Chapter 2162 The Ending: The Young Master Beigong Chases His Wife on a Long Road (2)

"Brother, I... want to go out to bask in the sun, is that okay?" Yun Yi suddenly saw that the sun outside was very bright.

Thinking of her previous longing again, for a moment, there was still a trace of longing in Yun Yi's eyes.

Although Yun Yi had just had an operation, due to years of treatment, Yun Yi's body was as thin as wood, and her cheeks were sunken.

Just looking at it makes people feel distressed, the most important thing...the eyes that have lost their brilliance are beginning to be full of color.

This made Yun Yi's brothers feel even more pity.

"Okay, I'll take you out to bask in the sun." Yun Yi's eldest brother, Yun Jiali nodded and said, then gestured to his younger brother.


Here is a general introduction to Yun Yi's family: father - Yun Luojian, mother - Xia Houmeng, eldest brother - Yun Jiali, second brother - Yun Jiafan, third brother - Yun Jiachi.

The eldest brother is 27 this year and is not yet married!General Manager of the company.

The second brother is 25 this year, not yet married, has no girlfriend, and is a famous orthopedic doctor.

The third brother is 22 this year, and he is in the third year of graduate school this year, and he has not yet graduated.

Yunyi is 20 this year...

Cough cough, everyone knows Yun Yi's situation, so I won't say more.

Now, when Yun Yi stroked the thoughts in her mind, after hearing the relationship diagram sent by the system, she wanted to say something.

But he suddenly felt that the original system in his consciousness was now empty.



"Where are you?"

Yun Yi's heart suddenly panicked, where is the system?

"Where are you?"

Yun Yi's face was a little flustered, and the nervous expression made the three brothers of the Yun family really startled by Yun Yi's expression.

"Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi? What's wrong with you?"

"what happened?"

"Jiafan, what's wrong with Xiaoyi? Take a look."

After Yun Yi was called out several times, she finally came to her senses.

It's just that I feel a little lost at this time, and the system is gone...

The system that accompanied me for an unknown amount of time disappeared?

Some empty hearts and disappointed expressions made the three brothers of the Yun family feel a little at a loss.

"Xiaoyi, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?" Yun Jiali, the boss, looked at his sister nervously.

As the general manager, Yun Jiali didn't have that much free time.

However, today's day is the day when Yun Yi will wake up, so of course he won't miss it.

Hmm... After Yun Yi woke up, she found that everything had changed.

Her parents, who didn't care much about her before, would actually stand by her hospital bed now.

And the brothers who were not very familiar with him at first have now turned into younger sisters.

When she was supposed to be happy, Yun Yi was very depressed because of the system's departure.

When she was pushed out to bask in the sun, Yun Yi suddenly remembered the excitement and emotion she felt when she saw the sun in the first world.

At that time, the sky was so clear, and under the blue sky, I was enjoying the sunshine.

The system at that time was still a cold emotional voice of data, but... slowly began to change.

From the sound of milk baby, began to grow.

As Yun Yi thought about it, tears began to pool in her eyes.

This scene made the three brothers of the Yun family start to blame themselves again, this... Is Xiaoyi feeling unwell again?And he ignored it?
 Thank you [Autumn and Autumn] for the reward, I love you~ I am entering the end, thank you for your reward day by day, thank you for the friends at the starting point, you can see several familiar votes in the author's backstage... Well, I found out that it is exactly Friends on the fan list, really, thank you very much, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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