Chapter 666
Above the wilderness, the sun was scorching hot, and under sufficient light, the smoke and dust in the distance looked like a giant dragon.

Ling Tian hurriedly turned over and climbed onto the roof, looking into the distance, the appearance of two trucks amidst the smoke and dust made Ling Tian realize that they might not be his reinforcements.

"Take the villagers to hide immediately, it's the enemy army!"

Ling Tian jumped off the roof, picked up the guns in his hands, put one of them behind his back, and said to Qiu Yutong while holding the other.

"Then be careful!"

Qiu Yutong knew that it would be of no help to stay, so he hurriedly called the old man to hold the child and ran towards the mound behind him.

The house is already dilapidated, and there are no previous things. A few clothes are considered all the belongings.

Watching the villagers leave, Ling Tian quickly walked to the truck, jumped on the truck, drove the truck to the entrance of the village, and lay across the road.

Although there are no obstacles in the wilderness, the distance between the houses is not large, and there is only one road to drive the car in.

This design is also to block more of the biggest natural disaster in the desert - the invasion of wind and sand.

After disposing of the car, Ling Tian jumped down, cut up the clothes bit by bit with a dagger, and twisted them into ropes.

After coming to the fuel tank on the right, unscrewing the cap, the long rope was soaked in gasoline, and then extended to a position more than ten meters away.

This is a delayed detonation device. Although Ling Tian can directly blow up the fuel tank with a single shot, this is definitely not a method that should be tried and tested.

Because sometimes, even if a bullet is shot into the fuel tank, it may not necessarily explode, after all, the bullet will not carry fire.

If it does not collide with the iron sheet in the fuel tank and splash sparks, but passes directly through it, the fuel tank will not explode to the end.

After finishing these, Ling Tian turned around and went to the house inside, lying in the corner, he only popped out a little muzzle and aimed outside.

The quiet village seemed to be abandoned. With the roar of motors in the distance, two trucks came to the entrance of the village.

Because of the blockage of the dilapidated truck, they could only stop, and more than 40 people in the car jumped out of the car immediately.

Holding automatic rifles, the militants walking all the way forward looked at the car with strange expressions.

After waiting for a long time and not returning, the reinforcements came to check immediately. At this time, they only saw the car but no people, which made them more vigilant.

"Closer! Come closer!"

Even with several assembled AK47s, the accuracy is only 200 meters, and it is best to shoot within 100 meters.

This is already considered the best. Depending on the opponent's marksmanship, he might not be able to hit him from 50 meters away. This is why Ling Tian wants to start a fight.

Finally, the group of militants came to the front of the car, spotted the target, and Ling Tian pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The bullets roared out, and the two militants who bore the brunt were immediately pierced through their chests.

The gunshots exposed Ling Tian's position, he didn't dare to hesitate, he couldn't gamble with so many people.

Although Ling Tian's gunshot killed two people, the other militants immediately fought back bravely. It is not a big deal that more than 40 people killed two people.

So very quickly, the house where Ling Tian was hiding was hit by bullets like honeycomb coal, full of holes.

However, at this time Ling Tian had already arrived at another location, so he could only use guerrilla tactics to deal with the opponent.

The bullets kept flying by, piercing through the house and jumping across the spine, Ling Tian began to circle around the small village and started to deal with the enemy.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

But just after Ling Tian came to a house, there was a sudden sound of piercing through the air.

The house immediately behind him was instantly torn apart by the huge explosion, and the thatched house immediately burst into flames.

"Damn it, bazooka!"

Ling Tian got up from the ground and patted his dusty clothes.

The opponent's firepower is much stronger than that of the previous group. It seems that this is the regular army under Kurrigel.

Not long after the rocket exploded, the sound of a heavy machine gun came.

Large-caliber bullets that directly penetrate four or five layers of walls are definitely a disaster for Ling Tian, ​​and the rate of fire is much higher than the worn-out AK47 in Ling Tian's hands.

Ling Tian, ​​who was running fast, pounced forward, and the bullets flew past his back. The scorching hot bullets made Ling Tian's back hurt, and cold sweat dripped down his face.

"Do you need to be so ruthless!"

With rockets and heavy machine guns, the opponent's firepower far surpassed his own. Ling Tian, ​​who didn't dare to shoot anymore, could only crawl forward against the corner of the wall.

Minimizing the angle as much as possible, sticking his body to the ground, Ling Tian, ​​who fled quickly, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

However, just after he escaped from the position covered by the opponent's firepower, the opponent had already surrounded him from the left and right sides.

Ling Tian, ​​who was immediately surrounded, had no choice but to open the window and get into the mud room beside him.

Sticking to the wall, Ling Tian tried his best to suppress the feeling of continuous oxygen in his lungs, and breathed flat to avoid exposure.

Sure enough, soon there were footsteps outside the window, and the militants surrounded from one side brushed past him.


Just when Ling Tian thought it would be fine if the other party walked by, he didn't expect that just as the footsteps passed by, the wooden door was suddenly pushed open.

Two black gun muzzles first appeared in Ling Tian's eyes, and before he could fight back, Ling Tian hurriedly flew out along the other window.

"Da da da……"

At the same time as he landed on the ground, Ling Tian pulled the trigger, and the militants in the two alleys were killed before they could return fire.

Getting up, Ling Tian threw the automatic rifle without bullets on the ground, supported the walls of the two houses with both hands, and climbed towards the roof with both feet.

After arriving on the roof, Ling Tian hurriedly turned over and lay down on a roof, and took another AK47 from his back. He was going to deal with the heavy machine guns on the square first.

He raised his gun and fired, and the other party also found Ling Tian's position. Although Ling Tian killed the heavy machine gunner lying on the ground with one shot, the two militants with rocket launchers beside him had already pulled the trigger.

The two rockets flew towards them with a long trail of smoke, and death approached again, causing Ling Tian to jump up.


The violent explosion tore apart the earthen house where Ling Tian had settled down just now, and the flames instantly engulfed the broken earthen wall.

On the other side, Ling Tian landed on the earthen house next door, but he jumped with a bit of strength, the moment he landed on the thatched house, the house also collapsed.

He fell to the ground along the four-meter-high building. Although his whole body seemed to be scattered, at least he avoided the power of the rocket launcher.

However, his situation is not very good, because with the shouts, militants pouring in from all directions have surrounded him.

Footsteps sounded, and the opponent's heavy machine gun also changed direction, and the bullets roared and hit the wall, Ling Tian fell into a desperate situation.

(End of this chapter)

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