Chapter 2138 Chapter 2164 I am your soldier (3)

When Yun Yi gave such an answer, Chen Ruxuan looked at Yun Yi in astonishment.

The hand that was patting her cheek was quickly put down, and she looked at Yun Yi in surprise.

Because, this is not like Yun Yi's previous style at all. If it was in the past, Yun Yi would definitely ignore him.

Yun Yi looked at Chen Ruxuan, "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Yun Yi was a little puzzled, but she forgot how taciturn she was on weekdays.

Chen Ruxuan shook her head, indicating that there was no major problem, and soon she focused on her own face.


She wants to take good care of herself. It is said that this soldier is many times more handsome than the men outside.

So, now she has to work harder!
Yun Yi ignored Chen Ruxuan's attitude, went back to take a shower, and was ready to go to bed.

Yun Yi knew that in the days when she worked hard in the future, she would be promoted to the position of company commander, and this subordinate would get soldiers... but would not listen to her orders.

It's just because the host can only train, only blindly improve his own ability, and forget the soldiers underneath~
The next day, Yun Yi was called by the officer.

Looking at Bei Gongming, Yun Yi had a trace of doubt, but soon, it disappeared, and was restrained by Yun Yi.

At this moment, Yun Yi restrained her emotions, and looked at her officer righteously, "Hello, officer!"

Yun Yi saluted, this look~ Well, in Bei Gongming's eyes, it looks a little cute!

Slightly evoked a smile on his lips, looking at Yun Yi in front of him, with a slightly strange expression on his face.

"Yun Yi?" Bei Gongming pretended that he didn't know anything, and asked there.

When asking Yun Yi, the expression on her face was very serious, looking at her, it was as if she really didn't know anything.

After hearing Bei Gongming's question, Yun Yi immediately stood up straighter and looked at him, "Report sir, I am a soldier of the company, Yun Yi!"

Bei Gongming nodded, "Well, I asked you to come here this time because of the appointment of the company commander of your company. I plan to promote someone in your company to be the company commander. Who do you think can take up this position?"

Bei Gongming was asking there, instead of telling Yun Yi are the company commander of the first company.

Yun Yi thought about the plot with her head, it seemed that it was different from the one in the plot.

Although it sounds like Bei Gongming's tone is very normal, but from Yun Yi's ears, why does it sound like he is teasing him?
Yun Yi frowned slightly, and her face became more upright, "Sir, I think every female soldier in the company is excellent, they are very serious during training, and their physique is also very good! "

Yun Yi's reply didn't have any wrong words at all, and she didn't show favoritism to anyone.

Naturally... Yun Yi didn't push herself up.

When Bei Gongming heard Yun Yi's words, he nodded slightly, "Well, yes, he really is a good seedling."

When Bei Gongming said that, Yun Yi didn't know what Bei Gongming meant.

Afterwards, Bei Gongming said again, "Very well, from now on, you will be the company commander of the first company, by the way, train well, your soldiers, it is best, let them be as powerful as you .”

(End of this chapter)

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