Chapter 737 Am I the Little Match Girl? (10)

"Son, why did you get up so early? Why don't you sleep longer?" The old woman asked at the door of the kitchen.

She also wanted to cook a delicious breakfast for Yun Yi before Yun Yi woke up.

It's just that what I didn't expect was that Yun Yi woke up earlier than herself, which made grandma feel a little bit inferior to herself.

Yun Yi heard the old grandma's question, then turned her head, looked at her, and smiled, "I see you are still sleeping, I'm used to getting up so early, it's okay, grandma, just sit down for a while Come on, it'll be fine in a while."

Yun Yi was busy there. In the morning, there was really no food in this old woman's house.

So at this time, she just took some millet, pickles and so on, and made a pickled vegetable porridge, which became breakfast.

Having said that, in this fairy tale world, shouldn't this place be in the west?

This Andersen is from the West, so there is no problem why there is millet in this place.

But for pickles, she always thought that only a certain country in the East would make this kind of thing for breakfast.

Although he said he was puzzled, after Yun Yi brought out the breakfast, he brought it out, and the two of them ate it with gusto.

Seeing the old grandma eating something so delicious and sweet, Yun Yi really felt a sense of satisfaction in it.

They all thought, should I become a chef by then?

If so, it will be very popular.

However, I took another look at my small body, if I hadn't put a stool in front of the stove just now, it really wouldn't be tall enough.

Yun Yi immediately vetoed this idea, after all, she didn't have the ability to perform cooking on a stool in front of everyone.

Then... weaving, painting, embroidery?
After thinking about it for a while, the skill of weaving is still worth a lot of money.

Because, just looking for something that doesn't cost money outside, after passing through your own skillful hands, it can become a handicraft.

For painting, even if it is a simple portrait of a person, she still needs a brush and paper. According to the money she has on hand, how can it be enough?

Not to mention embroidery, if it is very rough paper, it will not be able to sell for a good price.

Therefore, Yun Yi decided that it might be better to weave flower baskets and sell them.

However, Yun Yi ignored another question, that is, it is the season of snow in winter, where will there be any flowers and plants growing?

Therefore, when Yun Yi made up her mind and came out, she thought of such a predicament.

In the end, Yun Yi had no choice but to go to the door of the restaurant and ask those people, "Is there a chef here?"

However, when those people saw that it was a little girl, they thought she was here to make trouble, and cast a contemptuous glance, "This is not a place for you stinky beggars to come, get out!"

A little girl, or this kind of person who is dressed in rags and dirty clothes, and asks if a cook is needed?
I'm afraid I came to ask, is there any leftovers?

Yun Yi was not angry, because she had already expected this result before coming here.

People who look down on people with a dog's eyes will meet them wherever they are!

 Thank you to the children who voted monthly... I love you guys, come to the book review to praise me, you scoundrels, you don’t leave a comment after reading the book, hurry up, hurry up!

(End of this chapter)

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