Chapter 162
"Then what do you want me to do?"

Longzu Fengbu, isn't that the department responsible for intelligence collection? Then why did they suddenly find themselves.

"Because now, I may be exposed, but I just got important news, and I must send it out as soon as possible."

The man lowered his voice, took out a note from his pocket and said.

"You asked me to send it out? Don't you know who I am?"

Looking at the note in the man's hand, Ling Tian directly raised the muzzle of his gun, and pressed it against the man's forehead.

In name, he was a wanted criminal who delivered treason, and asking him to send out information would be like throwing himself into a trap.

"If I don't know who you are, how can I let you send it out? Am I crazy?"

Ling Tiansen's cold muzzle did not scare the man, he smiled slightly, still looking at Ling Tian.

"What do you mean?"

Ling Tian didn't put down his gun, and still aimed at the man's head seriously.

"You know exactly what it means. I'm afraid I will leak it soon. No matter what this information is, you must send it out!"

The man raised his head and pushed aside the muzzle of the gun that Ling Tian was holding onto his head.

Said to Ling Tian with a serious face.

"What information?"

Seeing the serious expression on the man's face, Ling Tian put down his gun, took the note with his left hand and said.

"According to my investigation, this batch of kidnapped meat tickets will be shipped away soon, and I'm afraid they will be torn up."

The man's words immediately made Ling Tian's face look serious.

In this batch of meat tickets, there is Shishi's father.

"Why tear up the ticket? Haven't they asked for a ransom?"

Ling Tian looked at the man suspiciously, these people are all rich and powerful.

If you ask for a ransom, it is definitely not a small sum.

And this time so many people were dispatched and such a large luxury cruise ship was robbed, wouldn't it mean that they would not pay a penny in return?

"Obviously, the Paradise Group doesn't care about the money, what they want is influence, so they won't ask for a ransom."

The man's eyebrows were frowned, and this matter was obviously beyond everyone's expectations.

But the huge Paradise Group is not an ordinary kidnapping group, they don't care about the money.

"Okay, so who do I send the message to?"

After listening to the man's words, Ling Tian nodded and spoke at the same time.

"Send this news to the teahouse in the town. After entering the door, you only need three catties of Pu'er tea."

The man hastily told Ling Tian how to connect.

"If one day, you have the opportunity to return to China, remember to tell my brothers in the Wind Department that I have not flinched."

After the man finished speaking, he did not forget to let out a long sigh, and now he has been nailed to death by the other party.

Sacrifice is a matter of time, but he has no regrets.

"Well, do you have anything else to say?"

After listening to the man's slightly tragic words, Ling Tian asked again.

"It's nothing, you can leave quickly."

The man shook his head, turned around and walked towards the bamboo forest.

"Wait a moment!"

Just when the man was about to leave, Ling Tian suddenly stopped him.

"what happened?"

The man was taken aback and turned around, but what he was facing was a cold muzzle.

"You forgot, I am a wanted criminal for treason, I'm afraid you really believe in the wrong person!"

There was an evil smile on the corner of Ling Tian's mouth, the safety on the gun had already been released.

"What do you mean? Let's talk if we have something to say!"

The man never thought that Ling Tian would do such a thing.

With a tense face, he felt Ling Tian's murderous aura.

"There is nothing to say, don't worry, I will send your companion down to accompany you soon!"

Ling Tian's gun was aimed at his heart, and there was an evil smile on his face.

"Don't, don't! Don't shoot, I'm..."

The man wanted to say something, but Ling Tian sneered and pulled the trigger.

The bullet whistled and shot directly through his chest. Seeing his chest flushed with blood, the man's face was distorted.

However, life has begun to pass quickly, and he can no longer say what he wanted to say.

The body crashed down to the ground, he never imagined that it would die in Ling Tian's hands.

Looking at the man's body, Ling Tian stepped forward and directly grabbed his neck.

Apart from Kuang Long and Mu Lan, even his fiancée and sister-in-law didn't know about the action this time.

Not to mention this guy who called himself the Ministry of Wind, so of course Ling Tian wouldn't believe him.

But no matter who he is or what his purpose is, Ling Tian will never let him have a chance to speak again.

Dragging his corpse, Ling Tian walked towards the outside of the bamboo forest.

When Ling Tian came out, a crowd of horses had already come running up the mountain.

This place is not far from the cottage, and the gunshots in the quiet valley are enough to let them know.

"Have you lived enough to point a gun at me?"

All the people who came running pointed their guns at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian raised his head and roared angrily, causing them to drop their guns in fright.

The Ninth Head of the Shanzhai beat Dali to death on the first day he took office.

Not to mention this cottage, even the people from the two villages of Qinglong and Baihu have heard of it.

"Master Jiu, what happened?"

Putting down the gun hastily, one of the soldiers who could speak Mandarin hurriedly asked.

"Caught a traitor, dragged it back, and showed it to the master."

Ling Tian waved his hand, and directly put the corpse in front of everyone.

Looking at the dead guy, several people couldn't help but be taken aback.

"What are you looking at? Still not delaying?"

Ling Tian looked at the few people standing there in a daze, and immediately spoke.


Several people hastily agreed, and dragged the kid's body forward.

As for Ling Tian, ​​he walked towards the village without looking back.

There was nothing to say all the way, but Ling Tian's heart was still a little tangled. If the other party was real, wouldn't he have killed a good person by mistake?

But now, he can only do this, in the enemy camp, he can't trust anyone.

In the stockade, it has entered a state of alert at this time.

The head of the family is not here, so everything is naturally taken care of by the master.

Ling Tian, ​​who carried the corpse all the way back to the village, looked at the master who came over waving his cattail fan.

"Master, I caught a traitor."

Stepping forward, he hasn't seen Master Liu since he killed Dali that night.

Although he was still dissatisfied with provoking him in his heart, he had to bow his head under the eaves.


Master Liu looked at Ling Tian suspiciously, and at the same time looked behind Ling Tian.

At this moment, several people had already dragged the corpse over and placed it on the ground.

"That's right, he said that he is an undercover agent of the Wind Department of the Dragon Group. He has been lurking here for three years, and he asked me to send this note."

While talking, Ling Tian directly handed the note to Master Liu.

"Then how did you kill him?"

Master Liu looked at the corpse and couldn't help frowning.

(End of this chapter)

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