Chapter 698 Crisis
As the bullets flew across, although Ling Tian and Xiucai were not affected, the densely packed containers were continuously shattered.

As the container burst, the living dead who had already broken their bodies rushed out one after another.

Now Ling Tian and Xiucai can only use this to describe them who have no hair at all, but their withered bodies seem to have endless strength.

Their eyes are white, they are not like the zombies in the movie, they are more like crazy mummy, under the wrinkled skin, the withered arms are extraordinarily destructive.

A roar was deafening, and after they rushed out, they rushed towards the group of guys who were not afraid of pain who were shooting at the opposite side.

Now in the eyes of Ling Tian and Xiucai, these two are mutated creatures, because they can no longer be called human beings.

Seeing the other party rushing towards them with guns, these frenzied undead rushed forward without fear. As the bullets roared, the ones in front were smashed by the bullets, but the ones behind were still fearless.

Both sides are not afraid of death, so this battle is extremely terrifying when it comes up.

After the group of undead people who jumped out of the container rushed forward, they were like wild beasts and quickly threw themselves down.

Whether it's tearing with hands or biting with teeth, undead people of different heights move extremely fast.

For a time, the two sides fought together in this huge space full of containers.

"Leave them alone!"

Ling Tian hurriedly got up, but fortunately, after these guys came out, they directly rushed towards the pursuers.

Although it helped them resolve the crisis for the time being, if all the pursuers died, the two of them would probably become the targets of their attacks.

So they ran to the back in a hurry, but the space here is huge, with thousands of containers intertwined.

There are also black pipes above the ground, and the pipes are as thick as thighs, criss-crossing and layering.

With the help of the lights above their heads, the two quickly moved forward to find the so-called green pillar.

There was thunderous gunshots behind them, and the two sides were fighting like a deadlock, while Ling Tian and Xiucai on this side had already reached the position that was almost at the end.

"it's here!"

While the two were wandering east and west, suddenly a green pillar attracted Ling Tian's attention.

General waved to the scholar on the right. Although he didn't know if Kleinor had lied to them, he could only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor now.

Along the road she said, I walked for about 20 meters, and I found another door on the wall.

"This door definitely doesn't lead to her side!"

Xiucai was holding a gun, carefully guarding the movement behind him, while Ling Tian stretched out his hand to open the door.

"Leave here first, we will still have a chance!"

Of course Ling Tian knew that even if Kleinor gave them a way out, he wouldn't let them have the opportunity to sabotage his actions.

Reaching out and twisting the handle on the top, Ling Tian suddenly discovered a problem.

"It's over, the handle of this book is rusted to death!"

Within two clicks, the door didn't open, but the valve handle was twisted off by Ling Tian.

Seeing the valve falling out of his hand, Ling Tian cried out inwardly.

This door is supposed to be an emergency door, but it has not been practical for many years, and no one has oiled and maintained it.

In such a humid place, the iron is easy to rust, but now the door is not opened, but the valve is broken.

"Then what to do!"

The container behind him was still shattering, and more and more living dead rushed out to fight with those who were not afraid of death.

Their fight will stop sooner or later, but no matter which side stops, they will lock the two people, and they will be unable to stop them at that time.

"Go to the roof!"

Judging from the number of people, after the hand-to-hand combat, the number of living dead who jumped out of the container was even greater.

Those with guns will be killed soon. After some observation, although these undead are mighty, they don't know how to use guns.

The reason why they attacked these guys who are not afraid of death is because of the sound of their guns.

The eyes have been disabled, their actions should be triggered by sound.

Seeing this, Ling Tian pointed to the high ceiling, on which there were many criss-crossing iron frames connecting the containers.

There were several iron ladders that could be climbed up on the wall, and the two turned over in a hurry and climbed up to the ceiling that was more than ten meters high.

When they came to the ceiling, the two of them lay down on it, looking down.

After a fierce battle, the stumped limbs and broken arms all over the ground were green mucus, without any red.

The crowd with guns was basically suppressed at this time, and more and more undead people in the jars had already rushed out.

Their battle was fierce, but what was even more tragic was the position behind the battle, because among the stumped limbs and broken arms, there were still undead people who were not completely dead trying to climb.

As long as their heads are not blown off, they will not die, whether it is a broken limb or a broken body.

The most frightening thing was that there was still an undead man with only half of his head, half of his body and one arm left, and he was still crawling forward.

Such a belligerent nature really made Ling Tian and Xiucai break out in a cold sweat.

"I'm afraid it's too late for us to retreat now!"

Xiucai looked at the pile of corpses at the door, the eight floors above were not completely dead.

They kept crawling, reminding Xiucai of the legendary hell, I am afraid that hell is nothing more than this.

"Yeah, I'm looking for other ways to retreat. Kleinor said that in half an hour, the base will collapse!"

Ling Tian had no way to retreat, and the road ahead was blocked again, and he said to the scholar with a sad face.

Kleinor may want to destroy the evidence, but that's fine, if these undead monsters are allowed to escape, the world may be in chaos.

"it is good!"

Xiucai agreed, and the two of them immediately split up and took advantage of the iron armor on the roof to start looking for the exit.

After walking around the space that was the size of five football fields, they found a few exit doors, but they were either rusty iron doors or required passwords.

Meeting again, both of them were covered in sweat. Seeing that half of the time had passed, they still couldn't leave.

"I'm afraid it will be really troublesome this time!"

The fighting at the feet had stopped, and the side with the gun was finally torn to pieces.

The remaining undead began to wander aimlessly.

Ling Tian looked at Xiucai, the two of them were trapped underground, and this time it might be harder to escape than climbing to the sky.

The only way out now is the iron gate with corpses piled up like a mountain, but how to break through, the two of them are not half sure.

After all, these undead are powerful, and two people can tear one person apart. Such power has surpassed human beings.

But when Ling Tian had no choice, the satellite phone in his arms suddenly vibrated, which shocked him.

(End of this chapter)

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