Chapter 554 Dragon Team Report
On the third day of the Lunar New Year, Ling Tian drove his mother to the countryside early in the morning.

After paying New Year's greetings in these two days, of course I have to go back to see my father, sell burnt paper, bring burnt wine and ingot candles, the group set off early in the morning and arrived at noon.

The ancestral graves that were once occupied by the rich second generation have all been restored, and the one who contributed the most is that rogue tiger.

He who kneeled and kowtowed all the way to this place that day, his head was broken and bleeding, and if he didn't know, he would have thought he was in a car accident.

Later, he took his former subordinates and began to refill the destroyed ancestral tombs one by one, and then erected new monuments.

That devout appearance really surprised everyone in the village, but the younger generation who was released by Ling Tian later told the truth.

"The son of the Li family is promising, those hooligans trembled when they saw him!"

The most ruthless people in the country are those little hooligans, who keep making big troubles without making small troubles, and this is the most troublesome thing.

If anyone dares to offend them, the consequences will be disastrous. They dare not cut you with a knife, but they will beat you with a sap in the dark.

Even if they are caught, they will be detained for a few days at most before being released again, so whoever can scare the little hooligans is definitely a hero.

And just like that, Ling Tian became the pride of the whole village because he taught a few hooligans a lesson, making Qiao Xue on the side laugh secretly.

The king of soldiers in the dragon group, the future trump card, was called a hero because he beat up a few gangsters, Ling Tian felt quite helpless about this kind of thing.

Zushang Jide doesn't seem to be doing such things, but since the folks are willing to call it that, Ling Tian doesn't object.

Especially after learning that Ling Tian was actually a soldier, the villagers felt as if they were honored. The elders held Ling Tian's hand kindly, and happily told them to be loyal to the country.

When Ling Tian knelt in front of his father's grave once again, looking at the newly erected inscription, tears welled up again.

The somewhat vague memories of his childhood made him not even remember his father's appearance, but he remembered that there was a man who died in order to raise him.

He knocked his head three times heavily, and the mother and Qiao Xue beside him couldn't help but shed tears.

"Old man, your son is promising, open your eyes and take a look!"

Her mother was in tears, and after a lifetime of hard work, she could finally enjoy happiness, and at this time she missed her husband even more.

After some comfort, the mother stopped her tears and looked at an open space next to the grave, which would be her future belonging.

"Jingle Bell!"

Just as the family of three wiped away their tears and prepared to go down the mountain, Ling Tian's phone rang.

After returning to China, he naturally used the internal mobile phone. After pressing the answer button, a voice came.

"After playing for a month, do you still remember who you are?"

The voice of the bald eagle came from the phone, and there was a soldier's unique crispness in the majesty.

"It's being postponed for half a month!"

Ling Tian had a playful smile on his face. To be honest, although he felt the pride of being the blade of the country, he was still a little homesick.

After all, it's only been three days since I've been back. After a fierce fight, shouldn't I take a good vacation.

"Little bastard, you have a good idea. Someone will pick you up at eight o'clock tonight. Hurry up and report to me!"

Without further ado, the bald eagle hung up the phone directly. It is not easy for the disciplined troops to ask for leave.

The reason why he approved the leave last time was actually Yan Wang’s secret consent, otherwise how could Ling Tian have the opportunity to go abroad.

"For those who celebrate Chinese New Year, why don't you take two extra days off!"

Ling Tian muttered helplessly. After learning that Qiao Xue could rest for another three days, Ling Tian didn't want to leave.

Every night, the lingering Qiao Xue became more and more enchanting and beautiful. With such a beautiful lady to accompany her, she would not even want to get up, let alone leave.

"What are you in the dragon group? After you advance to the Tianbu, you will only have two months of rest every year!"

Qiao Xue looked at Ling Tian with a lazy face. The army is not a unit, and professional soldiers should not be slack.

There may only be three months of missions in a year, but in order to kill more enemies with less bloodshed on the battlefield, it is necessary to sweat more and be less lazy on the training ground.

Fortunately, as a professional soldier, the two-month vacation is rare for ordinary soldiers, and there is another advantage that you can save the leave.

Over the years, Qiao Xue has saved a lot of vacation time, but the rule that a single leave cannot exceed one week makes it impossible for her to enjoy too many vacation days at once.

And before the vacation, you have to complete the relevant training tasks and assessments, and you can only get a rest after ensuring that your combat state is still in the best state.

"Okay, then I only have to go once!"

Now that he has chosen this path, Ling Tian has no choice but to continue walking.

Holding Qiao Xue's hand tightly, the countdown to the distance has already begun.

Qiao Xue took the initiative to hug Ling Tian tightly, and whispered in his ear, with her master Mu Lan around, the two of them can be considered to have some contact.

She also promised Ling Tian that as long as he had a vacation, she would definitely ask for a vacation to come back, first to see the old mother, and second to be reunited.

"If you don't wait for the Huanglong team to be officially merged into the Tianbu, you can come to my team and forget it!"

Putting his arms around Qiao Xue's waist, Ling Tian said with a smirk, the current Huanglong team is just a training team between the Earth Department and the Heaven Department.

"I don't want to face you all day!"

Qiao Xue gave Ling Tian a white look, but the flirting between the couple was even more teasing.

Looking at the charming and charming Qiao Xue, Ling Tian couldn't bear it long ago, and took her hand into the dense forest.

The mountains were high and the clouds were light. In the dense bushes, Qiao Xue could only bite her lips tightly. Although she kept blaming Ling Tian for being too bad, she still couldn't stop his attack.

As the sun went down, Ling Tian drove back to the county again. After learning that Ling Tian was leaving, his mother naturally couldn't bear to part.

Hurriedly preparing dumplings for him, it was a kind of farewell, the whole family gathered together to make dumplings, Ling Tian could see tears of reluctance in his mother's eyes.

After eating dumplings and sitting on the sofa, his mother kept holding Ling Tian's hand. Qiao Xue had already prepared all his backpacks, but even Qiao Xue didn't know where Ling Tian was going.

The ten battalions of the dragon group are all training grounds. I am afraid that only the bald eagles will know where the yellow dragon team chooses.

As the minute hand stopped at eight o'clock, there was a sound of car horns outside the door on time, which also indicated that it was time for Ling Tian to leave home again.

"Mom, I'm leaving!"

Holding his mother's hand, Ling Tian was very reluctant to give up, but as the sharp blade of the country, he could only give up Xiaojia.

"Be sure to pay attention to your body!"

The mother looked at Ling Tian with distress. Although he was hospitalized for three days, he still came back with injuries on his body, but the mother never asked, but she felt more distressed than anyone else.

(End of this chapter)

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