Chapter 7

The days passed quickly, and it was half a month in a flash.

Under the leadership of Bai Li and relying on Yi Gengtian's unlimited rescue, the victims in Liguo's condition improved day by day. Everyone's face showed joy, except for one person!

Bai Li walked behind Ah Xuan with the food. Her 'lady' hadn't said a word since she woke up. She drank water and slept every day. No one knew what he was thinking. She talked quietly with the city wall of Jiangcheng. Same.If he doesn't wash his body clean, he will make it hard if it's not soft. Fortunately, Ah Xuan's body is weak, and he can't compete with Bai Li in terms of strength, so Bai Lilen washes him clean.

A face, half covered with whitish scars, uneven and disgusting.When Bai Li met him for the first time, he was really taken aback. Maybe Bai Li's behavior hurt Ah Xuan, so Ah Xuan never turned his face to anyone, leaving only a bowed back.

"I'll leave the food for you." After putting down the meal, Bai Li left the tent and came to the meeting room. This meeting room was invented by her, and everyone built it with wood and thatch.Today, they will have a special meeting with Yi Gengtian.

Not long after Bai Li went in, Yi Gengtian came in.

"City Master Yi."

"City Master Yi."

Everyone shouted in amazement.

Yi Gengtian was sitting at the head, looking at everyone with a smile, "Now I have a piece of good news to tell everyone. The higher authorities have agreed to let the disaster victims of Liguo enter the city. The only condition is to teach the Tai Hospital how to treat this disease."

The people in the thatched hut cheered, Min Rong hugged Bai Li happily and said with tears in his eyes, "That's great, A Li!"

"I knew that everyone would be safe." Entering Lin Guo means having someone to rely on.

Bai Li told Zhang Liang, "Let everyone pack up and prepare to go to the city."

"Okay." Zhang Liang rushed out excitedly.

"Nightingale will be very happy when he finds out. I'm going to tell him."

Bai Li smiled and stood in the pleasant atmosphere, "City Master Yi, thank you." Bai Li said gratefully.

"Miss Bai, this is your own credit, why should you thank me for helping yourself?"

Bai Li raised her head and said gratefully: "If it weren't for the selfless provision of the Lord Yi, how would we be here today? The Lord Yi has a heart for the people, is upright, and will not dare to disobey the orders from above. Bai Li boldly guesses that these are all from the City Lord's own pocket."

Yi Gengtian was surprised, and just smiled slightly when facing Bai Li's words, not bad!He will not disobey the orders of his superiors. He bought these with his own salary, borrowed them from the people with his own reputation, and solicited donations from the people with his own credit. "Haha, Miss Bai is ice-snow smart! Sure enough, the women in Li Country are unusual, but Miss Bai remembers that Li Country has already perished, and if she continues to show her sharpness in the future, she might be killed!"

Bai Li's heart was shocked, she was too prominent in front of the ancients, a modern person thousands of years ago, if she came to Lin country, how could she tolerate a woman pointing fingers there?

"Show your sharpness!"

"Show your sharpness..." Yi Gengtian savored carefully even though he was a martial artist, but he also knew a thing or two. "Miss Bai is so talented!"

"Eh!" Bai Li was stunned, revealing her sharp edge. Wen Zhong and Fan Li were the two heroes who were able to restore King Goujian of Yue to take revenge. Fan Li resigned when he became famous, and Wen Zhong continued to play His own talent, and finally he died because of his great achievements, it seems that he has to be careful about what he says in the future, if she comes up with a line of Tang poetry and Song poetry from time to time, she will not be famous all over the world.

After sending Yi Gengtian away, Bai Li hurried to the tent where A Xuan lived, and there was no shadow of A Xuan where A Xuan was originally staying.strangeness?Does he always lie down?

"Did you see Ah Xuan?"

"No, Miss Bai."

"A Li, what are you doing? It's time to enter the city." Min Rong pushed the cart, and Nightingale was sitting in the cart.

"Sister Rong, Ah Xuan is gone?"

Min Rong opened the tent and saw that Ah Xuan's bed was empty.

"Sister Rong, take care of everyone entering the city first, and I'll look for it later."

"Alright! Be careful."


The tents were taken away one by one, and there was no sign of A Xuan in the crowd coming and going.The sun was shining brightly, and he was sweating profusely. Bai Li could not keep his eyes open due to the glare of the sun. The city gate was built between two mountains, and there was no end to the city gate. Where would he go?Bai Li searched along the city wall, and when she raised her head to wipe her sweat, she suddenly saw a figure walking slowly on the mountain not far away.

Bai Li looked more and more wrong, it was Ah Xuan!She has seen this back view thousands of times, and she will not admit it wrong!Bai Li quickly ran after her.

"Ah Xuan! Where are you going?" Bai Li was panting tiredly, shouting while chasing.

It seemed that A Xuan heard Bai Li's shout and quickened his pace.

Although Ah Xuan was injured, but when Bai Li chased after him, there was already a section of mountain road, when Bai Li followed the shadow to the top of the mountain, Ah Xuan was already standing on the edge of the cliff.

It turned out that there was a valley in the mountain, and the place where Ah Xuan was standing looked down at almost a ninety-degree cliff.Ah Xuan stood there, so quiet, at that moment, the figure in front of him overlapped with himself in the white coat.

"Calm down! There is nothing difficult to overcome, and only by living can there be hope." Bai Li didn't know what happened to Ah Xuan, and people who committed suicide often died because of despair.

"Hope?" Ah Xuan's voice was blown away by the cold wind in the valley.

It turns out that he is not dumb, this is the first time for Bai Li to hear Ah Xuan's voice, the hoarseness is intoxicating.

"Yes! There is hope only if you live." Bai Li slowly approached him while comforting Ah Xuan.

"Hehehe!" Ah Xuan laughed, the tears came out of the laugh, the smile was so sad, the laugh was heartbreaking, "I'm already like this, what hope is there!"

"You shouldn't have saved me, you shouldn't!" Before the word "ah" could be uttered, Ah Xuan jumped up, and it was too late, Bai jumped and grabbed Ah Xuan's arm. The body could not withstand A Xuan's dragging, but half of his body was dragged out.

A Xuan who was hanging on the edge of the cliff raised his head slowly, his eyes were full of despair, "Why?"

Bai Li pressed her teeth desperately, looked at him firmly and shouted loudly: "I saved your life! I won't let you die!"

—I will not allow you to die—

The echo echoed in the wind and resounded throughout the valley. A group of birds were startled, and it also attracted an old man who was struggling in the yellow land.

(End of this chapter)

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