Chapter 113 Strange Killer


Shishi sobbed and looked at Ling Tian, ​​sometimes she couldn't forgive herself.

"Really, don't worry, I won't dislike you, and I won't let anyone hurt you again!"

Ling Tian held Shi Shi's hand, a pure and kind girl shouldn't be tortured by such things for a lifetime.

"Thank you, master!"

Shishi rested her head in Ling Tian's arms, and what he said just now made her broken heart heal together.

Although they had only known each other for a day, Ling Tian brought her a sense of security that she had never had before.

Especially today, when he appeared like the legendary Prince Charming.

Shishi made up her mind that she would leave with him no matter what.

Even if she doesn't even know Ling Tian's name and identity, she will still do this.

"Shishi, don't worry, I will accompany you to get out of this matter, believe me, no one will care, after all, it was a beast that forcibly violated you!"

Ling Tian caressed Shi Shi's beautiful hair, he must let her untie this knot.

After all, chastity is so important to Shishi who grew up in a lady's school.

"He didn't violate my body!"

But right here, Shishi shook her head, if that was the case, she would rather die.

"Didn't you say that you... are dirty?"

Shishi's words stunned Ling Tian, ​​and he looked at Shishi who was in tears in doubt.

This was obviously what she said just now, so why did she say that there was no infringement?

"I said...not that dirty!"

Only then did Shishi come to her senses, and hurriedly shook her head and said.

If that was the case, she would probably be a corpse now.

"what is that?"

Ling Tian looked at Shi Shi suspiciously, he didn't understand what Shi Shi called dirty.

"He forced me to see him... with other women... like that!"

Having said this, Shishi immediately lowered her head again, and her words really left Ling Tian speechless.

It turned out that Wells also thought about infringing on Shishi last night, but the cowardly Shishi forced him to die.

In the end, Wells was also afraid of causing trouble, but he was not relieved if it was just a fight.

So he found two female models and did that in front of Shishi.

"Okay! You scared me!"

Ling Tian let out a long breath, Shi Shi, a simple little girl, actually made this kind of thing so serious.

"Master, do you care about that kind of thing?"

Shishi now also feels that she may be a little picky.

But in terms of the content of her study, this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed.

"Of course not, I just feel sorry for you, don't worry, I've seen this kind of thing a lot!"

Ling Tian pinched Shishi's nose, that boy didn't have the teacher's video teaching in his hard disk.

If it's dirty, I'm afraid there won't be any clean men in this world.

"See you a lot?"

Shishi was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Ling Tian suspiciously.

Of course she didn't know there was such a thing in the computer, so she could only look at Ling Tian curiously.

"Stop talking about this, let's talk about something else!"

The atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous, and Ling Tian hurriedly changed the subject.

"What are you going to do next?"

Ling Tian looked at Shishi, he made a big fuss in the venue today, and the consequences are self-evident.

He himself doesn't care, but does Shishi have any plans?

"I don't know either. I'm afraid my father will go crazy. This time I caused a big disaster!"

Shishi shook her head, she didn't know what to do next.

The relationship with the Wells family may be completely broken, and it may also affect his father's group.

If this is the case, my father doesn't know how to treat himself.

Thinking of this, Shishi felt extremely scared.

"Master, why don't you take me away?"

Shishi raised her head and looked at Ling Tian, ​​the sparkle in those eyes made it impossible to refuse.

But now Ling Tian is unable to return home, and he doesn't know how to proceed with the next mission.

"Elope with you?"

Ling Tian asked back with a smile, but he didn't know how to deal with it.

The person has been saved now, but Ling Tian has no idea how to arrange it.

Just when Shishi was about to speak, Ling Tian suddenly covered her mouth, and a small voice made him immediately alert.

Sitting in the room, Ling Tian covered Shi Shi's mouth.

Of course Shishi would not hear it, that almost silent voice.

Blinking her big eyes and looking at Ling Tian, ​​Shishi didn't understand why he didn't let her speak.

Fortunately, she was well-behaved, just looking at Ling Tian.


Ling Tian let go of Shishi's mouth, and put his index finger on her mouth to signal her not to speak.

At the same time, he stood up and walked towards the door lightly.

The room they were staying in now was only a single room, so Ling Tian came to the door in two steps.

Lying on the cat's eye, Ling Tian looked into the corridor.

Because this room is at the innermost part of the corridor, he can see the state of the entire corridor from his perspective.

At this time, on the thick red carpet in the corridor, two guys with automatic rifles and grimace masks were walking step by step.

You can tell by the guns they hold in their hands that they are definitely not room service.

"Send another killer, can you be a little innovative!"

Ling Tian snorted coldly, even if they weren't wearing suits and ties, it was hard to cover up their spooky state.

They walked towards the room step by step, obviously they were the killers sent by Wells.

It seems that this guy has just been humiliated but still refuses to admit defeat. Isn't this looking for death?

At this time, the two killers were still walking towards this side step by step, stepping on the thick red carpet without making too much noise.

Ling Tian hurriedly walked back to the bed, lowered his voice and whispered into Shishi's ear.

"Go under the bed first, don't come out if I don't call you!"

The room is not big, if the other party shoots and sweeps randomly, the glass bathroom and the thin wardrobe may not be able to stop the bullets.

So Ling Tian hurriedly let Shishi hide under the bed.

"Master, you have to be careful!"

Although she didn't know what happened, seeing Ling Tian's serious expression, Shi Shi hurriedly got under the bed obediently.

"Do not worry!"

Ling Tian nodded, and stuffed the pillow into the quilt at the same time. From a distance, it looked like there was someone in the quilt.

After preparing everything, Ling Tian quickly walked to the door of the room.

At this time, through the door, the sound of breathing outside could be heard.

Ling Tian hurriedly leaned against the door, and with a shake of his left hand, the dragon-tying rope was immediately held in his hand.

The killing weapon in Secret Killing is not a dagger, but this seemingly soft but extremely sharp dragon-binding rope.

Ling Tian, ​​who was fully ready, looked at the handle that was gradually turning, and the other party used a universal key card to slowly push the door open.

(End of this chapter)

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