Chapter 470

On the hillside, weeds are everywhere.

The moon hangs in the sky. Although it is only a crescent, it can still illuminate the earth.

The night breeze is still cool, and the comfort at night is incomparable during the day.

Blowing through the weeds and swaying, the surrounding mountains are dark.

The sound of insects and birds singing can be heard endlessly, this mountain area has long been deserted, and at night it is the world of birds and beasts.

Ling Tian climbed out of the cave, lit a cigarette, and walked towards Ruan Ling.

Ruan Ling didn't move, she just wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and sat on the meadow with her arms around her knees.

She, who was looking ahead, didn't speak first, but Ling Tian handed over a bottle of wine, and she reached out to take it.

Ling Tian sat beside Ruan Ling, but there was still more than one meter between the two of them. This distance made the two masters more comfortable.

Seeing Ruan Ling raised her head and drank half a bottle of Lao Bai Gan, Ling Tian knew that even a person with a cold heart would have something to worry about.

He didn't know what this powerful woman was carrying, but to her, that sister must be very important.

"How did you know someone like Luo Han?"

Ling Tian broke the silence. When he was a mercenary, he also liked loneliness, especially after his brothers died in battle.

Because when you are quiet, you can recall many things, and sometimes it feels very comfortable to immerse yourself in memories.

I believe this cold beauty, Ruan Ling, should also like to be alone, but it's good to have someone to talk to once in a while.

"To find my sister!"

Maybe it's because no one has chatted with them for many years, or maybe it's because Ling Tian's strength is so strong that even Ruan Ling, who is strong, has a little admiration.

Maybe she is just telling a story now, and the protagonist of this sad story is Ruan Ling.

She has been an orphan since she was a child, and has been living on the streets without father or mother since she can remember.

At that time, life was not very good, and she barely survived with hungry and full meals.

She doesn't even know how old she is. She just thinks about how to survive every day, begging, stealing, and picking up trash.

When she was most hungry, she ate tree roots and weeds, and the mice on the street were her delicacies.

According to other people's thinking, such a person should have died a long time ago, but she has been living in a very healthy state.

Until one day, after she was caught stealing something, she was beaten half to death, and she was thrown on the side of the street, only breathing out but not breathing in, when a person appeared.

This person is the adoptive father, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, who brought her home when she was dying. After the adoptive father's treatment and management, she, who was thought to be dead, survived.

In this way, she stayed with her adoptive parents, and there was another girl in this impoverished family who also became her younger sister.

That was the happiest time in her life. Although she was hungry and full at her adoptive parents' house, she had a kind of pampered care.

Her adoptive parents treated her very well, and her current name was also given to her by her adoptive father. This was the first time in her life that she was no longer called a trash girl.

In this family, she followed her adoptive father to the mountains to collect medicine during the day, and accompanied her adoptive mother to clean up the house at night, and at the same time took care of the younger sister.

For two whole years, although her life was poor, she was extremely happy, and she would smile brightly every day. She felt that she was the happiest person in the world.

There are parents who love me, and the sister who has grown from a baby to a toddler.

But who would have thought that her misfortune did not end with the adoption of her adoptive parents. The adoptive father suddenly fell ill and died within three days.

And the adoptive mother couldn't bear such a blow, and she passed away within half a month after being exhausted physically and mentally. Ruan Ling became an orphan again in a blink of an eye.

Only this time, there was a three-year-old younger sister by her side, holding her hand. She buried her adoptive parents and vowed to take good care of her younger sister.

In the following days, naturally, a seven or eight-year-old girl can't support it. Even if she works hard, she can't go on day by day.

In the end, they were sent to the orphanage by kind people, and the two sisters had a different kind of big family, and there, she still took care of her younger sister conscientiously.

Bad luck struck again, and within half a year, she was adopted, and there were five boys who were adopted with her.

As for the people who adopted her, they were a group of mercenaries, known locally as guerrillas, who lived in the jungle between Vietnam and Myanmar.

Originally they only adopted boys, but when they went to the orphanage that day, they saw Ruan Ling beating the boys who bullied her sister to the ground and crying loudly.

The captain of the mercenary regiment immediately took a fancy to Ruan Ling who grew up on the street. The strength in her bones was even more terrifying than that of men.

Ruan Ling will never forget that day, she was taken away crying, while her younger sister was hugged by the director of the orphanage, and she kept shouting for her elder sister.

That was the time when she saw her younger sister for the last time. She was sent to the guerrilla army and trained as a soldier since she was five or six years old.

These boy scouts are very common in guerrillas. They are young and are less likely to be detected by the enemy. They are even more difficult to guard against in secret ambushes and sneak attacks.

Ruan Ling naturally wanted to escape, but all failed. What awaited her was a severe beating.

After running away several times, she was laying there dying of skin and bruises, but at this moment, the captain came and promised her one thing.

He promised Ruan Ling that if she could become the best fighter in the guerrillas, he would let her go and let her go back to find her sister.

That is to say, since then, Ruan Ling has been training and killing the enemy desperately. In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed by her.

For more than ten years, the boys who came with her have long since died, but with her strong will to survive and her innate good health, Ruan Ling survived time and time again.

The belief in her heart has never changed, and she finally became the strongest existence in the entire guerrilla team. In the entire guerrilla activity area, the enemies who heard her code name ran away one after another.

"Later, I asked for leave to go back to the orphanage, but I never thought that my sister would be gone long ago!"

Just three years ago, she was finally allowed to return to that strange city and found the place where she had lived for half a year. She thought that the sisters could meet again, but she didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Back then, she was sold to those guerrillas by the director of the orphanage. Although her younger sister was not sold together, she was taken away two years after she left.

The spiritual pillar of more than ten years disappeared without a trace, and the archive room was engulfed by a fire, and all the files were burned.

So, in a rage, Ruan Ling killed the dean and the leaders who trafficked children together, and then returned to the guerrillas to kill the captain, and started the road to find relatives.

(End of this chapter)

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