Chapter 184

Shishi may be weak, but at this time she must take the lead, otherwise things will be ruined.

This is also the weakest link in all plans, Ling Tian must strengthen this link

"Well! I see!"

When she heard that her father was in danger, Shishi's heart tensed up.

She promised her mother that she would take good care of her father.

Biting her lips tightly, she nodded firmly.

"troubled you!"

Looking at Shishi's ruddy face, Ling Tian sighed.

There is no way, the matter is too complicated, and now he has to take every move carefully.

"Master has paid more for me!"

Looking at Ling Tian on the opposite side, Shishi can get a sense of security from him that she has never had before.

The person she loves is really a good person, and this makes her happier and more satisfied than any news.

Maybe when my father knows the news, he will be happier. Will he agree to the two being together forever?

Seeing Shishi lowering her head shyly, Ling Tian certainly didn't know what she was thinking.

But he had to sort out all the plans from the beginning, because if there was a slight mistake, not only the task could not be completed, but Shishi's life would also be lost.

It is impossible not to be nervous when accepting such a difficult latent task for the first time.

Early in the morning, Qilin Village is like a frying pan, and everyone's brows are full of worries.

The second master took the third master and the fifth master, and hurriedly walked towards Juyi hall.

As for the third and fifth masters, their expressions were not very good at this time.

They, who followed Master Liu, also walked into the Juyi Hall.

At this moment, the big flag in the middle of Qilin Village was fiery red, and the soldiers under the flagpole were all running fast.

This temperament is not a sign of Qilin Village, but a warning.

On weekdays, it is generally yellow, and green represents enhanced vigilance.

Once it is changed to red, it is equivalent to pre-war preparations, so when the red flag was hoisted this early in the morning, everyone panicked.

This red temperament does not appear once a year, unless there is an urgent matter.

So the small bosses immediately summoned their subordinates, rushed to the defense area, and waited for recruitment at any time.

In the Juyi Hall, everyone sat down at this time, their faces became more and more embarrassing, and it was obvious that everyone had received the information.

In silence, the gazes of the few people turned around, and even the second leader, who usually didn't like to open his eyes, couldn't sit still at this moment.

However, the leader on the tiger's throne is silent, and it is difficult for him to speak.

After waiting for a while, the door was pushed open again, followed by Sha Letian and Ling Tian who walked in.

With a serious expression on his face, Sha Letian walked quickly to his father's side.

As for Ling Tian, ​​his eyes were still sleepy, and he was lazy, with a smile on his lips.

Seeing the implementation of his plan little by little, he, who will not have to bear the charge of treason, feels extremely relaxed now.

Judging from the atmosphere in front of him, this battle must be fought. As long as the water is muddy enough, he can catch the fat fish Master Liu in his hands.

"I said you can still laugh?"

After Ling Tian sat down, Wu Dangjia lowered his voice and whispered into his ear.

"What's the situation? Let no one sleep early in the morning!"

Although Ling Tian knew it well, he didn't show it.

Rubbing his eyes, he looked at Wu Dangjia curiously.

"There is going to be a war!"

Naturally, this matter cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

The Fifth Master blinked at him, and at the same time glanced at the Great Master on the Tiger Throne.

Of course, he had to announce this matter, and at this time dozens of spies were still reporting the situation.

"Okay, since everyone has arrived, the current situation is not the time to be polite, Master Liu, tell everyone the information!"

The head of the family looked at his son beside him, and then at Ling Tian who was still sitting there with a sleepy face.

With mixed flavors in his eyes, he said to Master Liu.

"Everyone, I received information this morning that the Freedom Army is gathering on a large scale, with 3000 troops knocked down!"

Master Liu nodded slightly, stood up, and walked in front of everyone.

Early this morning, the Freedom Army gathered troops from six villages and was beginning to assemble in large numbers.

At this time, the assembly should have been completed and they are approaching Qilin Village.

On the other side, there are still several original armed teams that are converging, with a number of about 2000 people.

This large-scale attack is definitely a rare move in the Golden Triangle.

"Now they say that the young master killed Wutian, and they want to avenge Wutian!"

After Master Liu finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Sha Letian who was sitting beside him.

"Did I kill Wutian? Why?"

Sha Letian's acting was absolutely top-notch, and he looked at Master Liu and the other family members in shock.

"It is said that it is because of women in Paradise Town. I don't know the specifics, but now the forces of all parties have formed an alliance and are preparing to capture our Qilin Village by force!"

After Master Liu finished speaking, he turned and returned to his seat.

"I didn't do this thing. Although I have a grudge against Wutian, there is no need to kill him, and I don't have the ability."

Sha Letian immediately stood up and said to his father.

"Eldest young master, then why is everything so coincidental, you went out to hunt, and Wutian was killed by someone?"

Erdang looked at Sha Letian with neither anger nor joy on his face.

"Oh, so the second master, you mean that the young master and I killed Wutian?"

As soon as he heard the second leader speak, Ling Tian sat up straight and said with a sneer.

"We are all on our own, why hide it, I don't believe in such a coincidence in the world!"

Erdangjia turned around and looked at Ling Tian who was sitting there.

He squinted his eyes and said darkly.

"Okay, since that's the case, how about this, how about I plead guilty with the young master, and exchange our heads for their retreat?"

Ling Tian neither denied it nor admitted it, but as soon as the words came out, the Fifth Master couldn't sit still.

"I think that's probably what the second leader thinks, but even if Baihuzhai beats down to the last person, he won't hand over the young master!"

The words of the fourth leader not only helped Ling Tian find out whether this was the matter of them killing Wutian, but also made the second leader and the first army.

If he didn't say anything, the leader sitting there would definitely lose his face.

"That's not what I mean, it's just that there is a reason for everything. If we hand over people to avoid war, our Qilin Village is nothing!"

The second leader hurriedly shook his head, and at the same time turned his head to look at the first leader and said.

(End of this chapter)

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