Chapter 164 Fishing in troubled waters
"What level is he?"

What Ling Tian is most concerned about now is what level is that indifferent guy.

"Class B, although not as good as you, but his island has not been destroyed, so he has completed all the training."

Master Liu nodded, but no one else knew the true identity of the leopard head.

"Okay, Class B!"

Ling Tian leaned on the chair and looked at Master Liu. A B-level guy is so powerful, so how strong would it be if there is really an A-level guy who has completed the training.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian really found a new continent. It seems that his future still has a long way to go.

Knowing that there are still so many strong people, he is extremely excited, and he can't wait to compete with the strong ones.

"From now on, everyone will be on their own. Don't be angry with each other. I already know about your practice room."

Master Liu looked at Ling Tian, ​​it was obvious that he and Leopard Head had formed a relationship.

But now everyone is in the same boat, so we can't fight each other.

"Speaking of which, Master Liu, you didn't show up to play or not, and you suddenly set up a game for me tonight, isn't it just to test me?"

Ling Tian changed the subject and turned to look at Master Liu.

At this time, I suddenly tested myself, I am afraid that something happened.

"One is to clear up the misunderstanding between the two of us, and the other is that there is indeed something that needs to be done by you."

Master Liu did not deny that now is indeed the time to need Ling Tian.

"It doesn't matter if you misunderstand or something, but I still say that, don't touch my woman, otherwise I won't even recognize Lord Hades."

Ling Tian took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit it directly.

He looked directly at Master Liu with both eyes, still with a fierce vigor.

This force went deep into his bones, and there was no need to deliberately do it.

"Of course, of course, as long as this task is completed, let alone a woman, even if there are ten or hundreds, no one will touch them again."

Master Liu had already heard about the relationship between Shishi and Ling Tian from Huo Zhuge.

This relationship should indeed be put to good use.

"Oh? And this good thing?"

Ling Tian squinted his eyes, took a puff of his cigarette, leaned back on the chair, and tapped Erlang's leg.

"Of course! In fact, you should have discovered this matter. After knowing that you were arranged by Huo Zhuge, you were not reused."

Only now can Master Liu get to the point, and Ling Tian finally knows the secret behind this.

Kun Sha used to be a hero-level figure, his success is not as simple as the rumors outside.

He has a secret connection with the Paradise Group, so he can gain a foothold in the Golden Triangle where fish and dragons are mixed.

Later, as he grew stronger, heaven gradually began to lose control over him.

That's why Master Zhao was secretly sent here, firstly for surveillance, and secondly for better control of Kunsha.

But Kun Sha is definitely not an ordinary person, and soon began to find dangers around him.

Especially after Heaven started to ignore him, he understood a truth even more, that is, Heaven might want to get rid of him.

At this time, Kun Sha was also entering old age, so he simply surrendered suddenly and disbanded his team directly.

Perhaps for him, this is a kind of relief, and it is also the best way to escape the blow from heaven.

But the Paradise Group, of course, will not just lose control of this area.

So he secretly supported and supported Kunsha's fourth son, who is now the head of the family, to become a new force.

Although after Kunsha surrendered, this area became a lot of power.

But as long as there is the support of the Paradise Group, restoration is not impossible.

Unexpectedly, when Master Liu was secretly assisting the first master, the second master turned his back on him, and it became even more difficult.

As a veteran, he naturally has a group of his own subordinates who stand against Mr. Liu, and everyone is incompatible.

This is not the most troublesome thing. Recently, the head of the family has stopped listening to Mr. Liu's advice.

It seemed that he was somewhat wary of Mr. Liu, whose background was a mystery.

Especially after Huo Zhuge sent Ling Tian here, the other party took him even further.

At the very least, he gave Dali a supervisor, but now he directly hangs Ling Tian there.

Obviously, this is the beginning of trouble in the bones of the head, and he doesn't want to have too much entanglement with the Paradise Group.

After hearing about the chaotic relationship, Ling Tian couldn't help but frown, the water here is really not that deep.

In the small room, Ling Tian got a lot of information.

And he is beyond imagination.

Finally found Toutuo, of course Master Liu didn't know what was going on in his heart.

It is heavily guarded here, and I am a beginner.

Even though he knew Master Liu was Toutuo, he couldn't take him back.

And now that there are more Shishi and so many meat tickets, it is even more impossible for Ling Tian to ignore them.

"Master Liu, you have made a big circle, what exactly are you trying to say?"

Ling Tian stubbed out the cigarette in his hand, and looked at Master Liu who was sitting there.

He talked about it, but he didn't talk about the key point, which is why he suddenly found himself.

"I also received this order when you arrived. The superior hopes that we can take over here as soon as possible."

Master Liu smiled slightly, but what he said made Ling Tian stunned.

"Master Liu, you didn't read the joke, did you? If I remember correctly, there are more than 5000 people in these three villages. You and I, who don't even have real power, want to take over?"

Ling Tian sneered, this is completely impossible.

Not to mention that I just arrived, it can be said that I am not familiar with the place.

Mr. Liu has been here for many years, so he probably doesn't have any real rights. He has no soldiers, so what ability does he have to take over here.

Coupled with the fact that the Second Master was still eyeing him, he wanted to get rid of him. If they acted rashly, it would definitely be true.

At that time, even if they have three heads and six arms, they will not be able to fight with thousands of guns.

"You are right, but if we have the upper hand, the Fourth Master may come to our side."

These few bosses were all merged by small forces in the past, so many times they seem to be in harmony with each other.

The third family and the fourth family were on the top of the mountain before, and there were many bridges between them.

Now that the third master is under the command of the second master, Master Liu will naturally try his best to win over the fourth master.

"But as far as I know, there are more than 2000 people in Qinglong Village, which is far more powerful than Baihu Village, which has only more than 1000 people."

Of course Ling Tian could see that the Sidang family was on Master Liu's side.

But whether it is strength, number of people, or weapons and equipment, they are far inferior to Qinglongzhai.

Not to mention the credibility of this kind of guy who is used to being the king of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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