Chapter 142
"I fought with you!"

The red wolf also roared angrily, and rushed towards the young master.

But how could the red wolf, who was already in a hurry, be able to fight against the young master who was ready to go.

With three moves and two moves, the young master grabbed the red wolf by the neck.

As he exerted force with his right hand, the red wolf immediately turned his eyes upwards.

"Think carefully below, what did you do wrong?"

With a crisp sound, the red wolf's body instantly collapsed to the ground, while the young master patted the dust off his body with a smile on his face.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ling Tian had been standing there, but his heart tightened.

This place is really a place of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. It seems that I must be very careful in my actions and complete the task as soon as possible.

"Ah, it's finally over!"

At this time, the soldiers ambushing around had rushed up and quickly cleared the battlefield.

Determine if any fish have slipped through the net, and give a replacement gun.

The young master let out a long breath, and walked towards Ling Tian with a smile.

"Looks like you're tired!"

Ling Tian has been standing there looking at everything in front of him, it seems that he put this line is very long.

"Yeah, for eight full months, spending time and drinking every day is really hurting your health!"

The Eldest Young Master smiled and took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and handed Ling Tian one.

"Flourishment should be what a dude should do, and your Chinese is very good!"

Ling Tian took the cigarette and put it in his mouth.

"Just kidding, I studied in China for four years, and I just came back a year ago. Let me introduce you again, call me Sha Letian."

Sha Letian smiled and stretched out his hand, and said to Ling Tian.

"Forget it, you are the young master to me."

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian didn't reach out his hand, turned around and left with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Hey, you guys are really rude. Since I'm the young master, shouldn't you shake hands with me?"

Ling Tian's behavior was really weird enough, Sha Letian immediately chased after him.

"Shaking hands with your dad almost twisted my arm, who knows if this thing is genetic!"

Ling Tian shrugged, and his words made Sha Letian laugh out loud.

"Don't worry, I don't have the skills of my father, and in comparison, I prefer to use my brain."

After finally completing a task and getting rid of a cancer that threatened Qilin Village, Sha Letian was in a very good mood.

"You just broke someone's neck, how dare you say you use your brain?"

Ling Tian rolled his eyes at Sha Letian, the corpse was still lying not far away, he was talking nonsense with his eyes open.

"I found that you are as weird as the leopard head, but you are better than him, at least you can talk."

Sha Letian laughed out loud, it feels good to finally be himself again.

"You are so similar to that silent leopard head!"

Jump into that broken car, Ling Tian is no longer needed here.

At this time, he was even more worried about Shishi who was alone at home. After all, it was a den of bandits, who knew what would happen.

"The leopard head is very powerful, how about this, you follow me to get it."

Sha Letian jumped onto Ling Tian's co-pilot and said with Erlang's legs crossed.

"Is this why you killed that woman just now?"

Ling Tian glanced sideways at Sha Letian, and said with a gloomy face.

"what reason?"

Sha Letian was taken aback for a moment, unable to react for a while.

"The addiction to broken sleeves, let me tell you, I'm not gay."

Ling Tian started the car, turned the steering wheel violently, and the car immediately drove towards the other side of the valley.

The smoke of gunpowder dissipated like this.

"Fuck off, I don't like your chrysanthemums yet, I find the leopard's head cuter now."

Sha Letian shook his head helplessly, but he was also very happy.

When he was studying in China, no one knew that he was Kun Sha's grandson.

So he also used the sand character in his grandfather's name as his surname, and gave himself a Chinese name.

Like ordinary students, he spent four years like this, but in a blink of an eye, after returning here, he was less of that kind of bickering person.

Everyone respectfully and respectfully addressed him as Eldest Young Master. This kind of life is not comfortable.

I didn't expect to meet Ling Tian today, which made Sha Letian very happy.

Sometimes bickering is also a kind of pastime, at least I feel that he is closer.

On the way, Sha Letian also told the truth of the matter from beginning to end.

It turns out that behind all this, there is Master Liu's participation and guidance.

Of course, the acquiescence of the head of the family and the boldness of Sha Letian are also indispensable.

A year ago, when Sha Letian returned from his studies, he learned something.

That is the wolf nest group led by the suddenly rising red wolf, which has become a threat to Qilin village.

This guy is located in a strategic location, especially since he has many connections with the rival Freedom Army.

As a fool in the wall, holding hundreds of people is also considered a thorn in the side.

This power is more or less.

If there is a direct confrontation, it is difficult to guarantee that the Free Army will not take advantage of the fire.

As for the red wolf, taking advantage of this opportunity, both sides benefit from it, and the situation of falling on both sides is not optimistic.

Sha Letian, who was unwilling to pay attention to the things in the village, didn't pay too much attention at that time.

But just a few months later, the people around him took him to that Kabian town to play.

Of course, young people like to be lively. Although the bar and discos are a bit noisy, it is a good choice to go there once in a while.

Who knew that the red wolf suddenly appeared at this time, and they called him brothers and sisters.

Sha Letian, who usually doesn't care about anything, is not stupid, but he didn't directly explain this matter.

Instead, he secretly told the head of the family and Mr. Liu about this matter.

Only then did Master Liu conduct a secret investigation and found out that the boys who took Sha Letian to Kabian Town had something to do with Chi Lang.

It seems that the reason why he took Sha Letian to play was also secretly arranged by Chilang. He deliberately made friends with Sha Letian.

So after a discussion, Sha Letian resorted to tricks and pretended to be a playboy.

The red wolf stepped into his trap little by little, but thought he had succeeded.

The number of transactions is not large, and it is obvious that they are testing their bottom line.

So Sha Letian pretended that the matter was too small and boring and prepared to refuse.

And at this moment, the Red Army finally showed its fox tail, and asked for a spot.

So the two agreed to pay the money and deliver the goods.

On the other side, Master Liu arranged for people from Qinglong and Baihuzhai to secretly search for the attack route.

According to the original plan, Sha Letian took the people bought by the red wolf with him.

Then he was kidnapped by the red wolf Hei Chihei, and when they were about to go to the wolf den, they set up an ambush in Jiapigou.

Sha Letian, who pretended to know nothing, made a sudden attack and subdued Chilang.

(End of this chapter)

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