Chapter 137

As for the silent leopard head, it was obvious that he was only devoted to his duties by the side of the head.

Master Liu has always wanted to fight against the existence of the second leader, but the first leader respects him a bit, so he can only be helpless.

That's why he really wants to win him over now, and that's why he wants to sit in the seat of the seventh master.

"Okay, when are we leaving?"

Seeing that Ling Tian agreed, the head of the family immediately asked Master Liu.

"Now the young master is ready to go."

Master Liu hurriedly stood up and said.

"Alright then, Brother Wu, when you come back, I'll cleanse you up!"

The head of the family stood up and said to Ling Tian with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, master, I will definitely protect the young master!"

At this time Master Liu had already walked down, Ling Tian nodded, then turned around and followed Master Liu out.

In the Gathering Hall, everyone has their own plans at this time, and now everyone wants to see what Ling Tian will do.

"Master, can I go back and talk to my woman?"

Ling Tian, ​​who came out, never imagined that he was going to go out to perform a task after a meeting.

But now Shishi is still at home alone, in this kind of place, he doesn't feel at ease.

"Don't worry, I'll let your sister-in-law go to accompany her later. Your sister-in-law is also Chinese, so everyone can communicate!"

The master led Ling Tian all the way to another direction, and now that he is performing the task, there can be no mistakes.

"Okay then, please take care of me, Master!"

Since Master Liu said so, of course Ling Tian would not force anything.

Now people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

"Over there, everyone is Chinese, and they will be brothers in the future."

Master Liu patted Ling Tian on the shoulder and said with a smile.

These words obviously meant to win over, of course Ling Tian could hear it.

"Master's words, I understand, I need you to take care of me in the future!"

Flattery may be annoying, but now that he's looking for Thutuo, he has to stand his ground.

"Of course! Of course!"

Master Liu nodded in satisfaction, Ling Tian was indeed smart enough.

"The red wolf you mentioned just now, what is it?"

It is Ling Tian's good habit to listen carefully, and everyone's words just now entered his ears verbatim.

"This red wolf is an armed force nearby, and it translates into Chinese as a pack of wolves."

As Master Liu was walking, he gave Ling Tian a general account of the matter.

The leader of the pack of wolves is the guy called Red Wolf, and his armed force has grown little by little in the past few years.

I don't know where they got a lot of weapons from, but this is what they need.

Therefore, they exchanged the white powder here for each other's weapons, but the red wolf was cruel and ruthless, which made people worry.

The previous few transactions were considered normal, but this time he asked for a large amount.

"It was supposed to be escorted by Qinglongzhai, the third master, but the young master wants to exercise!"

While talking, Master Liu brought Ling Tian to a warehouse.

At this time, some soldiers were loading bags of white powder into the car.

"That's a lot!"

Looking at the amount of white powder, Ling Tian shook his head involuntarily.

When I used to go to the movies, it was a suitcase or something at most, but now it's a semi-truck.

"Of course, you can only get good things after a meal. This time, the other party got a lot of javelin rocket launchers."

At this moment, a man who was about the same age as Ling Tian walked over.

Wearing a camouflage outfit and a beret, he looks young and handsome, with a cigarette in his mouth and a smile on his face.

He is the son of the head of the family and the grandson of Kun Sha.

He gave himself the nickname Velociraptor, but Ling Tian didn't remember his long list of names.

"Eldest Young Master, this is Ling Tian, ​​this time I will go with you!"

Master Liu nodded with a smile. The young master has always been arrogant, but this time he is full of confidence.

"Okay, no problem, I will show him a lot!"

The Eldest Young Master didn't even ask any more questions, but instead spoke to Ling Tian with the attitude of a veteran.

Looking at this fair-skinned guy, Ling Tian couldn't help but sighed. It seemed that he was going to be a nanny this time.

The convoy finally set off.

A truck, five jeeps, and the convoy slowly drove out of the village gate.

Ling Tian, ​​who was sitting on the back seat of the jeep, leaned on the seat, while the Velociraptor at the side did not forget to talk eloquently.

"Don't worry, that red wolf is my brother, don't be so scared, I'm here."

Looking at Ling Tian who was silent, the Eldest Young Master said with a smile on his face.

At the same time, he was eloquent and eloquent, and his words were almost out of bounds.

Listening to Ling Tian's ears, he also automatically filtered out a roughly complete message.

Not far from here is a place called Kabian Town, which is the only small town with entertainment facilities within a hundred miles.

Hundreds of women are here to do flesh and blood business.

For the young master, that place is naturally a paradise, so it is very enjoyable for him to go there often.

He was allowed to be the only son of the head of the family, how could people of various forces not give him face.

As for that red wolf, it was there that they met each other, and after coming and going, the two became friends.

Later, Chilang took the initiative to find him, saying that he had got a batch of ammunition in his hand, and wondered if he needed it.

When the young master heard this, he immediately contacted his father. Although the red wolf had a bad reputation, he was extremely loyal to the velociraptor.

Once he was ambushed by his father's old enemy, and Chilang led people to rescue him, so he acted as a guarantor in front of his father.

In this way, the first business deal was concluded, and Velociraptor brought a batch of good ammunition to the stockade.

It was at this time that he started to do business occasionally, and as for the object of business, it was naturally Chilong.

The five or six transactions were very smooth, and each time they got back dozens of guns and thousands of rounds of bullets.

This can make the Velociraptor, who is idle on weekdays, very excited.

Sitting in the car, he kept boasting about his great achievements.

As for Ling Tian, ​​he still leaned there and didn't speak much.

From what he said, Ling Tian could tell that it only cost more than a hundred guns in exchange for several times.

This is nothing more than a trivial matter for a village with 3000 people.

The stockade equipped with heavy machine guns and tanks can be said to be strong and strong, and this business is really not worth mentioning.

As for his transaction this time, Ling Tian also felt a little strange.

Usually, the transaction is only a dozen kilograms at most, but this time it suddenly became a full ton.

Especially with such a large number, is it too hasty to bring more than [-] people?

Although the opponent claims to have advanced anti-tank javelin rocket launchers, the number is too large.

(End of this chapter)

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