Chapter 530
In the open area outside the hotel, gunshots continued to ring out.

Ling Tian took advantage of the cover of the trees to rush left and right, dodging and moving, showing his might as a soldier king.

But helplessly, the opponent has a large number of people, and they are all equipped with night vision devices. In this kind of weather, they have a very big advantage.

He tried to fight back several times, but his strength was very different. With Ling Tian's own strength, he was still constantly squeezed by the opponent's firepower.

One magazine was exhausted, and there were only two magazines left, and the few bullets could not be consumed like this, so Ling Tian hurriedly retreated.

"Ling Tian, ​​hurry up!"

The house was not big, it was just a warehouse, and the strong door was not locked, so the two women took the opportunity to rush in.

At this time they opened the door and shouted loudly at Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian hurriedly fired a row of bullets, and shot into the room like an arrow.

As Ling Tian entered, the two women hurriedly closed the heavy door together.

Listening to the bullets hitting the thick iron gate, the two women felt their hearts jump.

"Are you all right?"

Except for the hotel, all electricity was cut off, and after the door was closed, the whole room was dark.

Unable to see their faces clearly, Ling Tian could only reach out and grab the slightly cold hands of the two girls, and asked with concern.

"I'm fine, I'm not hurt!"

Tang Xinyi held Ling Tian's hand, feeling the long-lost sense of security.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little tired!"

Shishi is fine, but because she didn't exercise on weekdays, the running just now made her feel a sense of suffocation.

The two girls were sweating profusely at this moment, and secretly made up their minds that if they had the chance to escape, they must exercise.

"It's fine, we're safe for now!"

Hearing that the two girls are fine, Ling Tian felt relieved.

He let out a sigh of relief, and wiped the sweat from his forehead. This fierce battle consumes a lot of energy every minute.

So a good physical fitness is extremely important for a special soldier, but this physical fitness is his shortcoming.

"But there's not even a window here. I'm afraid we're surrounded?"

The dark room is dry outside, and the small house without even a single window is only about 30 square meters from the outside.

Although the door is strong, the other party still has many ways to open it. Wouldn't it be better to stay here and wait for death?

"Don't worry, since I chose this place, there is a way to get out. After I give the order, you all run to the aquarium restaurant. Don't look back, just run!"

Ling Tian had planned for a long time, otherwise he would not have gotten into this house, but now is not the time to rush out, he has to wait.

Outside the house, five or six armed men who came up little by little pointed their guns at the only iron gate.

They were slowly spreading out, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements. The opponent was very strong, and they killed five of them just by fighting and retreating alone.

If he hadn't gotten into this sealed room, it would have been difficult to catch him.

"How's it going?"

After a while, two ronin came over with ten armed men, hurried to the group of people outside, and asked sharply.

"Report, they were forced into that house by me. I checked it just now. The house is filled with cement and has only one door!"

Tell Ronin the result of the investigation, so he waved his hand, and fifteen people formed five combat groups.

The three groups aimed at the door, and the two groups advanced towards the house from left and right, while the two ronin stood at the back, holding the bulletproof umbrellas.

Tonight's dark clouds cover the moon, and the air is extremely hot. The dark field has no effect on the armed men wearing night vision goggles.

Just as the two teams on the left and right were slowly approaching, suddenly, the iron door that had been closed was pushed open.

"If you want to escape, block it with firepower!"

When Ronin gave an order, the three groups in front immediately launched an attack, and the bullets shot precisely into the iron gate, forcing the people inside to be unable to move.

The two teams on the left and right continued to move forward. Now that the iron door was pushed open, they didn't need to think of a way to blow it open.

As long as you enter it and detonate the shock bomb, the three people inside will be captured with nothing to do.

"Swish swish swish..."

But when the two combat teams were about to approach the iron gate, suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the dark iron gate.

It seemed that the sound of tearing the air was still hot, and it suddenly appeared in front of the eyes of the three groups on the opposite side, but they didn't realize what happened.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

With bursts of crisp explosions, colorful fireworks exploded on the ground.

The original fireworks that could explode at a height of [-] meters were placed by Ling Tianheng at the door.

That's right, this room away from the hotel and close to the seaside is a warehouse dedicated to storing fireworks.

Because this is a high-risk warehouse, it was built here to avoid affecting innocent people. If there is electricity on weekdays, there will be a high-power dehumidifier here.

After all, such a luxurious hotel basically has a firework show every night, and the quality of the fireworks is absolutely top-notch.

In the first 100 meters, there was no light or shadow at all, and it exploded suddenly, covering the entire open space in an instant.

Perhaps, this brilliant fireworks is just a bit dazzling to ordinary people, but for those armed personnel wearing night vision goggles, it is simply a disaster.


The principle of the night vision device is to magnify the weak by a hundred times, and the dazzling degree of this firework is a hundred times, but it has great lethality.

The sudden explosion caused the fifteen soldiers to scream and cover their eyes, their eyes were stabbed by the bright light in front of them.


The plot succeeded, Ling Tian rushed out, the fireworks continued to shoot out, those injured guys have now changed from hunters to prey.

With a gun in his hand, without missing a bullet, Ling Tian launched a counter-kill against the armed men who had no time to hide, and at the same time shouted at the two women behind him.

Shi Shi and Tang Xinyi, who were ready, rushed out of the room quickly and followed Ling Tian around for a day. Tang Xinyi probably knew the route around them.

Holding Shishi's hand, the two girls quickly ran towards the distance, while Ling Tian on the other side counterattacked directly, and immediately killed the two teams approaching him.


But just when Ling Tian was about to charge forward with murderous aura, a burst of murderous aura came from the air, covering Ling Tian's body, and he rushed to the side in a chill.

The bullet slashed across his left arm, splashing with blood, Ling Tian, ​​who was rolling on the spot, hurriedly crawled behind a coconut tree, unexpectedly, there were still people who were not blind.

(End of this chapter)

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