Chapter 288 The So-Called Harassment Is Just a Joke

Soon the three armies converged and the whole team formed a formation.

According to the scouts, the enemy is still far away. This is the advantage of having elite sentry cavalry. They will not be caught off guard when facing the enemy, and they can calmly arrange troops.When Wang Dou was marching, the army spread out twenty or thirty miles forward, backward, left, and right. With such elite sentry cavalry on the side, any enemy surprise attack would become empty talk.

Even if the situation requires it, it is no big deal to release a few hundred miles.There are many precedents in the army. During the Wanli War to Aid North Korea, Liaodong went out of the country without receiving it at night, and went directly to the Datong River to watch the Japanese army fighting against the Korean army.What he saw and heard, he also wrote an extremely detailed information vividly.

It's a pity that there are fewer elite cavalry in the army, and now they have to rely on friendly troops for protection.Wang Dou hoped that after taking down the Zhenghongqi camp in Zhuozhou, he would reap the horses captured by the Qing army and form a cavalry force of at least a few thousand in the future.

The formation of troops requires terrain, and there is no terrain for the brigade to deploy. Not only the infantry, but also the cavalry marching can only be kept in a row of several cavalry.Such a queue, apart from harassment, has no powerful offensive effect.

If you are going to face off against each other, in addition to choosing a terrain suitable for deployment, you also need to spend time forming an array.Sometimes it takes half an hour to an hour to set up the formation, regardless of whether it is on foot or on horseback.

Looking at a radius of dozens of miles, only this area is open, with no rivers, fields, or canals, which is convenient for the two sides to fight.

Xuan Da's army assembled and deployed, from Shunxiang Army to Yang Guozhu and Hu Dawei's battalion, all the sergeants were calm, that was the confidence and courage everyone possessed after the bloody battle.And Qingqi is still far away, even if they come, it will take time to form an formation, and the army may have to wait for a while.

If those Qing soldiers just came to harass... the six thousand cavalry in Xuan Da's army were not vegetarians.

While Xuan Dajun was busy, Qing soldiers from Zhenghongqi also slowly approached from a distance. Seeing that they were gathered together and the formation was scattered, Yang Guozhu watched for a while from his horse and said: "The number of Dongnu sergeants is less than three thousand." , They are not here for a decisive battle."

Guo Yingxian, the Chinese army general next to him, gave a piss: "There are only two thousand people, and you want to delay the progress of our army?"

He clasped his fists to Yang Guozhu and shouted: "Junmen, wait for the last general and a group of people to go immediately, and kill them all."

Yang Guozhu said: "Don't worry, just wait and see what's going on."

Hu Dawei also agrees with Yang Guozhu's opinion, prudence is the first priority.

Gradually the Red Banner Qing soldiers came closer, and their black helmets and red armors could be seen from a distance.They stopped three or four miles in front of Xuan Da's army, and formed a group. After a while, several groups of cavalry rushed towards Xuan Da's camp.

Seeing their arrogance, Guo Yingxian's nose turned out of anger, and he challenged Yang Guozhu again.

Wang Dou had no right to speak in the cavalry battle, and the confrontation between Xu Yue'e's horse bandit soldiers and the Qing soldiers must have been more dangerous. The soldiers dismounted immediately.

Guo Yingxian was elated when he got the order to fight, he shouted: "Haha, five of them beat one of them, that's great!"

He and a general from Hu Dawei's battalion each led 500 men to rush out of the formation, while the Qing soldiers on the opposite side only rushed to five or six teams, two to three hundred cavalry.

Guo Yingxian and Guo Yingxian lead a thousand cavalry, which is extremely superior in terms of military strength.They roared away, at least every three teams surrounded them with one team, two teams outflanked the left and right wings, and one team fought head-on.

Wang Dou, Yang Guozhu, Hu Dawei, and Xu Yue'e gathered together. They rode on horseback and watched from a distance. The cavalry on both sides approached quickly, and soon the two sides collided.

The red flag cavalry on the opposite side is still a team of 50 people, of which 20 wear heavy armor and hold spears, and 30 wear light armor and hold bows and arrows.However, at this time, the teams of the Qing army were light armored soldiers in front and heavy armored soldiers in the rear. After rushing for dozens of steps, the light armored archers fired all arrows.

Yang Guozhu and Hu Dawei's cavalry had a team of 60 men, including twenty archers, twenty hook and sickle gunners, ten gunners, and five firemen with sticks.Like those Qing soldiers, the archers of each team of the soldiers of the Second Battalion also shot arrows together.

There was a burst of arrows coming and going, and both teams raised their left arm shields to resist, but some people from each other fell to the ground.Then they passed each other, fighting with machetes, spears, hooked spears, and palladium clubs.

Cavalry battles are all about quick hands and eyesight, and they are often stabbed off by the opponent in one round.With horsepower, the opponent can be killed without even expending any effort.Even if he didn't die and fell off the horse, he would soon end up being trampled into meat in the chaotic horse gallop.

Really desperately, the soldiers in the main barracks of the two towns' general soldiers will not lose in force to those Qing soldiers. Even if they can't maintain a one-to-one casualty ratio, the casualty ratio will not exceed two to one.Not to mention that the number of Qing soldiers was too small, three groups of Ming troops attacked one group of Qing soldiers, and every two teams appeared from their two wings, which was hard to defend against.

One by one, the Ming army was hacked and stabbed under the horse.In the same way, Qing soldiers were stabbed under the horse by hooks, or stabbed to death by the palladium, and the weapons in their hands were thrown away.Or one after another, heavy sticks are danced by the horse and hit them or the horse hard.

People fell off their horses constantly, and the fights were bloody and fierce, and the screams of soldiers from all sides dying or being injured could be faintly heard.

The two sides fought together, and many people had dismounted to fight.Wang Dou saw Guo Yingxian also jumped off the horse, desperately desperately.He is stout in stature and as strong as an ox, and he is invincible in any direction as he dances vigorously with a pole in his hand.

Ge Fei is the most powerful weapon of the opponent's weapon. When the opponent stabs with his spear, he is forked by Guo Yingxian's three-pointed Ge Palladium. Then he twists it, and the opponent's spear flies into the sky.Then Guo Yingxian struck hard with Palladium, leaving three bloody holes on the opponent's body, which has been tried repeatedly.

In the blink of an eye, Guo Yingxian had killed several Qing soldiers, seeing how brave he was, all the Qing soldiers flinched in front of him.

The Xuan Dajun here looked friendly, and everyone cheered. Hu Dawei beside Yang Guozhu repeatedly praised: "General Guo is so brave, it is admirable. Lao Yang, thousands of troops are easy to get, but one general is hard to find." , you have such a great general under your command, my Xuan army is like a tiger with wings."

Yang Guozhu's face was quite smug, and Xu Yue'e beside him also saluted him: "General Guo is brave, he has raised the morale of my Ming army, my daughter would like to congratulate my adoptive father."

Xu Yue'e's words filled Yang Guozhu with joy, and he laughed out loud.

Wang Dou glanced at Xu Yue'e, this girl was usually silent, but she didn't expect to be so good at talking.He was also amazed at the battlefield situation. This is the charm of cavalry fighting with cold weapons. Every time he watched it, he felt refreshed and happy.

But... Watching the two sides fight, it is still mostly unorganized and undisciplined.The warriors from all sides have excellent cavalry skills and individual combat abilities, but their formations are scattered in battle, and they cannot form any overall power. Individual bravery, especially the bravery of the leader, mostly improves morale.

Wang Dou hopes that in the future his cavalry will be well-organized and disciplined, so that even if the soldiers are not good at cavalry and individual combat, they can still defeat those opponents who are poor in discipline but have excellent cavalry and force.

The French are the least good at riding in Europe, and their cavalry and horses are of average quality.However, Napoleon's cavalry repeatedly defeated the brave Mamluk cavalry because their cavalry had undergone strict and formal training, and they always maintained a strict formation in combat.

This is the overall power formed by organization and discipline. In Ming Dynasty, no one valued discipline more than Wang Dou. The Han people are also good at riding. In his hand, there is a different cavalry.

It's a pity that his cavalry training has not been long, the horse's temperament is not strong, the man and horse have not yet become one with heaven and man, and the cavalry is not ready for the hedge, so take your time.

He also flattered Yang Guozhu a few words: "General Guo is good at riding and fighting. After the war, the general will ask General Guo for advice."

Seeing that Wang Dou, who is good at training soldiers, would ask his subordinates for advice, Yang Guozhu was even more satisfied.


Seeing the two sides fighting fiercely and rushing back and forth, Li Guangheng beside Wang Dou felt his heart itch, and asked Wang Dou to fight again and again, hoping to lead two teams of soldiers to join the battlefield.

Wang Dou smiled and shook his head: "President Li Qian, the slave cavalry can't hold on anymore, they are about to flee, there is no chance, next time."

Surrounded by thousands of Xuanda cavalry, the more than 200 cavalry of the Qing army who went to battle really couldn't support them. In a blink of an eye, they suffered nearly a hundred casualties, and the rest fled to their own army.Occupying the superiority in numbers, Xuan Da's army only suffered dozens of casualties.

Seeing the Ming army chasing after them, those fleeing Zhenghongqi Qing soldiers were even more frightened, and they pulled out their horses and ran fast.Several members of the Ming army beat one of them. This kind of unfair battle made them full of grievances, but they had nowhere to judge.To them, the Ming army suffered only [-]% casualties in this battle, while their casualties were [-]% to [-]%, which was extremely disastrous.

Looking at his own cavalry retreating, Luo Luohong's face was extremely ugly in the Qing army's large formation. Sure enough, as his younger brother said, the Ming army had many cavalry, and the so-called harassment was just a joke.Seeing his own warriors being overtaken by the Ming army and fell to the ground one by one, his heart was pierced like a knife.

Fortunately, there were many Qing soldiers and horses fleeing for their lives, and most of them escaped with their lives.

Beside him, Jialazhangjing of the Baya battalion shouted, "Duo Luo Beizi, do you want to send a few more teams of warriors to intercept and kill those Ming army cavalry?"

Luo Luohong's face became even more ashen, nearly a thousand Ming troops roared towards him, tending to fight him in a big formation.He was most afraid of fighting with these Ming troops, and they sent thousands of cavalry to help in the battle, so the harassment would turn into a melee, and finally into a decisive battle.

The opponent has tens of thousands of people, and he has only 2000 people. At the end of the battle, all the essence of Zhenghongqi may be consumed here, which is what he does not want.

Before leaving, Ama Yin Yin confessed that he must not fight against the Ming army, but to preserve his strength.

Luo Luohong gritted his teeth fiercely, and finally sighed: "They have a lot of cavalry, and there is indeed no way to take advantage of them. Let's go."


Seeing that the Qing soldiers fled, bursts of cheers erupted in the Xuan army, and Yang Guozhu laughed loudly: "Here's an order, Ming Jin withdraws the troops."

He shouted: "After cleaning the battlefield, our army will continue to march. Before you hour, our army will reach the slave camp!"

(End of this chapter)

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