Chapter 71

In winter, the days are very short and it gets dark very quickly.

The quilt was still wet, so she could only lie on the bed wrapped in the thick clothes that Lu Guanyan gave her during the day, and it was extremely uncomfortable to lie on the bed with too many clothes on, especially when her feet were still cold.Everyone around her has already fallen asleep, but Bai Li's eyes are still open.

Above her head was the paper-pasted window, which was not dense at all. She could hear the howling of the north wind, and a little bit of vague shadows fell from top to bottom, making Bai Li sit up cleverly.

Bai Li quietly put on her shoes and pushed open the door to go out. Snowflakes like goose feathers were falling outside, and the snowflakes filled the sky in the quiet night, like a dream.The modern Bai Li was born in the south, where there is no snow in winter, and it was really exciting to see such a big snow for the first time.Bai Li quickly ran out of the house, the snowflakes immediately turned into snow water when they floated on the ground, it must wait for a while before a thick layer of snow can be deposited.He stretched out his hand and took a piece of snow, which was crystal clear and melted in the palm of his hand at random.

'it's beautiful! ' Bai Li said with emotion.

The night was very quiet, the snow was careless, Bai Li walked around in the snow, the other side of the rockery illuminated the bright candlelight, it looked a little weird in the quiet night.

Bai Li climbed up the rockery, revealing half of her head, and saw a court lady in yellow squatting on the ground, with two candles stuck in front of her, and a bamboo basket beside her, inside the bamboo basket was a stack of ghost papers, the ghost papers were covered by small The stone was pressed down, and the cold wind blew past and made a rustling sound.

"Hua Qing, I never thought you wouldn't be able to survive this winter. Seeing that the New Year's Eve is just around the corner, you can go with peace of mind. My sister will avenge you. Let her accompany you in the underworld, before she dies. You have to live well, and my sister can only burn some ghost paper for you, if you have too much, you can't bring it in from outside the palace." Saying that, the palace maid in yellow burned the ghost paper in the basket little by little.

It was Aunt Yu's voice!What Aunt Yu said about her should be Bai Li, and she didn't even know someone named Hua Qing, so why did she kill her by saying that.Candle paper is strictly forbidden in the palace, this Aunt Yu is so bold.

Whether the rockery is high or not short, Bai Li has climbed up it for a while, but the rockery is wet and slippery when stepped on.Bai Li wanted to go down quietly, but unexpectedly, her foot slipped and her knee hit the rockery and made a noise. Bai Li covered her mouth in pain and dared not make a sound, moved her body and quickly hid in the rockery.

"Who!" Aunt Yu immediately stamped out the flames with her feet when she heard the noise, and looked around vigilantly, with her eyes on the rockery behind her.

"Who! Come out!" Aunt Yu's voice was flustered.

Bai Li hid in the rockery and didn't dare to make a sound. This Aunt Yu had already murdered her, if she found out here, wouldn't she just kill her directly!Thinking of this, Bai Li shrank back into the rockery in fear.

Aunt Yu walked over vigilantly, and approached the place where Bai Li was hiding little by little.The rocks on the rockery are intricate and intricate, forming small holes. The ground has been covered with thin snow. If she stepped on it, she would leave footprints. She just hid in the small hole, but the inside of the small hole was sealed. Outside, Aunt Yu's shadow was clearly reflected on the snow.

Bai Li held her breath, her heart was pounding, she only needed to walk a few more steps before she could see Bai Li.

"Catch the assassin! Catch the assassin!"

The noise of the Royal Forest Army came from outside, and the bright torches moved around outside the wall.

When Aunt Yu heard this, she quickly turned around and left, Bai Li let out a breath, scaring her to death, almost.The sound of catching the assassin woke everyone up, and the originally quiet house suddenly brightened up.

Bai Li carefully followed Aunt Yu's footsteps and ran towards her own residence.

As soon as they arrived at the residence, the guards had begun to strictly check everyone.

"It's just that she's not here. We are all sleeping in the house, and only she has gone out."

The Imperial Forest Army headed looked at Bai Li and asked coldly, "Where have you been?"

"It's convenient to go when my stomach hurts."

"Convenience?!" The Imperial Forest Army was a little skeptical.

"Report! No suspicious person was found in the house!"

"Report! Footprints were found over there."

"Go and see!"

There is a row of footprints on the snow, which are somewhat blurred by the snow, but it can still be seen that the people who left the footprints are very flustered.

"All of you stand here and don't move!" The Imperial Forest Army walked along the footprints alone, until there was a pool of burnt ashes, unburned candles and ghost papers on the other side of the rockery.

The Imperial Forest Army walked back and looked at all the people and said: "Everyone compares the footprints, leave all the same ones for me, and leave the ones that are different!"

Bai Li confidently compared the footprints, which were much bigger than hers, so she carefully stepped on the footprints left by Aunt Yu and came back, and she had been to the hut, where her real footprints would be.

"Anyone else?"

After comparison, only Feifei was the same size as the footprints.

Bai Li was suspicious, where did Aunt Yu go?

A court lady said: "There are still Zhou Zhangshi and Aunt Yu who are not here."

Said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao would be here, and Zhou Zhang hurried over with Aunt Yu.

"Where have you two gone?"

Manager Zhou is a manager after all, and he has seen the world and said calmly: "It's almost the New Year's Eve, Aunt Yu and I are counting the medicinal materials for this season in the study."

"Well, let's go and check the footprints."

"Okay okay."

Zhou Zhangshi compared the footprints and it was obvious that the footprints were bigger than hers. Then it was Aunt Yu's turn, and Aunt Yu struggled to move her steps in an unnatural way.

"What is this foot?"

Director Zhou hurriedly smoothed things over, "As soon as we heard about the inspection, we rushed here, and Aunt Yu got twisted on the way."

Aunt Yu walked up to the footprints unnaturally and put her feet on it for comparison. To her surprise, Aunt Yu's feet were much smaller than the footprints.

After comparing all the people, Yulin Jun looked at Feifei and said sternly: "Take her away!"

Feifei struggled and shouted, "It's not me, I'm not an assassin, it's not me! I've been sleeping in the house!"

"No one said you were an assassin, burn paper candles in the palace, hum! Take it away!"

"I didn't!" Feifei broke away in a frenzy, hugged Aunt Yu's leg and shouted, "Aunt Yu, save me, I didn't burn the paper, I didn't."

Aunt Yu looked at Feifei with a sad face and said: "Feifei, you know that burning these things in the palace is not allowed, but you still want to do this, it really makes Auntie very sad."

Feifei widened her eyes in disbelief, "I see, it's you! It's you!"

Aunt Yu slapped Feifei on the face. "Hurry up and take her to the Sizheng Bureau!"

"It's not me! It's really not me!" Feifei cried and yelled, and finally grabbed Aunt Yu's corner with her hand.

Aunt Yu looked at Feifei in distaste, and tore off the corner of her clothes. Feifei was dragged away by the Imperial Forest Army immediately, "I don't! I don't! Believe me! I really don't! Bai Li! Bai Li, save me!"

Feifei was dragged back with both hands, and his legs were running wildly. When he saw Bai Li, he seemed to see a glimmer of hope, and kept yelling for Bai Li to save her.

A long line was dragged out on the snow, she naturally knew that Feifei was there, Feifei was obviously a scapegoat, she wondered why Aunt Yu's feet suddenly became so much smaller.

After a severe investigation, calm was restored. The snow fell heavily outside, and all the messy footprints were covered by snow.Bai Li ran to the edge of the rockery again, the most dangerous place is the safest place!
"Thank you." Ruoda's rockery was riddled with holes, a thank you went through the caves and slowly disappeared, no one appeared, only the snow on the ground and the rockery in front of him.

There is nothing for people to inquire about in the Tai Hospital. It is really too coincidental why this assassin was discovered near the Tai Hospital and helped her solve her urgent needs.

I have searched all the places, but I didn't find any trace of the assassin. The footprints here can attract the focus of the Imperial Forest Army, but it has become a safe place in a dangerous area. He can avoid everyone and leave the palace, but he helped her lead her She opened Aunt Yu, so Bai Li wanted to say thank you.

After Bai Li left, a man in black walked out of the rockery, forming two landscapes corresponding to Bai Xue.Bai Li, as expected of Xiao Li Dao's disciple, is smart enough, he saved him only for Xiao Li Dao's sake.Thinking about turning into a black shadow and jumping up the wall without a trace, maybe only God saw the black shadow fly out of the palace and enter another place. There is a mighty plaque hanging on that place, with three words written vigorously on it—— —General’s Mansion
(End of this chapter)

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