Chapter 679 Anger rushed to the crown
When a man reeking of alcohol broke into it, it was like a stone stirring up a thousand waves.

Hearing the iron door being closed heavily, more than a dozen women immediately got up.

They retreated one after another, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, dodging one after another, acting recklessly wherever the man passed,
Squinting his eyes and shaking his body, the man has already stepped towards the girl curled up in the corner.

Twelve or thirteen years old, their bodies have not yet developed, but they have aroused the man's perverted thoughts. Looking at the lustful eyes, the two little girls screamed in fright.

But the more they screamed, the more excited the man became. He stretched out his hand to grab one girl, and hit another girl in the face with his mouth.

Without the slightest bit of sympathy, without a bit of mercy, he, who was physically strong, knocked another girl to the ground with one mouth.

At the same time, the girl with a thin body was pressed to the ground, and a pair of claws began to tear her already broken clothes.

The girl who was unwilling to be humiliated tried to struggle, but she couldn't do it at all. As for the other women, they were already shaking with fright, and no one dared to come to help.

"Have you thought of an idea!"

The scholar who was lying on the air vent had bloodshot eyes, seeing that the man was about to rape the girl, but he could only watch helplessly.

For a man, for a soldier, this is simply a shame. Turning his head to look at Ling Tian who was squatting on the ground, he was about to go crazy.

"No idea, just do whatever you want!"

Ling Tian shook his head helplessly, he really couldn't think of any good ideas.

Going deep into the tiger's den, those women couldn't understand what was said to them. Once they panicked, they couldn't take them to evacuate.

There were wolves in the front and tigers in the back, and Ling Tian couldn't think of any good idea after much deliberation. He heard the screams inside, and he said to the scholar.

"That's what you said!"

When Xiucai heard this, he pulled out his pistol without hesitation, and directly stuck the pistol into the air vent.

With a distance of five meters, Xiucai is sure to hit every shot.


A gunshot sounded, which seemed so piercing in the silent night.

The bullet pierced the opponent's head, and the body lay directly on the ground.

This is what Xiucai wanted to do the most, that is to kill this beast, but as the gunshot rang out, the sleepy minions who were lying on the ground had already got up one after another.

They were holding guns, but for a moment they didn't understand the gunshots coming from there.

At this time, Ling Tian had already thrown the last two grenades in his hand.

The grenade landed precisely on two campfires 20 meters away. With the explosion of the grenade, shrapnel mixed with sparks flew around.

The few minions who hadn't reacted immediately fell into a pool of blood. Ling Tian took out his pistol and started attacking the surrounding minions.

The gun battle was about to start, and the panda and the blacksmith, who had no idea what was going on, immediately grabbed the light machine guns in their hands.

Could it be that Ling Tian and the others failed in their secret infiltration, but they can't leave their posts, they have to carry out fire suppression here.

"what's the situation!"

Hearing the sound of a gun battle coming from the other side of the village, the mouse asked through the throat microphone just after carrying a bucket of oil on its shoulder.

"Scholars and heroes save the beauty, the wind is tight and prepare to retreat!"

After tossing three people over, Ling Tian rolled over on the spot, landed in another place and pulled the trigger again.

The bullets of the pistol are limited, but it is still extremely accurate. The panicked minions watched their companions fall one after another, and immediately lay down in the bunker and did not dare to move.

"Then what do you do now!"

Pharmacist was carrying the fuel on his back, and asked anxiously, they were going in the opposite direction from Ling Tian, ​​if they needed support now.

"Blow up the oil depot, and then blow up the car to distract them. I will find a way to rush out with Xiucai!"

Ling Tian probably had a little judgment in his brain, but now Xiucai has rushed into the room.

Kicking open the door, his appearance made those women even more terrified, especially with corpses lying on the ground, their faces were bloodless.

"Go! Go!"

There was intense gunfire outside, and Ling Tian had already tried his best to suppress the opponent from rushing forward.

Xiucai hurriedly picked up the automatic rifle in his hand, went to the vent of the room, and after firing a burst to the side, he turned around and shouted at the women.

However, those women were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground, unable to understand the language, they simply didn't understand what Xiucai was shouting by pulling his neck.

During this period of time, they were frightened and could only cover their ears and curl up there. This is the women who have been enslaved, and lost all opportunities to resist.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

As time passed, looking at those women who couldn't escape, Xiucai knew that words were useless.

He took out his pistol and fired a few shots directly at the ground. The bullets exploded around them, which made them stand up instinctively.

The effect was good, and Xiucai fired a few more shots, and the bullets kept forcing them towards the door before they ran away.

The gunshots outside frightened them, but it was better than dying in the house. This instinctive reaction made them run towards the dark land.

The gunshots exploded behind them, and they could only run towards the place where there were no gunshots, and soon disappeared into the vast night. Whether they survived or not would depend on them.

"They're all gone!"

With a strafing shot, the scholar who suppressed the opponent's attack quickly came to Ling Tian's side and reported to him.

"The plot of the hero saving the beauty is not bad, why don't you leave a beautiful woman by your side as a promise!"

Ling Tian leaned against the bunker, the bullets kept splashing the dust, Ling Tian said to Xiucai with a smirk on his face.

"I just can't stand the weak being bullied at will!"

The scholar said to Ling Tian with a serious expression, at that moment just now, if he didn't do something, he might regret it for the rest of his life.

"Surrounded by so many people, it seems that we are the weak ones!"

Bullets kept exploding around him, and the opponent was so numerous that they couldn't move. Ling Tian smiled wryly and sighed.

They can't retreat now, otherwise those women will definitely be caught by the other side.

"Sorry, I was too impulsive!"

The firepower was getting stronger and stronger, Ling Tian and Xiu Cai were tightly surrounded and unable to move.

Xiucai said to Ling Tian with some guilt, he really couldn't bear it just now.

"How can you be my teammate if you are not impulsive, don't worry, if it were me, I would do the same!"

Ling Tian patted Xiucai on the shoulder. Only with the same temperament can we become comrades-in-arms. If they can't agree even at this time, how can they be dependent on each other for life and death.

"If you don't blow up the oil depot, prepare to collect the corpses for us!"

Turning around, Ling Tian yelled into the walkie-talkie with his throat mic, now that they are surrounded, the pressure on the two of them is getting heavier and heavier.

(End of this chapter)

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