Chapter 510
At night, there are stars, without industrial pollution, and the air has a salty smell.

Although the moon is not round, it still shines brightly on the earth. Du Liya, who was walking in front, rolled up her clothes under the blow of the sea breeze.

However, she didn't care about Ling Tian's other gaze at all. After walking out of the underwater restaurant, they came directly to the seaside lined with reefs.


Standing on a rock, Du Liya took out a cigarette and handed Ling Tian one.

"No, I'm not used to women's cigarettes!"

Looking at the long and thin cigarette, Ling Tian took out his own cigarette and lit it, he wanted to see what tricks this woman was going to do.

"You guys stay here!"

Lighting a cigarette on her own, Du Liya said to the two bodyguards behind her.

She took off her high heels, barefoot, bouncing all the way towards the distant reef.

She walked all the way to the reef submerged in the sea, and then she stopped, and when the sea breeze blew, the slit evening dress fluttered with the wind.

Ling Tian, ​​who was following behind, looked at Du Liya in front of him, and as the sea breeze blew her evening dress, his eyes were completely white.

This woman went into battle in a vacuum, with the corners of her skirt fluttering, completely exposed in front of Ling Tian's eyes.

Uncovered, she didn't care that Ling Tian was right behind her, instead, she opened her arms to hug the sea breeze to her heart's content.

"Is this a beauty trick?"

Ling Tian didn't say a word, even though Du Lisha gave birth to a beautiful embryo, he knew very well that she definitely didn't give it to her for so many years in the arena.

Du Liya didn't speak, Ling Tian didn't speak either, he just stood there staring at the sea.

No matter how high the hem of Du Liya's skirt flew, Ling Tian didn't pay attention to it at all. After waiting for a long time, Du Liya finally opened her mouth.

"I haven't known your name for so long?"

Gently snuffing out the cigarette butt in her hand, Du Liya sat directly on the reef.

I don't know if she was intentional or didn't care at all, she crossed her legs and faced Ling Tian directly.

Everything in the mysterious place was illuminated by the moonlight, and she looked at Ling Tian with a smile on her face, with her right hand propped behind her.

"It seems that we don't need to be so familiar with each other. When I was in prison, I heard what you said clearly. Aren't you going to kill me after you ask me? If I finish answering now, will you Will you die immediately?"

Since she didn't care, why did Ling Tian care about it? He also sat down and looked directly at Du Liya opposite.

But since people showed it to him, he began to appreciate it openly.

"Do you believe that there is a sniper facing you in a certain position right now?"

Du Liya still didn't hide or dodge, but deliberately sat opposite Ye Chen, and asked with a seductive smile in her laughter.

"Then do you believe that I am actually a future soldier?"

Ling Tian didn't need to answer, and he didn't need to care about any sniper. After his eyes left Du Liya's face, he concentrated on admiring her wireless beauty.

However, there was no greedy luster in those eyes, occasionally frowning and pursing lips made Du Liya feel a kind of unknown fire.

"Okay, since you don't want to go around the bush, let's make a deal. How much do you want?"

Du Liya put her legs together, she couldn't bear Ling Tian's contemptuous gaze any longer, as if seeing a monster made her feel uncomfortable.

"Are you planning to keep me? I'm afraid the price will be very high! Very high!"

When the last sentence was very high, Ling Tian deliberately emphasized his tone, which made her even more embarrassed.

Obviously, she was really angry, and the beauty trick failed, Du Liya's face was ugly.

"I don't want to talk nonsense anymore, this time I am very sincere, as long as you are willing to hand over your things, the previous things will never be blamed, and I will give you everything you want!"

When Du Liya spoke, there was a hint of anger in her tone, but she was trying her best to control it.

As for Ling Tian here, he still hasn't figured out what she said, what exactly is this woman going to hand over.

If it was handing over the dolphins and Gouzi, it didn't make any sense to her, especially since she was talking about things, not people.

So, after all, he was the man who killed her, and she should have come to seek revenge from him, but why should he give him money.

"So, you don't care that I killed your man?"

Naturally, Ling Tian couldn't ask back, after all, he still didn't know what this thing was.

So he had to ask Du Liya on the sidelines, to see if he could get anything out of her mouth.

"It's just a male dog, and he stole three things behind my back. The life and death of this kind of person has no value to me!"

Speaking of that man, Du Liya said indifferently, the relationship of ten years was completely non-existent to her.

"But since you want to go back, it's not impossible, but the price is not up to me, why don't you propose one and I'll listen!"

Judging by Du Liya's tone, she really didn't come for revenge, so what exactly does she want.

According to the information given to him by the dolphins, it was that evil son who took Du Liya to the icehouse that day and killed all the crew members.

In other words, she actually knew the location of the icehouse, which could also be confirmed from her conversation with the warden.

She made it very clear that she wanted to talk to herself, but she did not hesitate to kill the dolphins.

This can completely prove that she does know the existence of the ice store and the exact location, so she is going to ask for something from herself.


Suddenly, Ling Tian remembered that the dolphin said that the door must be opened with two keys inserted at the same time.

Otherwise, the high explosives buried in it will be touched, let alone the entire ice bank, even the entire city may become a dead zone.

If the other party wants to get all the gas bombs, they not only need to find them, but also need those two keys to open the door.

So speaking of it, Du Liya came to her because she thought she had the key. Could it be that the dolphin didn't give it to her?

But that's not right, otherwise she wouldn't need to grab herself at all, which means she believed that the key belonged to her.

In other words, in fact, the identity of the dolphin was the news she released secretly, which attracted her to show up, and then she was ready to catch a turtle in a jar.

Fortunately, I got out of trouble and was not plotted against by her, but where is the key?

"I'll give you [-] million dollars, and you'll pay for everything with one hand!"

Just when Ling Tian's brain was spinning rapidly, Du Liya spoke without hesitation. One hundred million US dollars, she really paid for it.

(End of this chapter)

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