Chapter 488
In the boxing gym, there was already a lot of voices before it even started.

No way, in this prison, there is almost no difference between prison guards and prisoners.

The high-security prison houses the inmates as well as the guards.

When the male hormones get together, it is inevitable to collide with each other.

In order to reduce the abuse of prisoners by prison guards, the warden came up with such a method.

First, it allows them to see more blood without hurting the prison guards, and second, it allows them to find the fun of gambling.

So this kind of black boxing is held once a month, and each time it is held for two days, the first day is that they will fight in pairs to select two prisoners who will advance.

In the afternoon of the second day, a match was held to determine the boxing champion of the month, and in the evening it was a carnival.

So the prison guards look forward to the boxing match at the end of this month every month. They are extremely excited to see the prisoners entering the arena one by one.

Speaking a language that Ling Tian didn't understand, Ling Tian scanned the audience.

He hasn't come to the stage yet, so he has enough time to observe.

In addition to more than 200 prison guards here, there are many soldiers in military uniforms on the other side.

The prison warden also serves as the commander of the army, so the soldiers standing here watching should belong to the army.

Now there are at least five or six hundred people in the entire boxing gym. It seems that everyone likes this kind of boxing match very much.

This made Ling Tian start thinking about the finals tomorrow night, because as long as the finals go smoothly, I believe more prison guards will come.

In this way, the number of people defending the prison is the least, and it is definitely the best time to escape from the prison.

After making up his mind, Ling Tian squinted his eyes and waited for the next match. About half an hour later, the match officially started.

The first game is a battle between the red zone and the yellow zone. Two-on-two games will be played twice. If the game is tied with one to one, it will enter the third game.

On the iron cage, the spotlights were shining brightly. Amidst the screams and shouts of the excited prison guards, the representatives of the two districts walked into the iron cage.

In the iron cage with an area of ​​only more than ten square meters, two burly guys fought with each other. There were no rules, and there were no taboo positions.

There is only one rule here, that is, the winner is king, and whoever can stand at the end is considered a victory.

So soon, the two guys fought together, but their moves were just the kind of fights that are common in street fights.

There is no flashy handsomeness, let alone cool moves, but the hand-to-hand combat of you punching me is full of bloody joy.

The two people in front were evenly matched, and it took more than ten minutes to decide the winner, but the winner was also wobbly and unable to stand firmly.

There is no time limit for this kind of black fist, let alone subsections, and it is not over until one side is immobilized.

Seeing this, Ling Tian smiled, maybe he has a way to make tomorrow's match even more exciting.

"what are you doing!"

Thinking of this, Ling Tian immediately stood up, and the guards on the side hurriedly stopped him.

"I'm going to hit five of them!"

Ling Tian even gestured and said, the prison guards were stunned, and one of the prison guards immediately ran to the other side. Ling Tian had already seen that the team leader was sitting there.

Seeing the two whispering to each other, the team leader looked towards Ling Tian, ​​while Ling Tian nodded with a smile, counted money, and pointed at the team leader.

At this time, the match had reached the second round, and the boxers on the red and blue sides were brought into the cage.

As for their match, Ling Tian didn't bother to watch, his gaze was locked on the opposite yellow zone, and the two people there would become his opponents.

Out of the corner of his eye, he aimed in the direction of the squad leader, who was sitting with the other three people, turned around and walked back after hearing the words.

Sitting behind them was a man. Although he was wearing casual clothes, he had a murderous look. He was just over fifty years old, so he should be the warden.

The small captain said something in the warden's ear, and the warden looked at Ling Tian who was sitting there and nodded.

Soon, the team leader talked with the prison guard again, and the prison guard turned and walked out, and brought the dog over after a while.

It seems that these words are rather long, and he needs an interpreter, and Gouzi also lowered his voice and said to Ling Tian after listening to the prison guard's words.

"They agreed to your request, but the team leader said that if you lose, you won't survive tonight, and if you win, you will enjoy unprecedented treatment!"

Gouzi translated the words to Ling Tian.

"Tell him, today's five is just a warm-up, and tomorrow night I will play ten!"

Ling Tian smiled and nodded. He can only attract more prison guards if he makes this competition more exciting.

Gouzi translated this to the prison guards again, but the prison guards didn't report back. Let's wait until tonight's battle is over.

"Dog, why do you look so embarrassed?"

Ling Tian leaned back in his chair, he would surprise everyone in a while and let them know what Chinese Kung Fu is.

But he could see that the dog's face was very ugly.

"You are right. Someone wants to kill my master. It is the vicious dog in the yellow zone. I have received information that they are going to attack my master in the bathroom tonight!"

At noon, after Ling Tian said that someone would kill his master, Gou Zi called several of his friends over.

They are all children selected to do handymen in various districts, and they communicate with each other on weekdays. They can be regarded as little brothers who have the same blessings and the same difficulties.

And just in the evening, a child in the yellow zone called Gouzi aside and told him the news.

The vicious dog is a leader of the Red Panther Gang, and can be regarded as the leader of the Red Panther Gang in this prison. Tonight is their bath time, so they are going to kill the dolphins while taking a bath.

Everyone knows that dolphins have a habit of taking a bath every day, which can be regarded as one of his privileges as a chef.

In the prison, the cell boss and the cook have the same status, and the dolphin is the general manager of the kitchen.

If that one dares to offend him, then don't even think about eating in prison, so the dog was considered to be covered by someone in the past.

But now, the yellow dog wants to move the master, but he has no chance to go to the kitchen again. He was anxiously thinking about how to pass the news to the master, but he was dragged here by the prison guards.

"Well, you can go back to our single room now..."

Ling Tian rolled his eyes, this matter is considered a good thing for him, at least it can let the dolphins know that his identity has been leaked.

So he lowered his voice and explained to Gouzi. Gouzi nodded hastily, and after explaining a reason to the prison guard, he turned and ran out.

(End of this chapter)

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