prosperous medical woman

Chapter 81 The time between me and you

Chapter 81 The time between me and you

The carriage stopped abruptly.

Bai Li secretly glanced outside, a dozen men in black surrounded them, and they really came!
"There's an assassin! Oops!" Toya whispered and wanted to rush out but was stopped by Bai Li, "Princess stay inside first, it will burden the prince if she goes out."


"My lord will be fine."

All the men in black raised their swords and pointed at Lin Xuanzhi. To be precise, it should be Yiyun on the same horse.

"My lord!" Yiyun was sweating profusely when he saw a dozen people jumping out of the grass suddenly, shrunk his body into Lin Xuanzhi's arms and said pitifully, "Your lord, please protect Yiyun carefully." .”

Lin Xuanzhi looked at the people in front of him, he had already noticed that they were following them along the way, and finally couldn't help but come out, with a faint charming smile on his lips, "This king will protect you."

Lin Xuanzhi's voice was gentle and charming, Yiyun's body softened and he said shyly, "Thank you, my lord."

One flew up, Lin Xuanzhi fought with a dozen black-clothed men, Qi Yu led the rest of the people to fight against the black-clothed men while protecting the carriage.Looking out through the slits, Lin Xuanzhi's skill is obviously not as good as before. Every move and every style is naturally left with half a margin. While protecting Yiyun, he reveals his flaws so that the killer can attack Yiyun wrongly.


A knife flew in front of Yiyun, and she was so scared that she turned pale and shouted, "My lord! Save me!"

The scene was chaotic for a while.

Toya, who was hiding in the carriage, couldn't hold back anymore, "No, I'm going to help Brother Xuan!"

"Tuoya!" It was too late for Bai Li to stop her, she felt right that she couldn't show her face.After Yiyun put on the veil, she looked a bit similar to her in appearance. The Queen Mother's people had been watching in the dark all the way. They couldn't wait to have a business relationship. The killer mistakenly thinks that Yiyun is Baili, thus diverting the danger.

There was a noisy fight outside, and suddenly the horse neighed in pain, raised its hooves and galloped out.Under the inertia, Bai Li fell backwards in the carriage, which was sprinting forward at an extremely fast speed.

"What... what are you doing!" The horse was running wildly on the mountain road and was extremely bumpy, Bai Li managed to stabilize his balance in the carriage.The whistling north wind opened the curtain, and the big trees on both sides kept flashing backwards.There was a bamboo arrow sticking out of the horse's back, Bai Li thought it was too bad, she couldn't ride a horse!Bai Li's face twitched, one can imagine the bloody plot behind it, the carriage would often run to the cliff and then fall down again, so is she going to fall off the cliff again and have an adventure and meet some kind of expert?Good luck once doesn't mean good luck every time, if it doesn't work, she has to find a way to get out!
Bai Li climbed out of the carriage, and the scenery on both sides was constantly changing.Bai Li looked towards the outside of the mountain to check the situation along the way. She had to choose a place with thick snow to jump down. She couldn't jump inside the mountain, or she would easily hit the mountain and her head would bloom.

Bai Li held onto the carriage and got ready to jump.

That's it!
Bai Li closed her eyes, hugged her head and mustered up the courage to jump down.The white snow covered the terrain in the mountain, and many places were empty. Baili jumped on the snowdrift and rolled a few times at first, but suddenly there was an empty space behind her. It was obvious that there was a gap in the terrain. She suddenly fell to another piece of snow, tilted. On the snowy surface, people are rolling faster and faster on it.Bai Li hugged her head and kept turning over and over again, finally stopped, Bai Li gasped and looked up to the sky, her body was covered with a thick cloud of snow, shivering from the cold, it took a lot of effort to stand up in the snow, just now Standing up she fell again.

her feet...

Her foot happened to be clamped by the beast weapon buried in the snow.

The blood trickled out, flowed through the rusty beast and dripped on the white snow like a blooming red plum, beautiful and lonely.

Unable to move, she had to sit on the same spot, her surroundings were pale, the snow was sticking to her clothes, which had already been wet all over her body, and the cold wind was blowing from all directions, it was cold, Bai Li blinked weakly, she saw Lin Xuanzhi Appeared in front of her and said to her, Ah Li gave me his hand.hand?hands?She squeezed her eyelids tiredly.I stretched out my hand to touch the warmth, but everything disappeared just after I touched it.

"Ah Xuan..."

When she opened her eyes again, it was Lin Xuanzhi's handsome and extraordinary face, looking at her with a smile, Bai Li raised her hand to touch his face in disbelief.

"It's true." Lin Xuanzhi grabbed Bai Li's little hand and said softly, since he picked her up in the snow, she kept calling her name. "I'll help you up, I've taken care of the wound on your foot."

This is an extremely dilapidated wooden house, small, dirty and quiet, as if it had been sleeping for a hundred years. A bonfire was lit to illuminate the house, and through the small hole on the top, it could be seen that it was already dark.

"Where are we?"

"This should be the temporary residence left by the hunters, which is convenient for sudden snowstorms. There is plenty of food here. You should have hot soup first."

Bai Li took the bowl and took a small sip, the wound on her leg was so painful that she frowned.

"It's too hot and my legs still hurt."

"Leg hurts."

"The medicine I just took is a bit painful."

Bai Li put down the bowl in her hand and asked, "Is it snowing heavily outside? Are we trapped here?"

Lin Xuanzhi gently hugged Bai Li to her body, it was really too cold, "It's not snowing outside, I sent everyone else away, I want to spend a good night with you, just me and you."

- just me and you -

One is a prince whose wings are not yet fully fledged, and the other is a candidate for a female officer. They are already in love but cannot be together justifiably. Just you and me have become the biggest extravagant hopes.

His face was a little flushed, he didn't expect Lin Xuanzhi, who was as clear as water, to say such warm words, Lin Xuanzhi's scalding heat came through his clothes, it was very unusually hot, and it was so hot that it made people feel stuffy.It was only then that Bai Li realized that the blood fever on Lin Xuanzhi's body hadn't been cured. He hadn't had the chance to tell him about the ice silkworm in Zangyun before because of the crowds, and he hadn't given him a cure for the blood fever. good time.

Lin Xuanzhi seemed to feel something strange and his arms were a little looser, "Is it too hot?"

Indeed, the temperature on his body was getting higher and higher, which meant that the blood heat in his body was becoming more and more intense. "Ah Xuan, let me help you relieve the blood heat!"

Lin Xuanzhi rubbed his chin against Baili's head, "Will it hurt you?"

"Hmm..." Bai Li licked her lips, badly, she just sucked the blood of the ice silkworm hidden in her lips, and as for sucking blood, all she needed was a kiss.

Do you want to force a kiss... um.

"Have you ever heard of ice silkworms?" Bai Li asked cautiously.

Lin Xuanzhi narrowed his eyes, "Ice silkworm, it only lives in extremely cold places, and feeds on human blood at room temperature. Zangxue found it before when my mother and concubine were here. Why do I need it for my illness?"

Bai Li nodded.

"Then I'll send someone back to Cangxue to look for it."

"No, no! Because, because of the ice silkworm, it's here with me." Bai Li pointed to his mouth and said, "I have one hidden in each of my upper and lower lips. I was stung by a bee in my lower lip before, and the ice silkworm in it should have died." Both the emperor and Lin Xuanzhi had blood fever, so she naturally chose Lin Xuanzhi. As for the emperor, let him find it himself.

Lin Xuanzhi looked at Bai Li in amazement, his face showed a trace of impenetrable charm, ice silkworms, which are beyond the reach of ordinary people... Then he held Bai Li tightly, "No matter who you are, it's just my A Li. "

Why bother to go back to Zangxue when you are far away in the sky and close in front of your eyes, Bai Li asked word by word in a low voice: "Ah Xuan, do you believe in reincarnation and soul travel?"

Lin Xuanzhi laughed lowly and said with a smile: "How do you say this."

"I'm serious!" Bai Li looked at Lin Xuanzhi seriously with a tight smile.

Lin Xuanzhi put away his smile and looked at Bai Li in a daze, "I'll believe what you say."

Bai Li smiled knowingly and found a comfortable seat in Lin Xuanzhi's arms, "I come from another world, and that world is much more advanced than this one. When I woke up, I was attached to this body. I know it's difficult for you Believe me, I don’t know who I am. To be precise, I don’t know the identity of this body, why she has ice silkworms, and she has been raised for so long. I don’t know how she died. I am very scared Things from the past."

Lin Xuanzhi didn't respond, and listened to Bai Li's words quietly. It was hard for him to believe and accept that a dead person was resurrected with the possession of another soul, but judging from Bai Li's performance from the very beginning, she thinking is different from ordinary people.

"Are you...afraid of me?" Bai Li asked in fear, which is unacceptable to anyone!

"No." Lin Xuanzhi tapped Bai Li's lips, "I was wondering if I should, since the ice silkworm is on your body."

Bai Li instantly understood what he meant, her face blushed and her heart beat wildly in her chest, where did her composure on the operating table go?As a modern person, is it too embarrassing to blush!Why should I be shy even after hugging and lying in the same bed?_?

The hot and humid kiss was accompanied by a powerful possessive desire, which dispelled all kinds of doubts and reveries in Bai Li's mind.Blood flowed out from the chest, and the fragrance mixed with fishy smell was sucked one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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