female sexual motivation

Chapter 36 Sex is like a panacea

Chapter 36 Sex is like a panacea (3)
In addition to its energy-boosting properties, studies have also found that sperm has a huge impact on a woman's libido.We have said before that low testosterone in the body can lead to female frigidity, and the testosterone contained in sperm can quickly enter the female blood through the vaginal wall.Therefore, sperm can enhance a woman's libido.Using duplex ultrasonography, the researchers found that prostaglandin E1, contained in sperm, causes rapid blood flow to a woman's genitals.In a later study, researchers found that women with sexual arousal disorders who applied a cream containing prostaglandin E1 to the vulva before intercourse greatly enhanced arousal.Replacing the ointment containing prostaglandin E1 with a placebo had no effect.The prostaglandin E1 contained in the sperm will quickly enter the female's blood, thus adding fuel to the fire.

Of course, we will need to conduct a lot of experiments before doctors can prescribe "sperm" as an antidepressant to patients!However, the above research results explain from a physiological point of view why so many interviewed women said that having sex is to "drive away sadness" and "refresh".

"1" is the loneliest number in the world

Sometimes, I just crave the feeling of being under someone.

—Heterosexual female, 20 years old

Loneliness is another cause of depression.Of course, everyone has different personalities. Some are lively and like to deal with people, while others are shy and talkative and don't like to interact with others.But a certain degree of social interaction is necessary or necessary, and people without interpersonal communication tend to feel lonely and lonely.Most heterosexual women will fall into loneliness in their later years, because women generally marry older men, and men have shorter life spans than women, so women often face the danger of being alone in their later years, and generally speaking , the population of older women is larger than that of older men, so it is also difficult for them to find a suitable partner for the rest of their lives.

Many of the women interviewed, regardless of age and sexual orientation, spoke of having sought out a sexual partner to cope with loneliness:
When I'm alone, I like to find someone to talk to and maybe make out with.I really think that all the love relationships in the world are because of the loneliness in people.Intimacy between men and women has only two purposes: communication and pleasure.Because pleasure can be obtained alone, the main purpose of making love is communication.Because of loneliness, so need to communicate.

—Heterosexual female, 27 years old

The torment of loneliness is sometimes unbearable, so some women will make some unwise choices because they are afraid of being alone:

It was so hard to be alone, so I found a boyfriend and had sex with him.I'm such a fool that this relationship, instead of making me feel better, made me feel even more depressed.I have only been in a relationship with him for about a month.At one point we had a serious discussion about our relationship, and before we knew it, we became intimate.He said he wanted to "fuck" because I wanted someone by my side, so I said yes.I regret it now because we don't know each other very well and don't know the direction of our relationship in the future...that's life.

—Heterosexual female, 31 years old

I tried to please my ex-husband in bed thinking it would keep his heart.Our sex life has always been centered on him, to please him.I was too young to know anything, but he couldn't satisfy me because he didn't have any sex skills.He never really loved me.In short, he is a complete selfish ghost.I have never been fulfilled in my married life.I was always centered on him and did everything possible to please him because I was afraid of being alone.

—Heterosexual female, 39 years old

One woman interviewed was so afraid of being alone that she went to extremes:
I have always been a "good girl", and I have always kept myself clean.One day, I suddenly found out that I was infected with herpes by my ex-boyfriend.It was a bolt from the blue.It was the 70s and it was unacceptable for a girl to have herpes.I thought I was not going to be able to have children and was convinced that I would never get a boyfriend again.So, I started frantically looking for a marriage partner, promiscuous everywhere.When I was so devastated, I thought about giving them herpes so that we could be the same.I'm not out for revenge on men, but for fear of being alone.I think if he has the same disease as me, then we can share the same disease, and he will not leave me because he dislikes my disease.

—Heterosexual female, 49 years old

Sometimes, men and women love each other, and they are in perfect harmony.But there are prerequisites for harmonious sex: strong love, mutual caring, a solid emotional foundation or at least a shared future.This is not to say that "one-night stands" can't be passionate, but if it's done to relieve loneliness, then casual sex may be disappointing:

I was very lonely at the time, and I knew he would definitely sleep with me... But the feeling of loneliness disappeared for a moment, and when he left, the feeling of loneliness came back like a mountain.

—Heterosexual female, 24 years old

A woman interviewed pointedly said that she is so lonely that she needs someone to accompany her, but physical contact alone cannot solve the problem:

About a month after I broke up with my boyfriend of three years, I had a one night stand.The mood at that time was very complicated, the excitement of regaining freedom, the desire to seek novelty, the feeling of loneliness, the pain of losing love, and the hope of meeting love were intertwined.Afterwards, I was still alone.There was no feeling of sexual gratification at all, and I felt ashamed and panicked for a while afterwards.Since they were strangers to each other and both were drunk, there was no harmony in bed.The lesson I have learned is: physical contact cannot relieve loneliness, love can bring sex, but sex cannot bring love.

—Heterosexual female, 29 years old

But not every lonely woman sees things in such a negative way. Some women say that a one-night stand has helped them survive one night after another, avoiding various self-destructive behaviors, and greatly enhancing their self-confidence. Heart.

passion and fat burning

My boyfriend and I are trying to lose weight but don't feel like we're getting enough exercise, so we thought about having sex a few times a day, both for fun and to burn calories.It was fun, and we did feel the fat burn.

—Heterosexual female, 25 years old

Having sex can consume about 100 to 250 calories, of course, it depends on the degree of exercise during sex.Sex that involves various ballet movements and even somersaults is obviously more calorie-consuming than "laying down and waiting for orgasm" sex.Also, it depends on whether it's "fast food" sex during the lunch break or passionate sex through the night.According to a survey of 152 Canadian heterosexual couples, for women, it takes 18.3 minutes to make love, including 11.3 minutes of foreplay and 7 minutes of intercourse. (Interestingly, the men in these couples rated foreplay at 13.4 minutes—significantly longer than their girlfriends said.)


life goes on, love goes on

"Sexual exercise" not only burns calories, but like other aerobic exercises, it is good for your health, such as speeding up your metabolism, stretching your muscles, increasing your flexibility, giving your body energy, regulating cholesterol levels, and helping your body, including your brain. Blood circulation can even reduce the incidence of heart disease and prolong life.A 25-year follow-up survey found that sex life can prolong life.But there is an interesting difference between the sexes: For men, the number of sex lives is more important-the more sex they have, the longer they live.For women, the quality of sex life is more important - the more satisfied they are from sex life, the longer their life expectancy.A recent survey of 2500 elderly people in Taiwan found that over the past 14 years, those who had sex at least once a month lived longer than those who had sex less than once a month or had no sex at all.In fact, women over the age of 65 who had sex more than once a week had a much higher survival rate after 14 years than those who had sex occasionally or had no sex at all.A study found that nuns were 20 percent more likely to develop breast cancer than the general population.However, nulliparous women are also 20 percent more likely to develop breast cancer.Therefore, it is not known whether the high incidence of nuns is due to abstinence or childlessness.

Scientists aren't sure why sex increases lifespan.There are many lifestyle factors that affect lifespan (such as diet, exercise, genes, stress, etc.), so no specific explanation can be given.But the sex-extending claim may have something to do with hormones. Regular sex increases testosterone and estrogen in the body, both of which help reduce the risk of heart disease.Premenopausal women are 50% less likely to develop coronary heart disease than men.However, once a woman goes through menopause and her ovary secretes hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone) function declines, her probability of suffering from coronary heart disease will be equal to that of a man.Even young women have an increased risk of coronary heart disease if they have had their oophorectomy due to disease.In contrast, a large number of studies have proved that estrogen supplementation in menopausal women can help reduce the incidence of heart disease.Of course, many women dare not supplement estrogen for fear of breast cancer.Whether supplementing estrogen can really cause breast cancer is still inconclusive in the medical community.Sex life can prompt the body to secrete estrogen itself, so regular sex life can help reduce the incidence of heart disease, and it will not induce breast cancer.

Strengthening needle

Sex life also extends lifespan because moderate sex life (with a healthy partner, of course) helps boost immune function.Therefore, some interviewed women said that they had sex to "keep healthy" or "live longer".Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is an antibody that can block the damage of pathogens to the body after entering the body and make the pathogen lose its pathogenic effect.These antibodies can block diseases such as influenza, and the strength of immune function can be detected through the IgA content in saliva and mucosal surface.Studies have shown that listening to soothing music or teasing pets will increase the IgA content in the human body in a short period of time (20-30 minutes).Love also has a huge impact on the immune function of the human body, which can be good or bad.In general, married couples are less likely to have the disease than single people.But if the love life is not happy, the immune function will be weakened instead.

In order to verify the relationship between sex life and immune function, psychologists Carl Chanetsky and Francis Brennan conducted a survey. They asked 112 college students (mostly women) about their health status in the past month. Sex life status.They also collected saliva samples from all respondents to test for IgA levels.Students who had sex occasionally (less than once a week) had slightly higher levels of IgA in their saliva than those who had no sex at all.The IgA content in the saliva of the students who had regular sex life (1-1 times a week) was 2% higher than that of other students, indicating that their immune function was the strongest.It is possible that the regular sex life makes these people feel relaxed and happy physically and mentally, and the ease and happiness help to increase the IgA content in the body.The increased morphine-like peptides in the body during orgasm also help boost immune function.

One of the most difficult findings to explain was that the students who had frequent sex (more than 3 times a week) had the lowest IgA levels in their saliva, which was lower than that of the abstinent students.This suggests that sex must be moderate if one is to maintain good health.Many studies have shown that the body's moderate secretion of morphine-like peptides can help enhance resistance, but in one study it was found that too much morphine-like peptides in the body can weaken the resistance.

Finally, the women interviewed also mentioned several benefits of sex.In addition to being hypnotic, oxytocin also causes stem cells in the olfactory bulb, the olfactory center of the brain, to generate new neurons.This suggests that sex life helps enhance the sensitivity of the sense of smell.Another benefit of regular sex is improved bladder control, because the muscles that urinate are exercised during sex.For postmenopausal women, regular sex can help prevent vaginal atrophy, which is the result of a decrease in sex hormones.One study found that postmenopausal women who had sex more than three times a month were less likely to experience vaginal atrophy than those who had sex less than 10 times a year.Sex increases testosterone and estrogen in the body. Testosterone helps build strong bones and muscles, while estrogen contributes to healthier vaginal tissue, finer skin, and shiny hair.So, actor Joan Crawford once said: "I need sex to beautify."

It's funny how some lesser-known men's magazines and websites list all sorts of curious reasons why women should have sex.For example, kissing promotes the secretion of saliva, thereby removing the "dirt" between the teeth, and sex will make the nose more unobstructed, so as not to lack oxygen.There may be some basis for these claims, but we don't think women are motivated to have sex after seeing these reasons.Crucially, none of the women interviewed mentioned any of the above reasons.

(End of this chapter)

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