Chapter 625 Trading Locations
On the beach with blue waves, Su Yue hugged Ling Tian's arms and stepped on the sand with her bare feet.

The sea breeze was blowing her hair, and there was a happy and sweet smile on the corner of her mouth. At this moment, Su Yue seemed to really blend into that identity.

Ling Tian, ​​on the other hand, was carrying a computer bag, watching every move around him vigilantly, and no one has contacted them until now.

Turning around the hotel, it was dark at this time, the two of them were walking on the beach, and the phone never rang.

"Why didn't the other party call?"

Su Yue also felt strange, and calculated that they had been here for a few hours.

The other party has not contacted them until now, so what kind of bad idea is simmering in his bones.

"I'm afraid it's not just the other party who is staring at us!"

Ling Tian copied his pocket with one hand and his computer bag with the other.

He kept his computer close to him, and found a figure swaying in the woods on the bank.

These guys in local clothes have followed them a long way, sneaking around and not knowing what to do.

"How do you know it's not Hawkeye's gang?"

Hearing Ling Tian's words, Su Yue hurriedly took a peek at the forest, there was indeed a figure there.

It's just that the sky has darkened, and it's 60 meters away, so I can't see it clearly.

"They don't walk like they're trained, they're more like local hooligans!"

Ling Tian shook his head, from the way they stepped on the beach, Ling Tian could tell that they were not trained.

Most people walk on the beach with the center backward, because the softness of the beach will greatly reduce the reaction force, which is more tiring than walking on flat ground.

But trained people will instinctively exert force with their toes, and lean their body forward slightly, borrowing the forward leaning shape to reduce physical energy consumption. Similarly, seeing the contact area can increase the reaction force.

If you run 100 meters on weekdays, you can only run 40 meters on the beach. With the same consumption, trained people will try their best to allocate their physical energy to the state of 60 meters.

This is an instinct of raising hands and feet, and it is also common sense as a mercenary, but those people obviously don't know it.

"As far as you know, what if the other party wants to use local gangsters to rob us? We don't even have a gun on us, or we'd better go back!"

Su Yue rolled her eyes at Ling Tian, ​​how could she conclude that the other party was not sent to rob the computer just by walking.

"They don't know how to use a gun. What they want is a computer. Once the computer is damaged, they will be in vain. At that time, they will not be sure whether the information is still there!"

The computer is their talisman, and the other party will never damage the computer.

After all, once the information is leaked, it may endanger the military personnel of some neighboring countries. Once their use of the army to traffic drugs is made public, the consequences will be unpredictable.

At least they will be kicked out, and at worst, China will use this to directly request extradition. They can be used as a domineering power abroad, but if they fall into the hands of China, they will be in big trouble.

At that time, no one will be able to keep them, so there will be this transaction.

"Well, even if you're right, there's no need for us to hang around here."

Su Yue looked at Ling Tian, ​​they were already a kilometer away from the hotel.

The sky is getting dark, and there are not many people around, why should we continue walking like this.

"If you're not afraid of thieves stealing, you're afraid of thieves worrying about them. It's better to get rid of them!"

Ling Tian shook his head, of course he didn't intend to go back.

If someone keeps thinking about it, it's better to get rid of the trouble as soon as possible.

So he pulled Su Yue up and walked towards the woods on the left.

Although the windbreak forest is not dense, it is also a secluded place.

Under the tall coconut tree, Ling Tian stopped and wrapped his arms around Su Yue's waist.

Su Yue, who was wearing a beach dress, was definitely elegant and free, especially her beautiful eyes were like water.

"What are you doing!"

Su Yue was taken aback for a moment, Ling Tian had already pinned her on the coconut tree, and Ling Tian clung to her tightly, which made Su Yue very nervous.

"You said a young couple got into the woods, what can they do? If they don't pretend to be a little bit, how could the other party come over!"

Ling Tian put his hands around Su Yue's waist, with a wicked smile on his lips.

"That's not true!"

Su Yue looked at Ling Tian's approaching lips, and swallowed nervously.

With shyness and nervousness in her eyes, she has already actively closed her eyes.

"Hug without closing your eyes!"

Just when Su Yue thought Ling Tian would kiss her, Ling Tian just hugged her tightly, and the voice of a smirk in her ear made Su Yue suddenly open her eyes.

With an embarrassing face, she never imagined that Ling Tian would be so bad, and suddenly change his mind at such a time.

Her shy heart made her not know what to do for a while, she turned her head and bit Ling Tian's ear directly.

She didn't expect Ling Tian to turn her head, but Su Yue took the initiative to bite Ling Tian's mouth.

The first kiss disappeared in an instant, and Su Yue, who was biting Ling Tian's mouth, was stunned, not knowing whether it was a kiss or not.

"Wow, there's no need to be so excited!"

Ling Tian looked at Su Yue's mouth moved away, this was the first time he had encountered such a passionate kiss.

"If you want to take care of it, this girl is happy!"

Unexpectedly, by mistake, her first kiss disappeared like this. With a blushing face, she could only endure the embarrassment and said with her neck raised.

"Okay, if you bite me, I will bite back no matter what, if you bite me, I will bite yours!"

Ling Tian licked his lips, looking at the beauty Jing Hua in his arms, Ling Tian said with a smirk.

"No! No!"

Seeing Ling Tian opening his mouth to bite, Su Yue who couldn't escape with his arms around her waist could only dodge left and right.

She hadn't recovered from the embarrassment, so she refused to kiss Ling Tian.

But when she closed her eyes and lowered her head, trying to avoid Ling Tian's mouth, she suddenly felt that Ling Tian didn't move.

She raised her head hastily, and with the light from the moonlight shining into the coconut grove, she could see that there were seven or eight people surrounded in front of her eyes.

The man in local clothes looked at Ling Tian and Su Yue with a lewd smile on his face.

"The status of women in this country is very low, these guys should not plan to just rob money!"

Ling Tian still put his arms around Su Yue's waist, and looked at the scene in front of him with a smile on his face.

These guys should be just local gangsters. They fell in love with this oriental beauty, but today they kicked the iron plate.

There was no need to communicate with them because of the language barrier. Ling Tian squinted his eyes and looked around, while they approached the two of them step by step.

But just when Ling Tian was about to make a move and let them learn a lesson they would never forget, his arm was suddenly grabbed by someone.

"These guys are handed over to me, show me the computer!"

Su Yue threw her waist, and rushed forward directly. She wanted to let these men know that women are not easy to mess with.

(End of this chapter)

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