Chapter 356

In the early morning, the noisy shanty town is already full of people, and the people who work here basically leave early and return late.

Amid the hustle and bustle, Ling Tian also opened his eyes, waiting for him who wanted to take a bath last night, after waiting and waiting, he finally fell asleep.

No way, he couldn't bear it for an hour. When he opened his eyes in a daze, he found that he couldn't move his left hand.

On one side of her face, a beautiful face was close at hand, and she, who was resting on Ling Tian's arm, just opened her eyes at this moment.

The four eyes are facing each other, the distance between the breaths is only a few centimeters.

At this moment, the two of them were stunned, not only because each other's breath would be sprayed on each other's face, but at this moment Tang Xinyi was still hugging Ling Tian tightly.

With a blank mind, Tang Xinyi instinctively flicked backwards. She had never been so intimate with the opposite sex, and she wanted to escape shyly.

But she forgot that the so-called double bed was only a little bit wide, and when she stepped back, she immediately fell to the bottom of the bed.


Ling Tian stretched out his hand to grab it, and Tang Xinyi instinctively stretched out her hand back. Ling Tian grabbed her, and she was hanging by the bed.

"What did you bring!"


"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It won't be broken!"

Because of Ling Tian's release, Tang Xinyi fell to the ground all of a sudden, but she hurriedly got up and asked in surprise.

All she knew was that it was extremely vulnerable for men, and the taekwondo teacher also said how to hit a man's weakest point.

I grabbed it so hard, it won't break it.

"I don't know, why don't you try it and see if it works!"

Being caught by a woman, Ling Tian didn't know whether it was a disadvantage or an advantage, but Tang Xinyi's question made him laugh.

"How to try?"

Tang Xinyi, who had a short-circuited brain, asked back suspiciously, but she already understood that she was being tricked by Ling Tian's smirking eyes.


The embarrassingly red Tang Xinyi slipped into the bathroom as if fleeing from a refugee. The scene just now was really unexpected.

There are many things she can't think of, lying in the same bed with a man, but sleeping with his clothes on, and he didn't even touch her. I really don't know if this is a kind of sadness.

Originally, she didn't know whether she should be happy or sad, but after the unexpected close contact in the early morning, although she looked embarrassed, she still managed to win the round.

At least it proves that this man's physiology is normal, and he still responds to himself. After regaining the beauty's confidence, she hid in the bathroom, but she was laughing.

A woman's mind is so unpredictable, especially a beautiful woman is impossible to guess.

The embarrassing scene passed quickly. Ling Tian, ​​who was going to take a bath last night, couldn't do it because Tang Xinyi occupied the bathroom.

Now that she has rushed in, it seems that she has no chance to wash her face. It is said that women are made of water, and she is really short of water.

The morning sun shone in the room, Ling Tian stretched himself, and walked outside.

As soon as he went out, Ba Tie came to greet him, and it was much more convenient to have the opportunity to communicate in Mandarin.

I followed him to wash up briefly outside where everyone washes their faces, and the Pakistani people they met wherever they passed would greet him warmly.

This feeling has never been felt before, no wonder it is called the Iron League, Pakistan Iron's enthusiasm for the Chinese really makes him a little unbelievable.

Breakfast is ready, although it is not Chinese food, but it is very rich, Ling Tian is not picky about food after six years away.

While eating and chatting, Tang Xinyi also walked out with a blushing face.

Without applying gouache, her skin is as delicate as jade, and her beautiful eyes have a luster like water.

Although the clothes she was wearing were not gorgeous, they had a kind of Xiaojiabiyu's gentleness, especially the blushing appearance of her little face, which had a kind of charm.

Sitting next to Ling Tian, ​​she didn't dare to look into Ling Tian's eyes, she still couldn't let go of the embarrassing scene in the early morning.

However, there was the confidence of a beautiful woman in that smile, at least Ling Tian's body was honest, he still couldn't resist his beauty.

After staying for one night, and having troubled them for so long, Ling Tian took out [-] dollars from his wallet and gave them a life-and-death fortress.

Ba Tie naturally refused to accept anything, but Ling Tian still insisted, and they traveled a lot, and who knows if what he did last night will be found.

So he needs a means of transportation, and the five hundred dollars is considered the cost of buying one of their motorcycles.

Taking the motorcycle as a requirement, if they don't accept the money, Ling Tian will not want the motorcycle, so they have no choice but to accept it reluctantly.

"This is a gift from us, I hope the true God will bless you!"

Before parting, those old people put a string of necklaces on them with their own hands. This is their belief and their blessing to the two of them.

"Thank you!"

In a foreign country, people from a different country are very kind to you, which moved Ling Tian and Tang Xinyi very much.

Putting your hands together on your chest, you thanked several people.

"Eros will also let you love each other forever!"

However, the second half of the sentence made the two of them feel embarrassed, but after all, it is more troublesome to explain this kind of thing, and neither Ling Tian nor Tang Xinyi said anything.

Holding the motorcycle key, Ling Tian started the motorcycle, and Tang Xinyi also took the helmet and sat on the back seat.

It's just that she was sitting there, but she didn't know what to do for a moment, whether to put her arms around his waist or grab his back.

And this car is in the shape of a slope with a high back and a low front, so even if she grabs the back, her body will lean forward.

Ling Tian didn't say a word, after turning on the ignition, he just slightly increased the gas pedal, and stepped on the brakes.

Due to inertia, Tang Xinyi kept hitting the back of Ling Tian's hand, making her even more shy.

Once, twice, until the fifth time, Tang Xinyi realized that this guy did it on purpose.


Tang Xinyi, who hit Ling Tian hard twice, had a pink face, but in order to prevent him from coming again, she hurriedly hugged his waist with both hands.

It was tightly attached to his back, so there would be no inertia, but Ling Tian just smirked and turned off the accelerator, and the car roared out.

(End of this chapter)

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