Chapter 105 The Disappeared Apprentice

At this time, the obscure lines had been heard in the opera house, but Shishi was late.

1 minute, 2 minutes, a full half an hour passed, and Shishi still didn't show up.

Ling Tian held the ticket suspiciously, she didn't want to come early this morning.

Although it is a little troublesome for women to go out, Shishi doesn't wear much makeup, and breakfast arrives in only 5 minutes.

After waiting and seeing no one, Ling Tian could only walk towards the cabin.

The opera house was set up on the sixth floor, so he stepped on the stairs again and walked upstairs.

Back to the room where I was living just now, but the building was empty before my eyes.

There was nothing in the room except the quilt that was still scattered on the bed.

Ling Tian couldn't help but stood there in a daze, Shi Shi actually took her things and left without saying goodbye.

This really surprised him.

After searching around, but without finding anything, Ling Tian went to the opposite room again.

Doesn't that sissy little boy live there? If you ask him, there may be other clues.

But at this time, that room was the same, even the quilt was spread there cleanly.

"It's all over so soon?"

Ling Tian looked at the two rooms suspiciously, and Shishi suddenly disappeared as if he had never appeared before.

Every room here is the designated residence when boarding the ship, and they have to live here throughout the voyage.

Facing Shishi who suddenly disappeared, Ling Tian sat in the room in doubt.

This is the boat, she went there, why did she leave without saying goodbye.

But having said that, the two of them are actually not familiar with each other. He knows nothing about her except that her name is Shishi.

And Shishi doesn't even know his name, all the titles are master instead.

All of this is like a dream, but this dream wakes up a little quickly.

Originally Ling Tian thought he was a passer-by, but now it was Shi Shi who suddenly disappeared.

"Is she in any danger?"

Ling Tian began to doubt, but quickly denied it, because it was obvious that when she left, she took everything here.

Makeup bag, change of clothes, shoes, everything disappeared without a trace.

If it was kidnapping, they would definitely not take these things away.

Although he denied his thoughts, Ling Tian still stood up and walked out, not knowing what he was going to do.

The reason he gave himself was to pretend that nothing had happened, and he continued to investigate the structure of the entire ship.

But he went to the restaurant where the two met, to the shopping street they had been to, and finally to the casino.

He refused to admit that he was looking for Shishi, but Ling Tian really searched all the people below the sixth floor.

Even the kitchen and the staff locker room were not spared, but there was still nothing. There was no sign of Shishi in the places she had been to.

After turning around for a day, Ling Tian returned to that room again, but the room was still empty and there was no one there.

Some of them were just the waiter who came to change the bedding, the room was still the same room, the only thing that disappeared was Shishi.

"Not bad, at least there is a place to stay!"

Lying on the comfortable bed, Ling Tian casually turned on the button of the TV.

As a stowaway, he had nowhere to go, and this suddenly extra room was also a place for him to stay.

Since Shishi is leaving, there must be her reasons. Anyway, the two of them don't have much interaction, so it's good to leave at this time.

The day passed quickly, and Ling Tian, ​​who had fallen asleep, opened his eyes and looked at the TV that was still flickering.

Shishi didn't come back, and her sissy best friend didn't show up either, it was as if nothing had happened.

Somewhat disappointed Ling Tian sat up, feeling a little hungry in his stomach.

So he went out to look for food, and at the same time he did not forget to raise his head and look at the locations above the sixth floor.

There is a bar, the place they went to last night, without Shishi's VIP card, of course he can't get in.

Could it be that Shishi is somewhere there?

Thinking of this, Ling Tian couldn't help being a little curious, what is the VIP treatment above.

It is impossible to go up without a pass, but this is nothing to Ling Tian.

Below the sixth floor, he now knows everything well, so he hurriedly walked towards the staff locker room again.

Soon, Ling Tian, ​​dressed as a waiter, appeared at the stairs. After waving his work badge at the guards, he walked in swaggeringly.

These people can only check on the customers, but they don't get too entangled with the waiters, and Ling Tian's actions are generous, without any fear at all.

The seventh floor is a bar street. From the beginning to the end, there are various bars.

This kind of bar is much more refined than the one downstairs, and the people who go in and out are also dressed differently.

After turning around roughly, there was still no sign of Shishi.

Only then did Ling Tian walk upstairs, since he had nothing to do anyway, he just took a walk after dinner.

But when Ling Tian walked forward leisurely and contentedly, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Waiter in front, stop!"

Ling Tian was taken aback, he was still wearing the uniform of a waiter.

So he could only turn around, but at this moment, he suddenly saw two familiar faces.

Aren't these the two security personnel who stopped Shishi from taking him into the seventh floor yesterday?

Did not expect to meet here.

In particular, they still remembered themselves, which was really beyond Ling Tian's expectation.


If it is found out that they are stowaways, I don't know what troubles will happen.

Ling Tian secretly blamed himself for being too much, why couldn't he just take it there and wait to leave.


Seeing Ling Tian run away, two security personnel immediately chased after him.

Although the cabin extends in all directions, the roads are not very wide.

So turning left and right, they didn't get rid of the pursuit of the two people.

In particular, they also used walkie-talkies to call their companions to join in the pursuit.

All the way up, Ling Tian tried hard to find the guest room. Fortunately, he was lucky, and after turning a corner, he saw the laundry room again.

Ling Tian, ​​who hastily pushed the door open, quickly took off his clothes, found a suit that fit him and changed into it.

At the same time, he found another pair of glasses on the table, and after finishing everything, he pushed the door out again, already becoming a gentleman.

The two security guards quickly ran past Ling Tian, ​​and at the same time, they did not forget to nod to apologize to him.

"It seems that the security here is quite strong. If you carry a girl on your back, you will definitely not be able to come here!"

Ling Tian was thinking while walking, but it seemed that his deduction was not valid.

==Seeing many old readers of "The Strongest Army Soul" follow me, I feel warm in my heart, thank you for your support, I will work hard ==
==In addition, the manuscript has been prepared, and it will explode when there is a recommended position, don't worry, there will be no delay==
(End of this chapter)

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