Chapter 631 The Zoo

The zoo was full of people, because it also attracted some foreign tourists, so it was very lively.

Human races of various skins come from all over the world, just like animals in zoos, they also come from all over the world.

Whether it is polar bears, Antarctic penguins, pumas, African leopards, there are many kinds.

Among the crowd, Ling Tian held Su Yue's hand, the girl refused to leave first, saying that she wanted to share Ling Tian's troubles.

"You have time to go now, your master won't be so easy to deceive!"

Ling Tian looked at Su Yue, just now when the headquarters called, Su Yue lied that they were trying to find a way to get to the airport.

"The general is outside, and the military order is not accepted. Besides, I am leaving now, how do you deal!"

Su Yue patted the computer bag on her back. This computer is an important material. Even if it is anti-drop itself, the computer bag also has a protective layer for anti-drop.

"Aren't you afraid to go back and take off your police uniform?"

Ling Tian asked with a smile. While the two were talking, Su Yue still held Ling Tian's arm. They were pretending to be a couple and no one noticed.

There are a lot of tourists coming and going, bustling, and the zoo is overcrowded. It should be safer to trade in this kind of place.

"Take it off, at least you have to be worthy of your conscience. I can't leave a 13-year-old girl alone, otherwise, what's the use of keeping the police uniform!"

Su Yue has her own bottom line, innocent life is threatened, she can't let it go.

"Okay, but you have to know that we may have entered the opponent's sniper scope and may die at any time. The opponent's marksmanship is better than mine!"

As Ling Tian walked, he looked at the surrounding buildings. The entire zoo was divided into three areas, the beast area on the left, the pedestrian area on the right, and the playground in the middle.

Now they are in the middle of the playground and the pedestrian area, but the beast area needs to be entered by car.

But no matter how you look for it, there are many commanding heights here. If there are snipers, they won't be able to escape at all.

"Then at least I can block a shot for you, and it is our responsibility to kill the little girl!"

Su Yue said without hesitation, seeing what she blurted out, Ling Tian just smiled slightly.

On the battlefield, not everyone can block a gun. If you don't react quickly, you can only resign yourself to fate.

"Jingle Bell!"

Just as the two of them were walking up and down the pedestrian area, the phone rang again.

Ling Tian pressed the phone, and Lucifer's voice came over.

"My people have arrived at the zoo, where are you going to trade?"

Lucifer said in a deep voice, now that Ling Tian is turning against customers, he can only be controlled by others.

"Monkey Mountain, deliver the goods with one hand!"

Looking at the surrounding situation, since it is impossible to avoid the opponent's high-level burst, it is better to enter the largest monkey mountain in this pedestrian area.

There are towering rockeries everywhere, where the trader has a chance to avoid if the opponent shoots.

"Why Monkey Mountain?"

Lucifer was taken aback for a moment, and asked suspiciously.

"Is it still the crocodile pond? Do you have a choice?"

Ling Tian hung up the phone directly, he must have the appearance of taking the initiative to take the initiative.

I believe that Lucifer on the opposite side is already furious, but he has no choice since the computer is in his hands.

After hanging up the phone, Ling Tian took Su Yue and walked towards Monkey Mountain. When he reached the door, Ling Tian took out money and bought two packs of feed.

"Are you still in the mood to buy feed at this time?"

Looking at Ling Tian's two bags of chopped sweet potatoes, Su Yue asked suspiciously.

They came to trade, why is he still going to feed the monkeys.

"It's not bad just to relax!"

While speaking, Ling Tian pulled away the backpack on Su Yue's chest and poured a bag of feed into it.

Before Su Yue could speak, he pushed open the heavy iron gate and walked into the Monkey Mountain.

In the monkey mountain full of strange rocks, hundreds of monkeys squatted on it, sitting or standing, carefully watching the surrounding situation.

From time to time, there will be some little monkeys running to the front of the tourists to beg for food. Stepping into the middle of the monkey mountain, there is a circular open space.

Every night, there will be a monkey training performance here. After walking around, Ling Tian looked at the monkey king who was lying on his stomach at the best place. He has absolute power here.

"Where are you?"

Finally, the phone rang again, and Lucifer's voice was cold.

"I'm in the square in the middle of Monkey Mountain. I'm bringing people here. As long as I'm sure the hostages are safe, everything else is fine!"

Ling Tian didn't say much, and didn't give the other party a chance to refute at all. After hanging up the phone, he reached out and took Su Yue's backpack.

"You hide here, and if you have a chance, find a way to save people!"

He pointed to the three-meter-long monkey cave on the right. All the rockeries are empty in the middle, specially for monkeys to live in.

Su Yue nodded, grabbed the handrail and climbed up. The hole was only one meter high, and it was easy for monkeys to get in and out, but she could only climb in.

Fortunately, the monkeys are basking in the sun at a high place now, and no monkey has noticed the situation here.

Ling Tian carried the backpack and walked towards the opposite side. The square was more than 20 meters wide. Standing there, Ling Tian held the backpack in his arms.

Finally, after waiting for another five or six minutes, three men in black pulled a girl to the square.

At the same time, on the other side, three men walked in. They were wearing black suits with sunglasses, and their waists were bulging. They might be hiding guns.

Following the appearance of six people, within a short while, the phone rang, Ling Tian pressed the answer button, and Lucifer's voice came.

"I thought you would show up in person, but I didn't expect you to come out to see old friends!"

Looking around at the six people, no one's mouth was moving, and they were all wearing earphones, so Lucifer should be remotely controlling them.

"Don't worry, we will definitely meet, now you hand over the computer to the person on your left, and then we will release the hostages!"

Lucifer's words made Ling Tian frowned, and he looked around for a while, probably he was hiding in the distance, aiming at himself with a sniper rifle.

"Are you thinking I'm stupid, if I give you a computer, you'll give me a hostage, let her go to the middle, and I'll put the computer on the ground, everyone, don't mess around!"

Of course Ling Tian would not obey, he hid in the corner, hugged the computer to his chest, and carefully prevented the other party from sniping.

"How do I know if there is a computer in the bag!"

Lucifer sneered, he is not a fool, but at this moment, Ling Tian opened the backpack and took out the computer.

"You can see, if you don't even know the special computer, I think this deal can be given up!"

Ling Tian held the computer up high, but deliberately avoided one side, so that he could see himself from both sides from his angle.

If he can see his actions, it will prove his position.

"no problem!"

Sure enough, Ling Tian's plan took effect, he determined the distance to Lucifer, then it will depend on the monkeys.

(End of this chapter)

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