Chapter 595 You Take It First
The moonlight is bright and clear, illuminating the earth.

The night wind was blowing, blowing the branches of the mountains and forests to sway from side to side.

Ling Tian, ​​who was lying on the lawn, turned over when he saw Qiao Xue walking in.

At this time, Qiao Xue was still wearing a camouflage uniform, and before she approached Ling Tian with a heroic appearance, Chang'e had already pounced on Ling Tian on her own initiative.

Excited, it obviously has a close relationship with Qiao Xue, perhaps because she smells like Ling Tian.

The other military dogs were also very friendly, except for Erlang who was still lying beside Ling Tian, ​​they all shook their heads around Qiao Xue.

"Hey, Chang'e, you took my place, who should I hug if you hug her!"

Ling Tian said to Chang'e with a straight face, and Chang'e immediately jumped down obediently, lowering her head as if she was apologizing to Ling Tian.

"Don't bully it, I will hug it and not you in the future!"

Qiao Xue immediately squatted down, since Ling Tian became a dog trainer, she really has a deeper understanding of military dogs.

Especially their well-behaved psychics, it is really addictive, the feeling of having them by my side, I really found the feeling of being a loyal teammate.

Chang'e seemed to understand Qiao Xue's words, and immediately shook her head excitedly. This was obviously a protest against Ling Tian, ​​and Ling Tian couldn't laugh or cry.

"Okay, it's a holiday tomorrow, don't you like to go wild, then come back early tomorrow!"

Ling Tian patted Erlang's head, even though he was tamed by Ling Tian, ​​he was more familiar with the feeling of mountains and forests.

Hearing Ling Tian's words, Erlang, who pricked up his ears, immediately stood up.

"Ow ooh..."

With a long howl, Erlang excitedly shot out of the gate, like a gust of wind, piercing into the mountains.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

But at this moment, the fairy at the side came over, with its head lowered, it kept barking in a low voice, as if it had something to say to Ling Tian.

"You also want to go out with Erlang, don't you? Then go, remember to go home early!"

Patting the fairy on the head, Ling Tian smiled and pointed out the gate. The fairy immediately ran away, wagging her tail.

That's a good thing, after the fairy happily ran to look for Erlang, Chang'e and the others also gathered around one after another, constantly rubbing their heads against Ling Tian's arm.

Obviously, they also wanted to go out to play, after all, the wildness in their bones was completely stimulated after Erlang's arrival.

"Okay, okay, let's all go, but don't fight, come back early!"

It wasn't the first time they were given a holiday, anyway, the wolf king, the only natural enemy in the surrounding forest, was killed by Ling Tian.

The wolves probably wouldn't dare to come back to look for trouble in a short time, and they were already very familiar with the surrounding area.

So Ling Tian waved his hand, and more than a dozen figures shot into the forest.

"I just found out today that they are like children!"

Qiao Xue looked at the disappearing military dogs, put her hand around Ling Tian's arm, and leaned her head on his shoulder.

I don't know when it started, she really admires Ling Tian, ​​no matter what he does, he can do it well.

"That's right, as long as you treat them with your heart, they will be [-]% good for you. In this regard, dogs are much better than humans!"

Ling Tian nodded, the dog is very simple, as long as it recognizes you, then you are its everything.

More than three months of life in the animal camp made him very fond of dogs, and compared with those people who are intriguing, the world of dogs is surprisingly simple.

As long as they trust you enough, they can go through fire and water with you.

"Okay, then you can live with Chang'e in the future, it also likes you very much!"

Listening to Ling Tian's words, Qiao Xue pursed her mouth and said coquettishly.

"That can't be done, my wife can't be replaced by anyone!"

Acting like a baby between lovers is naturally to enhance the relationship, Ling Tian hastily stopped Qiao Xue and hugged her in his arms.

"Damn it, when did your mouth become so sweet!"

Qiao Xue's face was blushing, but there were only the two of them on the empty lawn, and she also hugged Ling Tian's waist because of her love for a concubine and the fact that they were going to be separated.

"By the way, let's talk about the business first, you take this!"

While Ling Tian was speaking, he took out the red box from his pocket and handed it to Qiao Xue.

"what happened?"

Qiao Xue was stunned for a moment, she took the box and looked at Ling Tian suspiciously.

This is his honor, and it can be regarded as a special reward for the dragon group. Any mission they perform, if placed in an ordinary army, is the honor of first-class merit and second-class merit.

However, because they are the dragon group, all tasks do not exist and are not recognized, so there is no certificate and no commendation meeting.

Some of them just give a few more days of family leave at most, and most of them just go back to the training camp to continue training after completing the task.

Everything seemed to have never happened. Even if he died, he was just buried in a martyr's cemetery that no one knew about.

Even the steles don't have photos, let alone names, and some don't even have corpses, only a serial number engraved there.

This is the Dragon Group, a special unit that fights in the dark, and builds an invisible barrier that surrounds every inch of the motherland and cannot be violated.

"Take it, I said, if you collect ten of them, I will marry you!"

Ling Tian smiled and pinched Qiao Xue's nose, this was definitely not a joke.

"Then don't I have to wait until my hair is gray and my teeth are gone!"

Qiao Xue blushed, talking about marriage was a shy thing for a girl.

However, these words were clearly inappropriate. She knew Ling Tian's strength very well, and she might be able to win the ace medal of the Tenth Battalion in a short time.

"It's okay, even if you have white hair, wrinkled face, lost teeth, hunchback when you walk, and panting when you speak, I will definitely marry you back!"

Ling Tian's words would naturally be exchanged for Qiao Xue's pink fist, but the old dogs lying there in the distance did not pay any attention to the scene of throwing dog food to show their affection.

Holding Qiao Xue in his arms, Ling Tian felt as if he had embraced the beauty, and walked towards the swimming pool in the backyard step by step. Tonight, he wanted to play with a mandarin duck.

Being hugged by Ling Tian, ​​Qiao Xue buried her head firmly on his chest, listening to the rhythmic heartbeat, her heart was as sweet as honey.

In her life and death, she found such a man, which was absolutely unexpected for her.

I still remember that when she picked up a husband inexplicably on the first day of picking up the plane, she was really dumbfounded.

But it is also this kind of fate that makes the two hearts stick together tightly, and they will never be separated.

Tightly kissing Qiao Xue's small mouth, soaking in the cool water, the two bodies became entangled.

As soon as they parted, a pair of lovers presumptuously interpreted their longing and love for each other with the splash of water.

(End of this chapter)

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