of rhythm.

Bai Li heard the sound and walked, there was a large hinterland not far away, the buildings on the hinterland were all brightly lit, and thick smoke was coming out of the tall smoke exhaust vents.Zhang Liang said that the biggest resources in Daliang Mountain are iron and coal, so it should be the place where iron is smelted!Although Bai Li was curious, she didn't want to go there. The land in the mountains seemed to be close at hand, but it took a long detour when she walked zigzagging, and what if she got lost.

Thinking of this, Bai Li touched her arm. It was much colder, but she didn't wear any more clothes. She should go back to the wooden house and wait for Zhang Liang to pick her up.

Along the way when they came, a black shadow sneaked up near the wooden house.Bai Li stopped in her tracks, and quickly hid behind the tree closest to her, only to see the black shadow look around, drew a picture on the wall, and then left.

After the black shadow left, Bai Li ran to the wall where the black shadow had stayed. The sky was not very bright, so he couldn't see clearly, so Bai Li had to stick his hand to the wall and feel for it.If someone wants to leave something, it is definitely not enough to paint it.found it!Bai Li smiled, it was a cross, not very deep carved on it.

"Who is it?"

If there is a mark, there are others, Bai Li does not believe that such a dilapidated house is worth the mark left by the shadow.

At this moment, the sky meets and blooms with brilliant brilliance, and it is dawn.

Even God is helping her!A mark will not exceed 20 meters. Centering on the place where the mark was found, Bai Li quickly found a few things that had been deliberately marked. After searching carefully, he finally found it on a big tree.Bai Li was delighted, and then followed the same pattern. After finding a few signs, a general direction came out.

Bai Li continued to follow the sign, but found that she was getting closer and closer to the forest, and it was already full light when Bai Li walked out of the forest.

There is a huge open space in front of you. Many people line up in one direction with baskets of coal on their backs. There are all kinds of carts and horses. Two large openings are cut in the opposite mountain wall, and people keep coming out of it. .

Two rows of soldiers stood neatly in the open space, and three or four people were talking in front of the soldiers.

Dressed in red and black, the wide cloak was blown in the air by the wind, and a quarter of his face was exposed by the silver mask.Bai Li could tell at a glance that this was King Kang.

"Your Majesty's redemption, these refugees are really too tricky, the small, the wounds on the small faces are caused by them." The speaker had a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and his sly eyes could tell that there was bad water in his stomach.

Bai Li wanted to tell Kang Wang the mark she found, but was stopped by soldiers.

"Two big brothers, please inform King Kang. I have something to see."

The soldier looked at Bai Li and said, "Okay, please wait."

With a word of please, Bai Li felt that he finally felt respected in this ancient times.She was once dismissed and called an ugly woman because of her appearance, and her dilapidated body drove her away like a beggar.

The soldier said a few words beside Kang Wang, and immediately replied to Bai Li.

"Kang Wang let you in." Shun Ji returned to his expressionless expression, and stood firm on his post.

Bai Li smiled and thanked.

"Cao Min kowtowed to the prince." Bai Li knelt down.

Kang Wang never took his eyes off the map in his hand, his eyes were serious, "Get up, this king asks you, can you persuade the refugees?"

On Baili Road, she had heard about the riots among the flood victims in Daliang Mountain, so she had to calm down even in an emergency. "How is the situation now?"

Kang Wang closed his eyes looking at the map, and turned to look at Bai Li, "Those refugees occupy the two coal mines on the western mountain, and the dangerous mountain coal mines are newly opened, and they are entrenched there."

"That's right! Those mobs took over there, and they didn't listen to persuasion. Look, girl, they beat me up like this!" The man said with joy, and leaned his face to show Bai Li pitifully.

The person in front of him had a bruised nose and swollen face from the beating, and his face looked like a mouse, Bai Li didn't like it the first time he saw it.

Kang Wang looked at the man with a sharp look and immediately stopped talking.

"Find a way to evacuate them to a safe place."

Bai Li nodded heavily.

On the steep cliff, thousands of people gathered by the cliff, lying down or sitting one by one. Their clothes were thin and tattered, some didn’t even have shoes, and their faces were unkempt. All of them were skinny. It's even worse than when Bai Li first met them.

Bai Li covered her mouth in surprise, and slowly approached them.

The originally quiet people became vigilant when they saw Bai Li approaching, and countless pairs of eyes stared at her.

Bai Li's eyes were a little moist, these are the people she saved, why are they now as fragile as dead wood!
"I..." Her throat was hoarse.

"Ari! Is that you?" A dark figure stood up.

A tall and thick girl with well-developed limbs, she said that God will take care of us, and she said that we will be a family in the future.

"Sister Rong!" Bai Li rushed over immediately, Min Rong, Min Rong, a person she always cared about, Bai Li hugged Min Rong tightly, it's been a long time.

"I knew it, you would come to us, I knew it!" Minrong smiled with tears.

"Of course I will come to you, we are family!"

——From now on we will be a family——

Seeing Min Rong again, Bai Li was extremely happy, but she didn't forget Kang Wang's words in her heart.

"Hurry up and get everyone out of here, this is a dangerous zone, the cliff behind you will roll down stones at any time!"

Min Rong looked at Bai Li's eyes and the joy was immediately replaced by coldness, "No! We will never leave!"

Bai Li frowned in incomprehension.

"Ari, we can't leave here, we will die if we leave here! Do you know? Ever since we came here, we have been digging coal day and night. They don't spare even the elderly and children, let those children drill into the It took one day to dig coal in the coal cave, and the coal cave was full, and how many children were buried in it! Those unarmed old people, those dogs, and things actually asked them to transport coal, and the ones who moved a little slower were the diggers. , let it die!"

"How come?" Bai Li staggered, almost unable to stand still, and looked at Min Rong in surprise.

"Ari, I trust you, but I don't trust them."

(End of this chapter)

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