Chapter 9
"Girl, what's your name?"

Bai Li, who was roasting sweet potatoes, was suddenly overwhelmed by this question, "Bai Li."

"But Liuli's glass?"


Bai Li stared at the bonfire, his beautiful eyes reflected the splendor, and the old man couldn't help but sighed when he saw this: "It really is Liu Limu!"

Bai Li was taken aback, this expert actually praised her.

"Senior, I want to ask"

Bai Li was interrupted by the old man before she could say the question, "I knew you couldn't hold back, so go with the old man!"

Bai Li quickly got up and followed.She knew that this expert deliberately separated her from A Xuan just to judge the importance of A Xuan in Bai Li's heart.Don't be too hasty, I'm afraid the expert will have another purpose, such as using A Xuan to blackmail Bai Li, don't be too slow, it is very likely that A Xuan will not appear in front of her again.It's better to be careful.

The old man held a torch, under the faint light of the torch, Bai Li followed the old man around and around until they came to a cave, a sulfur smell rushed straight to the tip of his nose, Bai Li frowned and pinched his nose.

"He's in there."

As soon as Bai Li heard this, he immediately ran into the cave, the cave was pitch black, Xiao Lidao threw the torch in his hand on the ground and hit the pile of firewood on the ground, instantly the cave was brightly lit.

Ah Xuan sat in the water, half of his shoulders exposed, his eyes closed.

"what happened to him?"

"The martial arts are completely abolished, and the heart is ashamed."

With eight short words, Bai Li's brows became more and more wrinkled, her martial arts were completely useless, and her heart was ashamed.

"Oh, I'm sorry girl, it's almost as if he's dead."

"What does it mean to be alive and dead?" Bai Li grasped the key words of the old man, and anxiously tugged on his sleeve and asked.

The old man was silent, he is not dead, but his heart is dead.

"My heart is dead..." Bai Li repeated in a murmur.

The old man sighed, "His martial arts were abolished and he was seriously injured, so I put him in this sulfur spring, but the most important thing is that he doesn't want to live. I wanted to see your reaction, if not If you don’t save the important old man, you won’t be wasting time. But looking at it now, this person still holds some weight in your heart.”

Bai Li frowned and listened carefully to the expert's words, and quickly knelt down, "Please save him, senior!"

"Girl, you also know some medical skills. No matter how powerful this old man is, how can I live a person who wants to die?"

She is a doctor and she knows how important a person's awareness of survival is. Why does he want to die?She never gave up on him, all because at that moment he called to her for help in the pile of corpses.

Now he wants to die?Why?How could this be?

Bai Li was a little excited, walked quickly to the edge of the hot spring, knelt down and shook the people in the hot spring, "Didn't you ask me to save you? Why are you dying now? I won't let you die, wake up! Wake up!"

"Girl!" The old man grabbed Bai Li's shoulder, "Calm down! Calm down!"

Bai Li tried to calm herself down. As a doctor, the most important thing is to stay calm in times of crisis. She has long been trained to control her emotions after experiencing various crises on the operating table.

"Girl! Go back and rest first!"

It's dark and the moon is bright.

A thin shadow was struggling to drag another shadow. Her movements were very slow, and she had to stop for a rest after walking a few steps.The surroundings were eerily quiet, the bare branches looked like ghosts with claws and claws, and under the white moonlight, one could see cold corpses lying on the ground in disorder.The thin shadow began to twitch, and the dull sobbing sound echoed in the air. Under the hoarfrost, a pair of shining eyes under the dirty face were comparable to the stars in the night sky.

Bai Li dragged another shadow and leaned against a tree, surrounded by cold corpses.Bai Li curled up, hugged herself tightly with both hands, tears of fear filled her eyes, Bai Li stretched out a finger and put it on the tip of Ah Xuan's nose, still breathing.

Thin shoulders kept trembling, "Are you still alive?" Bai Li seemed to be talking to herself, her staccato voice was so frightening.

Tears rolled down one by one, dripping on the cold skin, burning the heart.

"Are you still alive? I beg you, if you are still alive please move, I beg you to move..." Bai Li cried and begged no one to move.

The sound of sobbing and begging kept echoing in the night, maybe it was Bai Li's begging that hit Ah Xuan's heart, and Ah Xuan's fingers moved slightly.

"You're still alive! You moved!" Bai Li cried and laughed and was afraid of surprises.

The movement of the fingers was very small, but Bai Li could see it deeply in his eyes.

Bai Li shrunk herself into a ball, snuggled tightly into Ah Xuan's arms, hugged one of Ah Xuan's arms in her arms, Ah Xuan's chest heaved and fell, and the sobs became smaller and smaller...

The sound of water!The sound of rushing water came from a distance.

Bai Li happily shouted to the person on her back, "We found water!" Bai Li continued to carry Ah Xuan on her back, insisting on the principle of not giving up and not abandoning.

The clear stream was rushing, Bai Li hurried to the stream when she saw it, buried her head deeply in the water, and gulped down the water.Since Bai Li slammed into the water, when she satisfactorily satiated in the water, when she opened her eyes, a pair of white eyes were facing her.

"Ah!" Bai Li raised her head out of the water with her eyes wide open in shock, breathing in air heavily, still in shock.

Vaguely, Bai Li saw a swollen corpse lying in the water, entangled in aquatic plants and trapped at the bottom of the water.

"Ouch—" Bai Li quickly scratched her throat, spit out mouthfuls of water, Bai Li ran to Ah Xuan's side in fear, hugged Ah Xuan tightly and kept crying.

The memory is like a broken movie, picking up scenes of fear and replaying them in my mind.

Bai Li opened her eyes, the pillow was already wet with tears, and it was dawn.

"Why?" On the edge of the cliff that day, there should be an answer to the question A Xuan asked her.

Bai Li blinked, and raised her hand to wipe away the tears from her cheeks.She is a doctor in obstetrics and gynecology. She has seen no matter how disgusting or frightening the scene is, she must keep calm in front of the operating table, that is professionalism,

Bai Li opened the wooden door, and the tall house had already set up a wooden ladder. Bai Li thought that the wooden ladder was not needed when an expert came and went without a trace, it was clearly prepared for her.

Bai Li carefully climbed down the wooden ladder, "A master? A master!"

A group of birds in the forest chirped and flew up.

Unable to find an expert, Bai Li searched for yesterday's memory and came to Sulfur Spring.The pungent sulfur smell fills the air, and the warm spring water makes you sweat profusely.Bai Li believes that this place must have been a small volcano a long time ago before it became the sulfur hot spring it is today.

With her hair loose, Ah Xuan sat quietly in the water, showing half of her shoulders.Bai Li looked at him and slowly approached him.

"Didn't you ask me why I saved you? Now, I can tell you the answer."

Bai Li walked into the hot spring carefully, and the hot spring water flowed over her body little by little.

"When I woke up, the world had changed, and I was surrounded by dead people. I thought that all the people in the world were dead and I was the only one left. I was so scared that I wanted to escape. It was you who grabbed my foot and used a The weak body told me to save you. In this world, I have no relatives and no reason, I don't even know who I am, you, the first person I met. I am not so strong, strong enough to Surviving with the dead around me, it was your breath, your heartbeat, and your fingertips that made me realize I wasn't alone, and you gave me hope. In my loneliest and most hopeless When Zhuo was most afraid, it was you who gave me the motivation to live and the courage to overcome fear. You are like my relatives in this world, so I save you and I want you to live."

She is a doctor in obstetrics and gynecology. She has seen no matter how disgusting or frightening the scene is, she must remain calm in front of the operating table.

Bai Li looked at A Xuan, walked up to him little by little, hugged one of his arms in her arms, and nestled her frail body in A Xuan's arms, just like when she faced the corpses all over the ground and begged him to move. The next scene is exactly the same.

"I don't know what happened to you. Only by living can there be hope. Do you have the heart to leave everything behind? Your family, lovers, friends, do you have the heart?"

"This is your jade pendant." Bai Li took out a piece of emerald green jade pendant from his bosom.

"When I found you, you held it tightly. I believe it is special to you."

Bai Li put the jade pendant into Ah Xuan's arms.

The warm spring water soothes the muscles and bones, making people feel drowsy, Bai Li leans against Ah Xuan and gradually falls asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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