Chapter 48

Bai Li didn't know how long she had been waiting in the barracks, she went into an unoccupied tent and picked a place, then leaned aside and closed her eyes to rest.

"My lord! My lord! Zhao Xiaolong is still outside the city, you can't close the city gate!"

"My lord! There are still people outside the city!"

"You can't close the city gate!"

Bai Li shuddered, and opened her eyes in a flash. It was Zhang Liang's voice!Bai Li quickly got up and ran out of the tent.

Zhang Liang knelt in front of the prince and begged mournfully, "Please send someone to find him!"

"Yes! Your lord, the boss hasn't come back yet! I beg you not to block the city gate!" Qian Mo also knelt down and begged Kang Wang.

Zhang Liang and Qian Mo blocked King Kang's way, "You don't need to take care of these things. As a firefighter, you actually violated the military order and left the city without authorization. Come here! Military law to deal with it!"

Hearing what Kang Wang said, Bai Li ran out of the tent and hid back again. She cannot appear in front of Za Kang Wang. If she appeared in front of Kang Wang now, she would only harm Zhang Liang.After Kang Wang left, Bai Li walked to Zhang Liang's side.

Zhang Liang knelt on the ground, holding a bucket full of water with his hands stretched out straight.

"A Li?! Why are you here?" Seeing Bai Li Zhang Liang was full of surprise.

"Let me see if you're dead. Don't you think about Aunt Fei's feelings? Are you willing to let her be a white-haired man to a black-haired man!?"

"A Li, I..." Zhang Liang lowered his head and didn't dare to look into Bai Li's eyes, and he didn't dare to speak loudly.

Bai Li's expression was very serious and she said: "Kang Wang is right, you, a hot soldier, violated the military order and sneaked out of the city, you should be punished!"

Zhang Liang lowered his head, stared blankly at the ground with a dazed expression, his hands holding the bucket trembled, "A Li, I just want to avenge my parents."

——I just want to avenge my parents——

Bai Li looked at him silently, feeling aching somewhere in his heart, this young man smiled like the sun, he didn't care whether his hands were stained with blood, whether his life was over or not, he just wanted to avenge his parents.His wish seems insignificant on this battlefield where countless bones are buried.

The surroundings were quiet, Bai Li and Zhang Liang were silent, it was Bai Li who spoke the first sentence after a long time, "What's wrong with Zhao Xiaolong?"

When Zhao Xiaolong was mentioned, Zhang Liang's ashen face became tense and worried, "I followed the army to ambush in the woods, but the general ordered us to retreat before I could fight the general, but I finally went to the battlefield, and the Qin people were right behind me." But I didn’t even kill a single enemy in front of me, I’m not reconciled! I turned back secretly, but was discovered by the Qin people, and I almost died in the hands of the Qin people. Later, Boss Zhao saved my life !" Zhang Liang said with lingering fear, he couldn't forget that Zhao Xiaolong strangled the necks of the two Qin people tightly, and shouted for him to leave quickly.

As soon as Bai Li heard it, he understood that Zhao Xiaolong hadn't come back yet, and now his life and death were uncertain, Bai Li comforted: "Don't worry, Zhao Xiaolong will be fine."


Looking at Zhang Liang's hopeful eyes, Bai Li nodded earnestly. She has no friendship with Zhao Xiaolong, but Zhao Xiaolong saved her in Fu'an before and helped her in Jiangcheng. She also hopes that Zhao Xiaolong can come back safely.

"A Li, I really don't understand why the prince asked us to attack at night, but, as soon as we saw Qin Jun..."

Bai Li sighed, "Then do you know the meaning of the military order Rushan?"

Zhang Liang looked at Bai Li and nodded.

"We are short of food now, and the Qin army only stationed outside the city without sending troops. We are too passive. King Kang lured the enemy four times to give the Qin army the illusion that our army can only win by stealing the enemy. Only give the enemy a little bit of sweetness. The people of Qin are not satisfied with the sweetness. If they catch our army for the fifth time, they will definitely pursue it. The so-called poor should not chase after them. The Qin army has committed one of the taboos. Tonight's night attack It's just a bait, King Kang wants to lure big fish out. As a soldier, the most important thing is to follow the military order like a mountain!"

"A Li!" Zhang Liang listened to what Bai Li said in a daze, and suddenly felt extremely ashamed. He didn't understand anything. He always wanted to join the army, but he couldn't do it. .

"You don't need to blame yourself. Zhao Xiaolong was born with supernatural powers. There are not many people who can beat him. Although he is proud and arrogant on weekdays, he is not lacking in cleverness. He will definitely come back safely."

Looking at Bai Li's firm gaze, Zhang Liang nodded heavily. "Well! He will come back safely!"

At night, Zhang Liang was kneeling outside alone, and the cold wind blew his heart down.Zhang Liang originally wanted Bai Li to rest, but this is a military camp full of men, so Bai Li finally persuaded him to stay.

Zhang Liang kneeled and sat with Bai Li, in the dead of night, in order to understand the boredom, Zhang Liang kept telling Bai Li the interesting stories he had encountered.

Time passed quickly while chatting, Bai Li looked at the sky, there was a faint white light at the end of the sky, "Zhang Liang, you can get up when the time comes!"

Kneeling for several hours, Zhang Liang's legs and limbs had long lost their intuition. Hearing Bai Li say that it was time, he let go of his hands and was paralyzed on the ground. Two wooden barrels full of water fell to the ground, splashing loudly. Splashes all over the place.

"Zhang Liang!" Bai Li hurriedly supported Zhang Liang's body that was about to fall.

Zhang Liang said weakly, "Ah Li, I don't feel any sense in my limbs."

"Xu is numb from kneeling. You sit down first, and I will press it for you." Bai Li supported Zhang Liang's body, and opened her hands to massage Zhang Liang's arm. "How is it much better?"

"Well! It's not very numb anymore." Zhang Liang responded, and looked at Bai Li with a clean smile, pure and quiet.

Bai Li turned her head to look at Zhang Liang, her bright smile and clear eyes overlapped with the person in her memory.He also has a sunny smile, which gives people a sunny feeling. It can be said that no one can match the spring breeze on campus. His favorite is basketball.His name is Bai Ze, and he is Bai Li's younger brother.

Zhang Liang looked at Bai Li, and Bai Li also looked at him. From the eyes of others, it seemed that the two were staring deeply, "A Li, you are so kind to me, and I will take good care of you in the future."

Bai Li stared at Zhang Liang in a daze, then let go of her hand and said angrily, "Pinch your feet when your hands are well."

"Okay, okay!" Zhang Liang said with a smile all over his face, a little spoiled.

Zhang Liang squeezed himself for a while, and finally he was able to stand up, and the sky became brighter and brighter. "A Li, I want to go to the city gate and wait for him to come back."

Bai Li naturally knew that Zhang Liang was referring to Zhao Xiaolong. Her impression of Zhao Xiaolong was that of a hooligan, but it was undeniable that he was a righteous hooligan.Bai Li raised her head, and before she knew it, it was dawn. Instead of going to rest, it would be better to go to the city gate and wait for Zhao Xiaolong to come back.


(End of this chapter)

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