Chapter 178
After this incident, Chu Shishi felt more and more that Ling Tian was so outstanding.

Perhaps in the steel city, this kind of excellence is useless, and you can't go to the park to live.

Even in the park, it is impossible to have such a mountain range of big trees. How he cultivated his skills is what Shishi is most curious about.

Ling Tian didn't know how to answer. His identity can't be revealed yet, let alone Na Liunian from abroad.

To be able to live to this day, he didn't know how much he had suffered, and as the battle progressed, he regained the feeling of galloping on the battlefield with the beast team back then, but things are different, and the brothers back then were already separated by Yin and Yang. His heart twitched a few times when he thought of this matter.

After going down the mountain and getting into the car, under the cover of Shishi, the interrogation along the road went smoothly.

Ling Tian, ​​who returned to the town again, aimed directly at the hardware store. Soon after he picked out the supplies, he walked around with Shishi again, and finally returned to Qilin Village before sunset.

Back home, Ling Tian started to get busy. The explosives sent by Sha Letian were definitely the key to defeating the enemy.

Until late at night, Ling Tian was still busy, looking at the things that were juggled from his hands, it really surprised Shishi.

"Soon, I can finally be a good person."

There was a smug smile on the corner of Ling Tian's mouth, and he quickly assembled the incendiary bomb and steel pipe explosives.

In the early morning, when the sky was just getting dark, Sha Letian had already hurried in.

"Hey, get up, the sun is drying your ass!"

He who had been here last night was kicked out by Ling Tian, ​​so he was very much looking forward to today's action.

"What's the noise!"

Hearing Sha Letian's voice downstairs, Ling Tian opened his eyes.

He was busy until early morning, he put on his clothes helplessly, washed his face, and then went downstairs.

"I feel like the blood is rushing to my head now!"

Sha Letian looked at the dazed Ling Tian, ​​but was extremely excited.

After all, it is really cool to be able to kill enemies with your hands.

"What's the rush? Did you bring the things I asked you to bring?"

Ling Tian stretched, and said to Sha Letian.

"Of course, this is my baby."

Sha Letian reached out and took out two sniper rifles from the long backpack behind him.

The SVD sniper rifle may be about to be eliminated outside, but in this Golden Triangle, it is still a cutting-edge weapon.

These two sniper rifles are Sha Letian's favorite things, and they were given to him by Chilang.

"Okay, it's almost there, let's go."

After skillfully inspecting the two firearms, he counted the bullets.

After confirming that it was correct, Ling Tian said to Sha Letian.

"Okay, I'm already looking forward to it."

Sha Letian was full of fighting spirit, he put his sniper rifle on his shoulder and said.

"Why don't you go after breakfast!"

Seeing the two of them busy, Shishi was also busy in the kitchen.

Holding two plates of dumplings, she said to the two of them.

"By the way, Shishi, can I trouble you with something?"

During the four years of studying in China, Sha Letian absolutely loves Chinese food.

He stopped immediately when he saw the dumplings.

"Young master, if you have something to say, just say it, and I will do what I can."

This is Sha Letian's territory, and his father needs someone to take care of him.

Of course Shishi couldn't despise Sha Letian like Ling Tian did, so she hurriedly asked.

"I brought back a girlfriend. I usually have nothing to do. I'll let her come and keep you company. By the way, you will also teach her how to cook braised pork."

Sha Letian hurriedly said to Shishi that he really loves this Chinese food.

Especially the ones made by Shishi are more delicious than those eaten in China.

Whether it is sweet or sour, or spicy or bitter, it is definitely a classic in everything.

"No problem, I will definitely meet her!"

Shishi nodded hastily, here, thanks to Sha Letian's care, this little matter is of course not a problem.

"Okay, it's almost time, we should act!"

Ling Tian put down the bowl and checked that the time was almost up.

So he said to Sha Letian.

"it is good!"

Sha Letian also hurriedly stuffed the rest of the meal into his mouth.

Today's action was a secret between the two of them. They hurriedly put their guns on their backs, and the two of them walked out of the room.

"be careful!"

Although she didn't know where Ling Tian was going, Shishi was still a little worried.

Especially when she saw the two SVD sniper rifles, she couldn't believe that they were just out hunting.

"Don't worry, if things go well, come back and let's celebrate together!"

Ling Tian pinched Shishi's little face lovingly, he couldn't wait to restore his true identity.

As long as this operation is successful, then everything will no longer be a problem.


Shishi nodded obediently, and watched Ling Tian and Sha Letian jump into the jeep.

Leaning against the door, she didn't return to her room to pack until Ling Tian disappeared.

Living like a good wife and loving mother really made Shishi's little face blush all the time.

She could see that the gleam in Ling Tian's eyes just now, and the celebration in his mouth, made Shi Shi's face even more blushing.

The jeep drove out of Qilin Village, and of course the sentinels did not forget to say hello to the Young Master's family.

Especially when I heard that he was out hunting, some flatterers sent blessings.

What about beating a bear, hunting a tiger or something like that.

Sha Letian nodded slightly, but Ling Tian didn't say much.

"These guys, what are you going to do?"

The car drove out of the camp, Ling Tian looked at Sha Letian who was sitting on the co-pilot.

Their performance at the bar that day proved that they were just a bunch of flattering guys.

Such people will only harm Sha Letian in the future.

"Don't worry, if you kill me, I won't have many people to use. Sometimes, these people are still useful."

Sha Letian smiled slightly, and his words were really meaningful.

Ling Tian looked at Sha Letian, this guy is really too shrewd sometimes.

It has to be said that like father like son, in this regard, he really should feel ashamed.

"Anyway, you have to be more careful!"

Ling Tian stepped on the accelerator, and the jeep immediately drove towards the location where Ling Tian stepped on.

This battle is related to the future of the entire Golden Triangle, and it is also related to Ling Tian's mission.

"I know, whoever is the brother will do!"

Sha Letian looked at Ling Tian, ​​this guy was really hard to understand sometimes.

It seems that there is some kind of secret deep in his heart, but I hope this secret will not affect the two of them.

Without talking all the way, the two drove the jeep and quickly came to a hillside.

After stopping the car and covering the jeep with branches, they got into the jungle.

Living in the Golden Triangle since childhood, Sha Letian is quite good at this kind of thing.

As for Ling Tian, ​​it was even more like walking on flat ground. The two of them, one in front of the other, quickly reached the corresponding position.

(End of this chapter)

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