Chapter 139 Warehouse Crisis
Quietly, Ling Tian quickly saw a figure behind the low wall in the faint starlight.

This guy was holding an AK47, and his clothes were exactly the same as the one who attacked him just now.

It seems that they are in charge of the security mission here, and they will never give anyone a chance to escape here.

Ling Tian slowly moved towards him, and under the cover of the broken wall, he quickly came to this guy's side.

Unprepared, he still poked his head and looked inside, but he didn't know that the devil's hand had come behind him.


Unprepared, his neck was severely twisted.

He didn't understand until his death, and his eyes were still wide open.

After gently putting down the corpse, Ling Tian climbed over the low wall and walked towards the inside of the factory.

This dude's life, at least not now.

In the abandoned factory, there are still many rusty iron frames.

At this time, at another location, there were already two cars standing upright.

A guy in his 30s, wearing a white tank top, sat on the roof of the car, the headlights illuminating his tattoos all over his body.

He has short red hair, a cigarette in his mouth, and looks arrogant.

Wearing earplugs, he held a seductive woman in his arms.

Watching the opposite convoy slowly approaching, Chilang sat up and jumped out of the car with a smile on his face.

"Master, long time no see! How are you doing recently!"

As soon as Velociraptor got out of the car, Chilong hugged him, looking excited like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years.

"Don't call me Young Master, call me my nickname Velociraptor!"

Velociraptor has always felt that his nickname is domineering, such as wolf or tiger, how can it be compared with dinosaurs.

Okay, okay, young master Velociraptor, why haven't you been out of heaven recently? Let me tell you, a lot of new things have arrived recently.

With his arms around the velociraptor's shoulders, Chilang pouted at the woman with a smirk and said.

"Hey, foreign goods, not bad, but I've been very busy recently, as you know, I want to help my dad with his business!"

Velociraptor looked at the fat and thin alluring woman, licked his lips and said.

"That's that, of course the young master has to be busy. After all, there are so many people in Qilin Village, and there are many things to do, so I brought the girl here."

The red wolf snapped its fingers at the woman, and the woman immediately walked in front of the Velociraptor.

"Yes, yes, then I will accept your kindness!"

The Velociraptor was already a lustful person, so he couldn't help but scratched the woman's ass.

This flexibility is excellent, and it looks like there will be another fierce battle tonight.

"Then young master, you can enjoy it slowly, but shall we do business first?"

Chilang blinked at the Velociraptor with a smirk on his face.

"Yes, yes, it's important, it's important."

Holding that plump woman in his arms, the young master's saliva was about to flow down.

He wished he could pull her to the corner right now, so he could only walk towards the truck with his arms around her.

"Well, everything you want is here!"

As the rear door opened, piles of white powder appeared in front of the red wolf.

The eldest young master, who was holding the woman in his arms, said with a proud face.

Showing off his prestige in front of women is naturally his favorite thing to do.

"Let me consider!"

Chi Lang looked at the full dose of drugs, and couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

But just when he was about to jump into the car to check, the young master suddenly closed the car door.

"Hey, what do you mean? Don't believe me?"

The young master looked at the red wolf and said with a displeased face.

"Where is it? Isn't this a habit? Of course I believe in the young master."

Chilang hurriedly shook his head, and said with an apologetic smile.

"Paying the money with one hand and delivering the goods with the other hand is the rule. If you look at my goods, should I also look at yours?"

The young master put on a majestic look, put his arms around the woman and said.

"No problem, no problem, Eldest Young Master please!"

The red wolf hurriedly walked forward, and the young master nodded in satisfaction.

Holding the woman in his arms, he walked all the way to Chilang's car.

"Young master, take a look, how is it?"

As the red wolf opened the trunk, a Javelin anti-tank missile lay there.

Chilang put the anti-tank missile on his shoulders and said to the young master with a smile.

"It looks good, but why is there only one? Let's talk about it. One hundred javelins and four hundred missiles will be exchanged for one meal."

The young master nodded, but why is there only one here? According to the agreement, the difference in the number is too big.

"Don't worry, don't worry, this is just a demonstration for you, so as to ensure the quality!"

Chilang smiled and turned on the control end of the javelin, and as the screen displayed, he locked onto the target directly.

"You think carefully, but how do I know if this thing can be used?"

Looking at the numbers jumping on the screen, the young master couldn't understand it.

"It's very simple, so you don't know?"

Suddenly, Chilang gave a strange smile and pulled the trigger at the same time.

The one that was locked before was the jeep that the young master and Ling Tian were riding in.

As the trigger was pulled, the anti-tank missile roared out.

After drawing a strange arc in the air, it directly hit the jeep.


In just an instant, the jeep was smashed into pieces, and the black smoke and fiery red flames instantly illuminated everything here.

"What are you doing, how do you hit my car!"

The young master looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment, but under the firelight, the red wolf's smile became extremely ferocious.

"Da da da……"

At the same time, the fire illuminated the broken walls around the abandoned factory.

At this time, dozens of guns hidden there sprayed out fire snakes at the same time.

In an instant, the bullets fired from all directions pierced through the young master's subordinates who stood there and didn't know what happened.

Blood splattered, bullets flew across, wailing was everywhere, and flames blazed.

"Be careful with my truck, don't shoot my cargo."

The red wolf roared loudly, the things in the truck were very valuable.

"Chilang, you dare to eat black and black!"

Seeing his subordinates being beaten into briquettes, the young master realized that he had been duped.

So he stretched out his hand and touched the pistol at his waist, but the red wolf standing there still sneered.

Before his hand touched the gun, the shy woman in his arms suddenly shot.

A knee hit the young master's stomach, and the young master felt pain for a while, and hurriedly bent over, but was kicked directly to the ground by her raised foot.

The sharp high-heeled shoes stepped directly on his chest, and the woman looked at the young master lying on the ground with a sneer.

"How is it? Velociraptor, do you like my service?"

The woman looked at the young master with a sneer on her face, and the red wolf came over and put an arm around the woman's waist.

(End of this chapter)

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