Chapter 209
"Report! Report! The opponent has been eliminated!"

Seeing the black smoke rising into the sky, the driver immediately reported to the other side through the headset.

"The signal has not disappeared, continue to hunt and kill!"

Unexpectedly, the other party sent a new order soon.

"The jungle is too dense, we can't find their whereabouts!"

Now it is evening, the dense forest is under the afterglow of the setting sun, and it is impossible to see the situation in the jungle from the air.

In addition, Ling Tian dragged Master Liu and purposely flew close to the big tree, so the pilot in mid-air couldn't see anything. ''

There is no thermal imaging system on this old gunship, so they have nothing to do.

"In front of you on the right, the target should be the top of the mountain, shoot me with firepower!"

But what I didn't expect was that the pilot in mid-air couldn't see it, but the guy thousands of miles away could see Shishi clearly.

Directly reported the other party's position to the pilot.


The chief pilot who agreed, immediately gestured to the deputy.

With the division of labor and cooperation between the two, the armed helicopter slowly lowered its altitude.

The Mi-24 helicopter has a total of three crew members. In addition to the main pilot, there are co-pilots and fire controllers.

As the co-pilot pulled the 12.7mm four-chamber machine gun under the nose, the fire controller also immediately controlled his own weapon.

What he controls are two-chambered 23mm machine guns under the wings.

The three firepower points were fired at the same time, immediately forming a rain of bullets.

The bullet casings pouring down were as dense as raindrops, carrying hot large-caliber bullets, completely covering the entire mountain forest.

Wherever it went, the big and small trees were not spared, and they collapsed one after another, like the horror of the end.

Hearing the terrifying explosion behind him, Ling Tian's heart tightened.

How do these guys know, they got away from that jeep.

But there is no time to think about it now, they must escape as soon as possible.

But the bullets were chasing their buttocks, and they had no choice but to move sideways.

"I can't run anymore! You might have a chance of surviving by running yourself!"

Master Liu was already paralyzed after running for a few steps. He was a literati with injuries all over his body, so how could he stand such a run.

"Don't even think about it!"

Ling Tian stretched out his hand, and fastened the handcuff on his right wrist to his own.

At the same time, with a cat waist, he leaned directly on his shoulder.

Fortunately, Master Liu only weighs more than 90 kilograms. He pays attention to health preservation on weekdays, and his body is quite strong.

Carrying Mr. Liu on his shoulders, grabbing the gun with the other hand, and holding the backpack behind his back, his body weighed more than 100 catties.

Ling Tian gathered all his strength, and immediately ran towards the side hillside.

He was just recovering from a serious injury, and he didn't care so much anymore, he had to leave as soon as possible.

"They are passing the position of the ridge!"

Ling Tian changed his route, of course the helicopter in mid-air would not know about it.

While the pilot was still controlling the helicopter and constantly adjusting the angle to complete the shooting, a new command came from the headset again.


The driver hastily pulled the control lever, and the bullets shot towards Ling Tian's back immediately.

No matter how fast Ling Tian ran, it was impossible for him to be faster than the bullet. Seeing that the bullet was about to catch up, Ling Tian had no choice.

The bullet flew horizontally, chasing after the heels of the two people and shooting towards them.

Ling Tian, ​​who was running wildly, couldn't understand how the bullets that were originally fired towards the top of the mountain could be swept across again.

Could it be that this dilapidated helicopter has a thermal imager?

This is also unlikely.

After all, if this kind of ancient helicopter is equipped with random loading of electronic equipment, it is very dangerous.

At the least, the circuit is burned, making the automatic weapon unusable; at the worst, the engine stalls, and the machine is destroyed.

Obviously, this armed helicopter was temporarily dispatched by the Paradise Group from a certain country.

With Heaven's contacts, this matter is not difficult, who made the place where the mission is performed is the poisonous triangle.

In any name, a helicopter can be dispatched.

The situation is critical, and it is not the time for Ling Tian to think about it.

During the roar of the three heavy machine guns, the shooting distance could reach more than 20 meters.

With their legs and feet, how could they move so far in an instant?

Seeing the danger approaching, Ling Tian was extraordinarily calm, even he himself couldn't figure out why he was so calm.

The eyes quickly searched the vicinity, and the brain automatically operated to identify the escape route.

If you run down the mountain now, it may be the only way to avoid it.

But at the foot of the mountain, it doesn't mean that the sheep have entered the tiger's mouth. I am afraid that those few cars of pursuers cannot be killed with a sniper rifle.

Going down the mountain to live a little longer at most is definitely not Ling Tian's choice.

But how to avoid the ensuing machine gun is the danger that must be faced at present.

Suddenly, a car in front of Ling Tian, ​​carrying Master Liu on its shoulders, leaped to the right with all its strength.

The two fell heavily to the ground, and here was a chasm under the mountain torrent.

Under the chasm that was more than two meters deep, there were stones. Although they were not sharp, they were still very hard.

Ling Tian, ​​who fell on the top, didn't have time to cry out in pain, he rolled over with Master Liu in his arms, and directly stuck to the right side of the gap.

The bullets that followed whizzed past them.

But Ling Tian and Master Liu, who were leaning against the wall of the chasm, escaped unharmed because the shooting was not at a right angle.

"What a ghost!"

Watching the bullet hit the ground and flash into the black hole below the ground.

If it was hit on the body, I am afraid that there will be no bones left.

Ling Tian, ​​who didn't know what to do, knew that this place was definitely not a place to shelter. He climbed up again, and climbed along the chasm towards the top of the mountain.

The bullets were still roaring, but it had nothing to do with Ling Tian, ​​he walked forward without stopping after escaping the catastrophe.

"How did you shoot, why is he still alive!"

An angry voice came from the helicopter pilot's headset.

The living Zhuge thousands of miles away shouted into the microphone angrily.

In front of him, there are two images, one image is from a spy satellite.

From the satellite, he can see the situation of the mountain forest through real-time dynamics.

He had a panoramic view of the roar of the helicopter and the crazy firepower.

On the other side, there is a non-moving map, and the constantly flashing red dots on the map are very strange.

If you look carefully, you will find that the map on the right is the area in front of you.

The red dot corresponds to Ling Tian's position.

At this time, the red dot was still flashing and moving, which also proved that Ling Tian and the others escaped unharmed.

Living Zhuge clenched his fists and roared angrily.

Why is he still not dead even though such dense bullets swept over him?

(End of this chapter)

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