Chapter 200 Falling into a coma
This made Ling Tian feel a little worried, because from the beginning to the end, there was one person he didn't see, and that was Aunt Li.

Before leaving, Master Liu said that he asked Aunt Li to accompany Shishi.

Pulling the bolt, the bullet was loaded, and Ling Tian gently pushed open the door.

"Ling Tian, ​​you're back!"

When Ling Tian appeared, Shi Shi who was sitting on the sofa immediately saw the embarrassed Ling Tian.

Standing up hastily, she instinctively wanted to greet Ling Tian.

"do not move!"

But at this moment, Aunt Li who was sitting across from Shishi suddenly stood up.

Stretching out with his left hand, he grabbed Shishi's neck, and the pistol in his right hand directly pressed against her head.

One second she was still smiling enthusiastically, but the next second she actually put a gun on her head, Shi Shi was stunned.

Although she had been reminded by Ling Tian, ​​she was a little caught off guard by the sudden turn of the screen.

Some things, if they don't happen, you will never know the panic in that state.

"Aunt Li, what are you doing!"

Ling Tian kept hiding the gun at first, because he was afraid of arousing Aunt Li's suspicion.

Unexpectedly, she still took Shishi hostage, Ling Tian hurriedly pulled out his gun and pointed it at Aunt Li's head.

"Master Jiu, why did you come back suddenly?"

As a senior agent, Aunt Li looks like a rural woman on the outside, but the shrewdness in her bones is absolutely terrifying.

She, who blocked Shishi in front of her, realized something was wrong, and immediately started to do it.

"There was a sudden change in the battle ahead. I rushed back to report. I went to find Master Liu just now but couldn't find it, so I came back first!"

Ling Tian didn't raise his gun, because he was completely weak now, and he didn't have the confidence to leap over Shishi and kill her with a single blow.

So he had to delay the time, and let Aunt Li put down her guard.

"I'm sorry, Master Jiu, I also obey orders. Master Liu said that if you come back, he will bring you here himself."

Listening to Ling Tian's reasons, Aunt Li remained unmoved.

She was holding Shishi firmly, the muzzle of the gun in her hand was still on Shishi's head.

The bullet that keeps firing at any time can definitely penetrate Shishi's head with ease.

Although she was cold and ruthless all the time, she was very obedient.

It never occurred to me that Master Liu would still have such a move. This scheming guy is really cruel to him.

It's just a little bit of doubt to make such preparations.

"Aunt Li, don't mess around, I haven't met Master Liu, so I don't know about it!"

Ling Tian didn't dare to move, and immediately lowered the muzzle of the gun in his hand.

He was not sure of shooting, so he could only let it go.

Now he can only delay time and think of other ways to save Shishi.

"Master Nine, I'm sorry, this matter can only be resolved by Master Liu, so please go and invite Master Liu!"

Looking at Ling Tian who lowered his gun, Aunt Li said coldly.

Because she is not sure whether what Ling Tian said is true.

In addition, Master Liu is naturally cunning and has a thorough analysis of human nature.

He never fully trusted anyone, even Aunt Li was on guard.

So Aunt Li didn't know what to do tonight.

Otherwise, after twelve o'clock, when the major event should have been completed, how could she believe that Ling Tian couldn't find Master Liu's excuse at all.

"Okay! No problem, don't hurt Shishi, otherwise I will never let you go!"

Ling Tian could only nod his head now, but he kept looking at Shishi when he turned his head slightly.

It is impossible for him to find Master Liu. Since everyone is going to tear their faces apart, he can only do it.

In the past few days, he has carefully cultivated Shishi, in order to prevent such a day.

Now the time has come, Shishi must act, otherwise her life will be lost.

Shi Shi, who was restrained by Aunt Li, saw Ling Tian's eyes.

The hesitant she had just recovered from the shock, and she was a little flustered, knowing what Ling Tian meant.

"Don't worry, Master Jiu, I'm also acting according to the order, and I hope you will forgive me if I offend you!"

Aunt Li is not stupid, if what Ling Tian said is true and he grabs his woman, Ling Tian will definitely take revenge.

So she spoke in a low voice, and at the same time tightened Shishi's arms and relaxed a little.

Aunt Li, who had calmed down, of course couldn't see the poems in her hands.

Gritting her teeth tightly, Shishi looked at Ling Tian, ​​and her eyes began to firm up.


Suddenly, Ling Tian yelled violently, which stunned Aunt Li who was full of smiles.

At this time, Shi Shi, who had been holding Aunt Li's arm, finally made a move.

Arms crossed, with elbows as the fulcrum, Shi Shi with a cat waist pulled Aunt Li's arm forward.

At the same time, he kicked back with his right foot, directly hitting Aunt Li's bone.

Aunt Li, who hadn't understood yet, was thrown over her shoulder and fell heavily to the ground.

This sudden move caught Aunt Li by surprise.

He fell to the ground in all directions, his whole body was still dazed.

Of course Ling Tian would not let go of this opportunity, and immediately rushed towards Aunt Li who was on the ground.

But as soon as he moved, the pain all over his body made him slow down a bit.

Aunt Li, who was struggling, instinctively pointed the muzzle of her right hand at Ling Tian who was rushing towards her.


Gunshots rang out, and bullets pierced through the body.

Shooting at such close range, there is no need to aim at all.

While the blood was splattering, there was a muffled groan, and as Ling Tian fell heavily to the ground, Shishi screamed in fright.

"Ling Tian! Ling Tian!"

She rushed towards Ling Tian in a hurry, ignoring Aunt Li who died with her eyes wide open.

She hastily dropped the pistol in her hand, and the fear she felt at first was washed away when Ling Tian fell down.

Killing people is a very scary thing, especially Shishi is definitely a gentle girl.

But being worried about Ling Tian made her forget her fear, and hastily stretched out her hand to pull Ling Tian.

"I'm fine, I just hurt all over!"

Ling Tian just looked at Aunt Li's cold muzzle, but it was pointed at his own head.

If Shishi hesitated for half a second, he would be killed.

Fortunately, these days are not in vain, and Shishi is definitely a girl who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside.

At this moment, she still made up her mind and pulled the trigger.

"I'll help you upstairs!"

Ling Tian is now covered in injuries, and Shi Shi's heart aches for his distressed appearance.

Gritting his teeth, he put Ling Tian's arm on his shoulder, and staggered up the stairs.

Ling Tian fell powerlessly on the bed, and the severe pain after the effect of the medicine wore off made him clenched his fists tightly.

He clenched his teeth to prevent himself from screaming, but he was sweating coldly.

Fortunately, Shishi prepared a medicine kit, and after disinfecting the wound with alcohol, she applied medicine.

Waves of coolness spread throughout Ling Tian's body, and at this moment there were bursts of gunshots from the Qianzhai.

"Don't be afraid, Sha Letian's people should have done it!"

Ling Tian held Shishi's hand, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

(End of this chapter)

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