Chapter 153
This fight was really exciting, perhaps the fiercest fight they had ever seen.

"Maybe it's not over yet."

But at this moment, Dali, whose neck was clamped tightly by Ling Tian, ​​was still struggling.

This made the master who was shaking the cattail fan shake his head involuntarily.

While speaking, that Dali actually got up, and Ling Tian, ​​who was holding his head, was also brought up by him.

Such divine power made everyone sigh.

After being beaten like this, he can still move.


Standing up vigorously, his face turned purple, but he is not dead yet.

With a roar, he pushed Ling Tian's legs outward with his right hand.

Ling Tian could only hold him firmly, not allowing him a chance to break free.


Suddenly, Dali turned around and slammed Ling Tian who was hanging on his left side into a tree in the yard.

Ling Tian, ​​who suffered serious back injuries, could no longer hold back and let go of his legs.

The whole person was overturned to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"not good!"

Sha Letian yelled that it was not good, but Ling Tian who was lying on the ground had no time to dodge.

The vigorous effort to stand up was like a hungry tiger pouncing on its food, directly lying on Ling Tian's body.

The left arm hugged Ling Tian's neck, and the right hand pressed Ling Tian's head tightly.

The momentary reversal stunned everyone.

If Ling Tian hadn't used his hands to protect his throat at a critical moment, his neck might have been broken.

The blue-veined arms were filled with the last strength of Dali.

His face was distorted, with a deathly smile.

"Die! Die for me!"

The huge body pressed Ling Tian, ​​not giving him a chance to move.

And the strength of both arms was also squeezing Ling Tian's cervical spine, he wanted to break Ling Tian's neck.

"Young master, no!"

Seeing that Ling Tian was about to die, Sha Letian hastily pulled out his pistol and aimed it directly at the strong force pressing on Ling Tian.

As long as one shot is fired, this guy's brain will burst, no matter how strong his head is, he can't hold the bullet.

But at this moment, Master Liu blocked Sha Letian's gun with a cattail fan.

"Do I just watch him kill Ling Tian?"

Sha Letian looked at Master Liu, Ling Tian couldn't hold on anymore, if he didn't shoot, his neck would be broken.

"Don't worry, he's not as weak as you think!"

Master Liu was still full of confidence, with a sneer on his face, he looked at Ling Tian who was still struggling.

Sha Letian looked at Master Liu, then at Ling Tian whose face was flushed from suffocation.

The muzzle of the gun that was held was slowly lowered.

Ling Tian, ​​who was being suppressed, had trouble breathing at this moment, he tried his best to protect his neck with his hands, but was pressed firmly against his head by the opponent.

If this continues, he will really suffocate to death, Ling Tian's eyes are bloodshot, images keep flashing in his mind.

Suddenly, he moved his right hand little by little, turned his fist into a finger, bent slightly, exposing the knuckles in the middle.

At the moment of life and death, his potential exploded, and his ultimate move was already on the main line. With his right fist hitting the back of his head, the battle turned.

This punch hit Dali's temple.

Maybe the punching style is not strong, but that acupuncture point is definitely the weakest place in the human body.

I only felt a numb force from half of my body, and rolled to the left with a scream.

Ling Tian, ​​who was under a lot of pressure, hurriedly stood up.

With a blue face, he was finally able to take a deep breath. At the critical moment, he could only use the acupuncture point in the ancient boxing technique, which saved his life.

But at this moment, Dali fell to the ground in pain, his head was so painful that it exploded.

He couldn't miss this opportunity anymore, Ling Tian, ​​who ran away with murderous aura, rode directly on Dali's body as a front servant.

While whistling, the finger fist hit Dali's throat directly.

Dali was hit in the throat, and he couldn't breathe immediately. When he instinctively hugged his neck with his hands, he found that his neck was cold.

"I'll see if you can survive!"

At the moment of the finger strike, Dali's neck was directly bound by the dragon rope, and as Ling Tian tightened the dragon rope with his right hand, Dali suddenly felt an incomparable pain in his neck.

But it was too late for him who wanted to struggle.

Ling Tian tumbled and landed on the ground, staring at Dali's back with both feet, and pulling back the dragon rope with all his strength.


When the dragon rope was loosened, a stream of blood spurted out along Dali's neck.

Several soldiers who stood five or six meters away and had no time to dodge were sprayed all over by the blood.

And that round head rolled aside like a ball.

Dali, who stared wide-eyed, was beheaded alive by the sharp dragon-tying rope.

Until now, Ling Tian felt the aches and pains all over his body. After taking a deep breath, he fell powerlessly to the ground like this.

Ling Tian, ​​who was covered in sweat, suddenly saw a figure. Isn't this the leopard head?

At this time, he was standing on the roof of the second floor, looking at Ling Tian with a cold face.

Obviously, he quietly watched the whole battle from the sidelines, then turned around and disappeared into the night without saying a word.

"Ling Tian, ​​are you alright?"

Seeing the weird leopard head disappear like this, Ling Tian knew in his heart that this guy was here to see his trump card.

At this moment, Sha Letian rushed over in a hurry.

"I can't die!"

Enduring the pain by force, Ling Tian gritted his teeth and got up.

After picking up the head that fell on the ground, he said coldly.

"Jiu Dangjia is really powerful. He can even defeat a powerful fighter like Dali."

Watching Ling Tian kick Dali's head away like a ball, Master Liu walked over with a smile.

After waving his hand, someone immediately stepped forward and lifted Dali's body and head out.

As for the blood that was all over the yard, someone naturally cleaned it up.

"Are you satisfied?"

Ling Tian turned around and looked at the master with a smile on his face.

Dali is a fool, but he is not.

So he would not believe that the person who betrayed Dali's plan voluntarily surrendered.

According to Ling Tian's conjecture, this is obviously just a trick set up by Mr. Liu.

This strength was just fooled by his subordinate.

"I think you're misunderstanding something."

Smart people don't need to say too much, Master Liu can judge something from Ling Tian's face.

So he hurriedly said, but obviously, Ling Tian didn't believe it.

"I'm tired!"

Ling Tian walked towards his attic without looking back.

Although the window was smashed at this time, it was considered a shelter.

Looking at Ling Tian's back, Sha Letian wanted to go there, but Master Liu stopped him.

"Let him rest."

Master Liu was not in a hurry to explain anything, anyway, the days to come are still long.

So he waved the cattail fan, and everyone dispersed.

He took a few people and walked outside.

(End of this chapter)

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